
Authenticx Accelerates AI Innovation in First Half of 2024

Authenticx Accelerates AI Innovation in First Half of 2024

PR Newswire ·  06/11 20:03

Healthcare conversational AI leader adds leadership and expanded product capabilities, integrations to bring immersive insights to healthcare organizations


INDIANAPOLIS, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Authenticx, the new standard in healthcare for listening at scale, builds on its 2023 growth with accelerated AI innovation. One of the first AI companies to build proprietary models specifically for healthcare, Authenticx remains focused on revolutionizing the industry through cutting-edge technology. Since January, Authenticx has expanded leadership, launched transformative new product capabilities and partnerships, and received notable industry recognition.

2024年6月11日,印第安納波利斯 /美通社/ -- Authenticx,醫療行業領先的大規模監聽標準板,建立在其創業板及其加速的人工智能創新基礎上。作爲首批專門爲醫療行業構建專有模型的人工智能公司之一,Authenticx一直專注於通過前沿技術革新行業。自1月份以來,Authenticx拓展了其領導層,推出了變革性的新產品功能和合作夥伴關係,並獲得了值得注意的行業認可。

After being named one of the nation's fastest-growing private companies, the Techpoint Mira Awards recognized Authenticx as the 2024 Tech Company of the Year for its continuous growth and proprietary AI technology. The company's well-established AI platform enables healthcare organizations to tap into the richest source of customer feedback - conversation data - to identify emerging trends, uncover key takeaways and recommend improvements to contact center agent performance.

在被命名爲全國增長最快的私營公司之一後,成爲2024年的科技公司年度大獎的得主,因其持續的增長和專有的人工智能技術而備受矚目。該公司經過了充分驗證的人工智能平台,讓醫療機構能夠開發客戶反饋的最豐富的資源——對話數據——以識別新興趨勢,發現重要信息並推薦改進聯繫中心代理性能的方法。“通過將對話人工智能的力量與我們的醫療專業知識相結合,我們正在幫助組織真正理解並捕捉到客戶的聲音,以對其組織進行有意義的改變,”Authenticx的創始人兼首席執行官Amy Brown表示。“圍繞人工智能的熱情只會隨着業務領袖將其應用於改進其組織和操作效率而加速。隨着我們繼續增加Authenticx的人工智能能力,我們仍然深深扎根於其目的:幫助在醫療行業實現大規模的變革。”

"By combining the power of conversational AI with our healthcare-specific expertise, we're helping organizations genuinely understand and capture the voice of their customers to make meaningful changes to their organization," said Amy Brown, founder and CEO of Authenticx. "The hype around AI is only accelerating as business leaders apply the technology to improve their organizations and operational efficiency. As we continue to grow Authenticx's AI capabilities, we're still deeply rooted in its purpose: to help prompt change at scale in the healthcare industry."

爲了進一步發展這個勢頭,新的高管人員Brook Winings(首席幕僚),Erika Sylvester(總法律顧問),

To build on this momentum, new executives Brook Winings (Chief of Staff), Erika Sylvester (General Counsel), Todd Pedersen (Chief Strategy Officer), and Sam Estes (promoted from SVP of Sales to Chief Revenue Officer) joined respected board addition Don Brown to help guide Authenticx's vision for innovation and growth.

Todd Pedersen(首席技術官)布魯克·溫寧斯(首席幕僚)埃裏卡·席爾維斯特(總法律顧問)託德·佩德森(首席策略官)和Sam Estes(晉升爲首席營收官的SVP of Sales)加入了備受尊重的董事會。Sam Estes(從銷售高級副總裁晉升爲首席營收官)加入了備受尊重的董事會。董事會補充Don Brown的加入將幫助Authenticx引領創新和增長的願景。

Since January, Authenticx has introduced transformative new capabilities developed to revolutionize the power of conversation data in healthcare by:


  • Evolving GenAI Capabilities: Utilize conversation data to instantly identify emerging trends, automate conversation summaries and key takeaways, review agent performance and provide AI-generated insights.
  • Leveraging Healthcare-Specific AI: Reduce time to insights with a pre-built library of classifiers that can organize recorded conversations by words, terms and phrases that matter most in healthcare.
  • Developing Safety Event Detection Solutions: Detect adverse events, product quality complaints, and special product conditions and identify if they are appropriately acknowledged using proprietary AI to reduce organizational risk of non-compliance.
  • Strengthening Integrations: Partner with leading CCaaS providers to improve metadata availability and streamline implementation.
  • 發展GenAI能力:利用會話數據即時識別新興趨勢、自動化對話摘要和關鍵要點、審查代理業績並提供人工智能生成的見解。利用醫療保健特定的人工智能:通過預構建的分類器庫,減少了識別關鍵詞、術語和短語所需的時間。
  • 開發安全事件檢測解決方案:使用專有的人工智能,檢測不良事件、產品質量投訴和特殊產品狀況,並確定是否得到適當的確認,以降低組織面臨的不合規風險。加強集成:與領先的CCaaS供應商合作,改善元數據可用性並簡化實施。
  • Authenticx的第四版《醫療保健客戶聲音報告》顯示,有21%的醫療保健消費者在其客戶旅程中遇到不必要的障礙。人工智能創新對於醫療保健組織優化運營、提供積極的客戶體驗以改善業務成果並在複雜的行業內保持競爭力至關重要。Authenticx對人工智能創新的承諾使醫療保健領導者可以更高效地利用現有數據來源理解和服務於他們的客戶和員工。有關Authenticx如何幫助醫療保健組織提供沉浸式和智能化見解的更多信息,請訪問。
  • 關於Authenticx與領先的CCaaS提供商合作,提高元數據可用性,簡化實施過程。

The fourth edition of Authenticx's Customer Voices in Healthcare Report revealed 21% of healthcare consumers experience unnecessary friction in their customer journey. AI innovation is essential for healthcare organizations to optimize operations and provide positive customer experiences to improve business outcomes and remain competitive inside a complex industry. Authenticx's commitment to AI innovation empowers healthcare leaders to understand and serve their customers and employees by using an existing data source in a more efficient way.

Authenticx的第四版 《醫療保健客戶聲音報告》的第四版Authenticx的創新承諾賦予醫療保健領導者使用更高效的方法利用現有數據來源,以理解和服務於他們的客戶和員工。

For more information on how Authenticx helps healthcare organizations surface immersive and intelligent insights, please visit


About Authenticx
Authenticx is the new standard for listening at scale with artificial intelligence. The platform brings conversational intelligence to healthcare by analyzing millions of customer interactions (like voice, chat, or emails) to surface immersive and intelligent insights. Authenticx was founded to aggregate, analyze and activate customer interaction data to surface transformational opportunities in healthcare. Using existing data that's likely being stored and ignored in your organization, Authenticx reveals hidden barriers, motivators, and strategies so healthcare organizations can make confident, data-backed decisions. In 2023, Authenticx was ranked No. 349 on the Inc. 5000 and recognized as one of America's and Indiana's fastest-growing private companies.

AuthenticxAuthenticx是採用人工智能技術實現大規模聽取的新標準。該平台通過分析數百萬客戶互動(如語音、聊天或電子郵件),爲醫療保健行業提供對話式智能分析和見解。Authenticx的創立旨在整合、分析和激活客戶互動數據,以揭示醫療保健行業的變革機會。利用您組織中可能正在存儲和忽略的現有數據,Authenticx揭示了隱藏的障礙、推動因素和策略,以便醫療保健機構可以做出自信、數據支持的決策。2023年,Authenticx在《Inc. 5000》上排名第349位,被認爲是美國和印第安納州增長最快的私人企業之一。

Media Contact:
BLASTmedia on behalf of Authenticx
Tori Klimczak
[email protected]
317.806.1900 ext. 179

代表Authenticx的BLASTmedia公司 聯繫人:Tori Klimczak 電話:317.806.1900分機號179 信息來源:Authenticx
Tori Klimczak
[email protected]

SOURCE Authenticx


