
Executive Home Care's National Conference Celebrates Top Franchise Achievements, Cross-Brand Synergy

Executive Home Care's National Conference Celebrates Top Franchise Achievements, Cross-Brand Synergy

PR Newswire ·  06/10 21:15

DALLAS, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Executive Home Care, a leading provider of home healthcare services and member of Evive Brands, hosted its 2024 National Conference from June 4 to June 7 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas. This year's conference, themed "Lone Star Summit; Aligning Stars for Ultimate Success," not only highlighted service excellence, but also promoted cross-brand collaboration among franchisees from Assisted Living Locators and Grasons.

2024年6月10日,德克薩斯州達拉斯市,服務業領先企業Executive Home Care與Evive Brands旗下成員,於費爾蒙特酒店舉行了爲期4天的2024年全國大會。本次大會主題爲“獨星峯會;合作共贏”,不僅突出了服務卓越,同時也推廣了特許經營者之間的跨品牌合作,其中包括Assisted Living Locators和Grasons。

The conference featured a keynote address by Steve Gutzler, a renowned expert in emotional intelligence and leadership, who provided valuable insights into personal and professional development. Attendees benefited from a range of interactive sessions and workshops aimed at enhancing service delivery and operational efficiency in home healthcare.

大會特邀情商與領導力專家Steve Gutzler作主題演講,他提供了有價值的個人及職業發展見解。與會者受益於多個互動會議和工作坊,旨在提高家庭保健服務的交付和運營效率。

A highlight of this year's conference was the Evive Brands Cross-Brand Meet & Greet. This event offered a unique opportunity for franchisees from Executive Home Care, Assisted Living Locators, and Grasons, especially those in overlapping territories, to connect and form lasting partnerships that boost their business potential.

本屆大會的亮點是Evive Brands跨品牌會晤活動。本次活動提供了一個獨特的機會,讓Executive Home Care、Assisted Living Locators和Grasons等特許經營者,特別是那些在重疊領地的特許經營者聯繫並形成持久的合作伙伴關係,以提高其業務潛力。

In a celebration of exceptional performance, the conference honored franchisees who have notably excelled in the past year. The prestigious Silver Club Awards were presented to franchises in Bergen County, NJ; Richmond, VA; and Fort Myers, FL for achieving sales between $500,000 and $999,999. The Gold Club Awards recognized franchises in Stratford, CT; Toms River, NJ; and Freehold, NJ for reaching sales between $1 million and $2.4 million. The highest honor, the Platinum Club Award, was given to Southern Ocean, NJ for sales between $2.5 million and $3.5 million.

慶祝卓越表現的同時,大會還表彰了在過去一年中表現傑出的特許經營者。其中,白銀俱樂部獎項授予在新澤西州伯根縣、弗吉尼亞州里士滿和佛羅里達州邁爾斯堡等地銷售額在50萬美元至99.99萬美元之間的特許經營者。金俱樂部獎項則授予在康涅狄格州斯特拉福、新澤西州湯姆斯利弗和富爾霍爾德等地銷售額在100萬美元至240萬美元之間的特許經營者。最高榮譽鉑金俱樂部獎則授予在新澤西州南部銷售額在250萬至350萬美元之間的特許經營者。Executive Home Care銀牌會員獎項授予在新澤西州伯根縣、弗吉尼亞州里士滿和佛羅里達州邁爾斯堡等地銷售額在50萬美元至99.99萬美元之間的特許經營者。Executive Home Care金牌會員獎項授予在康涅狄格州斯特拉福、新澤西州湯姆斯利弗和富爾霍爾德等地銷售額在100萬美元至240萬美元之間的特許經營者。Executive Home Care鉑金俱樂部獎項授予美國南方公司銷售額在250萬至350萬美元之間的特許經營者。

Rima Chaudhari, Director of Operations for Executive Home Care, remarked about the event's success, "It's truly heartwarming to see our franchisees come together like family. Our summit wasn't just about strategic alignments; it was about forging personal connections that form the bedrock of our success across all brands."

Executive Home Care運營總監瑞瑪·喬德哈里(Rima Chaudhari)談到了本次大會的成功:“看到我們的特許經營者像家人一樣聚在一起,真的很令人感動。我們的峯會不僅僅是戰略上的對齊,更是建立個人聯繫的基礎,遍及所有品牌的成功支撐。”

Ryan Parsons, CEO of Evive Brands, added, "Witnessing our franchisees collaborate and support each other is inspiring. They are not just business owners; they are leaders who care deeply about their communities. Their willingness to help one another captures the spirit of Executive Home Care and Evive Brands."

Evive Brands首席執行官萊恩·帕森斯(Ryan Parsons)補充道:“看到我們的特許經營者合作互助真是鼓舞人心。他們不僅是企業家,更是深愛自己社區的領導者。他們互相幫助的意願體現了Executive Home Care和Evive Brands的精神。”

Executive Home Care continues to set the standard in the home healthcare industry, providing expert guidance and compassionate care to seniors and families. For information about Executive Home Care franchise opportunities, visit: .

Executive Home Care將繼續在家庭保健行業樹立標杆,爲老年人和家庭提供專業指導和懷有同情心的照顧。有關Executive Home Care特許經營機會的信息,請訪問:。

Media Contact: Rhonda Grundemann, 602-739-8810, [email protected]

媒體聯繫人:Rhonda Grundemann,602-739-8810, [email protected]

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