
Degree 'Brings The Heat' As An Official Partner of CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024

Degree 'Brings The Heat' As An Official Partner of CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024

作爲CONMEBOL美洲盃2024美國賽區的官方合作伙伴,Degree 'Brings The Heat'。
PR Newswire ·  06/11 21:00

To mark its first time sponsoring the esteemed tournament, Degree is celebrating the unmatched passion that only the fans and players of CONMEBOL Copa America can bring

爲了紀念其首次贊助備受推崇的賽事,Degree 正在慶祝只有 CONMEBOL Copa America 的球迷和球員才能帶來的無與倫比的熱情 可以帶來的

ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The fans of competing CONMEBOL Copa América nations are often considered the most passionate football/soccer fans in the world. Whether it's dancing from dusk until dawn, chanting at the top of your lungs, or giving it everything you've got until the last minute, it's clear that the passion of CONMEBOL Copa América beats with the passion of its fans.

新澤西州恩格爾伍德懸崖,2024 年 6 月 11 日/美通社—-競爭的 CONMEBOL Copa America 國家的球迷通常被認爲是世界上熱情最高的足球/足球迷之一。不論是從傍晚一直跳舞到黎明,高喊到極限,或者在最後一刻全力以赴,顯然 CONMEBOL Copa America 的熱情與其球迷的熱情相匹配。

Degree 'Bring The Heat' campaign.
Degree 的“帶來熱度”活動。

The 48th edition of CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024 will see 16 teams compete across 14 USA cities from June 20 to July 14. For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of thousands of the most fanatical football/soccer fans from across the Americas will have the chance to assemble in person to bring their passion and heat to stadiums, as they cheer on their national teams – with millions more watching at home – Degree will be there to ensure their national pride knows no limits with their NEW Bring the Heat campaign.

CONMEBOL Copa America USA 2024 第 48 屆將於 6 月 20 日至 7 月 14 日在美國 14 個城市的 16 支球隊之間進行比賽。自新冠疫情以來,數十萬來自美洲各地最狂熱的足球/足球迷將有機會親自聚集在現場,爲他們的國家隊加油助威——還有數百萬人在家觀看——Degree 將在那裏確保他們的國家自豪感沒有任何限制,全新的Bring the Heat 活動。

"Degree is thrilled to be an official partner of CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024, to help fans bring the heat to this year's tournament with the most exciting and exhilarating fan experiences yet, as we officially kick off the road to World Cup 2026," says Unilever Global Brand Vice President, Kath Swallow.

“Degree 很高興成爲 CONMEBOL Copa America USA 2024 的官方合作伙伴,通過最令人興奮和令人 exhilarating 的球迷體驗幫助球迷爲今年的比賽帶來熱度,正式開啓通往2026年世界盃的道路,”聯合利華全球品牌副總裁凱思·斯沃洛(Kath Swallow)表示。

In partnership with USMNT Captain and AC Milan midfielder Christian Pulisic, Degree will fuel fans with the confidence to bring the heat and show their unmatched passion for their national team no matter where they are in the world, through a series of new brand films, in-stadium, online and in-store experiences available throughout the tournament. The action-filled vignettes of the hero film aim to ignite the excitement, passion and national pride of football/soccer fans that will be supporting their national teams throughout the tournament.

Degree 將與美國隊長、AC 米蘭中場克里斯蒂安·普利西奇一起,通過一系列新的品牌電影、體育場內外和線上線下的體驗,爲球迷提供燃料,讓他們在世界任何地方都能展現他們對國家隊獨一無二的熱情。這部英雄電影充滿了行動場面,旨在點燃支持其國家隊的足球/足球迷們的興奮,熱情和民族自豪感。

"I am thrilled to partner with Degree to welcome COPA América to North America this year," said Pulisic. "The brand – like us athletes – understands that the fans generate the excitement and energy that is imperative to keep us all going, and Degree offers the superior sweat and odor protection we all need – on the pitch and in the stands."

“我很高興與 Degree 合作,今年歡迎 COPA América 來到北美,”普利西奇說。“像我們這些運動員一樣,這個品牌明白,球迷們產生的興奮和能量對於我們所有人而言都是至關重要的,Degree 提供的出色的汗水和氣味防護是我們所有人在球場和看臺上所需要的。

The NEW Bring the Heat films will air throughout the tournament – capturing the excitement among the fans and superior benefits that Degree antiperspirants provide to fuel their experiences. Additionally, the brand is offering a limited-time sweepstakes online here for a chance to attend one of the biggest games of the tournament and for fans to showcase their unmatched fandom for their team. Degree, along with fellow Unilever brands AXE and Dove Men+Care, is inviting fans at the games in Atlanta, New York, Houston and Miami to its onsite activation, La Casa Fresh, the ultimate destination for fans to get amped up for the match in an interactive space that brings the spirit of soccer to life.

新的 Bring the Heat 影片將在整個比賽期間播出,捕捉球迷之間的興奮和 Degree 除臭劑爲他們提供的卓越優勢。此外,該品牌在亞特蘭大、紐約、休斯頓和邁阿密的比賽中與其他聯合利華品牌 AXE 和 Dove Men+Care 一起邀請球迷參加現場活動,在 La Casa Fresh 熱情之家提供終極目的地參加互動空間,讓足球精神煥發生機。La Casa Fresh球迷可以在這裏獲取比賽亢奮氛圍的終極體驗,將足球精神展現生動。

Learn more about the Bring the Heat campaign and Degree's 72HR protection here and follow along on social media with #BringTheHeat.

了解更多關於 Bring the Heat 活動和 Degree 72 小時防護的信息,請點擊此處,並在社交媒體上關注 #BringTheHeat。

Media Inquiries:
Degree: [email protected]

Degree:[email protected]

About Unilever in North America
Unilever is one of the world's leading suppliers of Beauty & Wellbeing, Personal Care, Home Care, Nutrition and Ice Cream products, with sales in over 190 countries and products used by 3.4 billion people every day. We have 127,000 employees and generated sales of €59.6 billion in 2023.


Our leading brands in North America include Dove, Hellmann's, Vaseline, Degree, Axe, TRESemmé, Knorr, Magnum, Ben & Jerry's, Nutrafol, Liquid I.V., Paula's Choice, and Dermalogica.

我們在北美的領先品牌包括多芬(Dove),赫爾莫(Hellmann's),凡士林(Vaseline), Degree,威猛先生(TRESemmé),諾爾(Knorr),馬格南(Magnum),貝·安德·傑利曼(Ben & Jerry's),Nutrafol,Liquid I.V.,寶拉精選(Paula's Choice)和德瑪珂(Dermalogica)等。

For more information on Unilever U.S. and its brands visit:


For more information on Unilever Canada and its brands visit:


CONMEBOL Copa America USA 2024
The CONMEBOL Copa America 2024 will be played in the United States and includes 10 CONMEBOL teams and 6 guest teams from Concacaf. In this edition, this traditional tournament will be organized by both confederations.

CONMEBOL Copa America USA 2024
2024 年 CONMEBOL Copa America 將在美國舉行,包括 10 支 CONMEBOL 球隊和 6 支 Concacaf 客隊。在這一屆比賽中,這項傳統賽事將由兩個聯盟共同組織。

All 6 Concacaf teams qualify through the 2023/24 Concacaf Nations League. The teams representing North, Central America and the Caribbean are the United States, Panama, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada and Costa Rica.


In its 48th edition of one of the most important competitions on the continent, this will be the second time in the tournaments history that it will host 16 teams – having hosted the same number of teams in its 2016 edition, also held in the United States.


Taking the field will be 10 South American FIFA World Cup title holders and the biggest stars in world football to play 32 matches in this edition of the tournament in June and July 2024.


Rocking the Continent
The CONMEBOL Copa America has an incredible power, it can make everything move, it makes emotions vibrate and hearts soar.


It makes the flags fly, the nets shake, the stands, and the stadiums tremble. Its history makes the entire continent proud, and our football beats with a united force.


This competition has the power to bring out the best version of what we are: football, history, joy, and passion.


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