
WorldView Announces Referral AI, the Most Accurate Referral Classification Platform to Increase Home Health and Hospice Revenue

WorldView Announces Referral AI, the Most Accurate Referral Classification Platform to Increase Home Health and Hospice Revenue

PR Newswire ·  06/10 20:45

OMAHA, Neb., June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- WorldView, a leading provider of integrated healthcare technology to the top home health and hospice EHR/EMR platforms, today announced the upcoming launch of Referral AI, an enhancement to automate intake referrals using a custom AI/ML model built specific for the healthcare industry.

2024年6月10日美國內布拉斯加州奧馬哈(PRNewswire)——WorldView是頂尖家庭保健和臨終關懷EHR/EMR平台的綜合醫療保健技術領先供應商,今天宣佈即將推出Referral AI,這是一種增強功能,利用爲醫療保健行業構建的定製AI/ML模型自動處理轉介入口。

Referral AI uses AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) to scan and analyze dense referral document packets in seconds, detecting false positives and negatives, using custom rules to send confirmed referrals to the EHR/EMR system.

Referral AI使用AI/ML(人工智能/機器學習)在幾秒鐘內掃描和分析密集的轉介文件包,檢測錯誤的正面和負面,使用定製規則將確認的轉介發送到EHR/EMR系統。

In a recent survey by WorldView, confidence in a referral being acted upon quickly was a top-ranking factor for 85 percent of referring partners. WorldView's Referral AI was designed to help agencies win more business and eliminate manual workflows related to the overload of documents in their inbox.

根據WorldView最近的一項調查,在轉介被快速處理的信心方面,85%的轉介合作伙伴認爲這是最重要的因素。WorldView的Referral AI旨在幫助機構贏得更多業務並消除與收件箱中文檔過載相關的手動工作流程。

Home health and hospice agencies receive many forms of electronic documents in their inbox, including referrals for new patient service. Referrals must be acted on quickly, but with documents being dozens of pages, they often sit unread or, worse, are missed or overlooked. Over time, the referral can become invalid, resulting in lost revenue for the agency and posing a risk of delayed service for patients.


Referral AI is a custom AI/ML model built specifically for the home-based care industry and trained on 22+ years of data, outperforming off-the-shelf AI/ML models for similar tasks in speed and accuracy.

Referral AI是專爲家庭護理行業打造的定製AI/ML模型,在22多年的數據上進行訓練,優於現成的AI/ML模型,在速度和準確性上的相似任務中表現突出。

Referral AI benefits home health and hospice agencies through cutting-edge features:

Referral AI通過先進的功能使家庭保健和臨終關懷機構受益:

  • Precision Sensitivity Settings: Customizable sensitivity settings for detecting false positives and negatives, ensuring the highest level of accuracy tailored to specific needs.
  • Continuous Learning Feedback Loop (CLFL): Users can tag and provide feedback on any document errors, enabling the AI system to learn and improve continuously on an agency's unique data set, enhancing accuracy and reliability over time. Given referral packets vary widely in format and by referrer, the system leverages both WorldView's 22+ years of data and the agency data for maximum learning potential.
  • Expert In-House AI Team: WorldView's dedicated AI team is at the forefront of innovation, constantly developing new use cases to integrate AI into workflows.
  • Lightning-Fast Processing Speed: Referral AI scans and analyzes the pages of referral/intake documents in seconds across 120+ variables, accelerating the intake process and saving valuable time.
  • Custom Document Classification Model: WorldView's model is pre-trained and fine-tuned based on a unique dataset built from tens of thousands of referral documents, delivering exceptional performance and accuracy in document classification.
  • Effortless Integration: Integrated into the EHR/EMR system, there is no change in workflow for existing WorldView customers. Referral AI will require minimal additional training and can be implemented within 24 hours. All documents are stored in one centralized location for easy access and management.
  • 精確靈敏度設置爲檢測錯誤的正面和負面制定可定製的靈敏度設置,確保最高水平的準確性,以適應特定需求。
  • 持續學習反饋環路(CLFL)用戶可以標記和提供有關任何文件錯誤的反饋,使AI系統能夠在機構的獨特數據集上持續學習和改進,提高準確性和可靠性。鑑於轉介文件在格式和轉介人之間差異很大,因此係統利用了WorldView 22多年的數據和機構數據,具有最大的學習潛力。
  • 專家內部AI團隊WorldView的專業AI團隊在創新的前沿,不斷開發將AI整合到工作流程中的新用例。
  • 閃電般的處理速度Referral AI在120多個變量中快速掃描和分析轉介/入口文檔的頁面,加速入網過程,節省寶貴的時間。
  • 定製文檔分類模型WorldView的模型是根據數以萬計的轉介文檔構建的獨特數據集進行預先訓練和微調,提供卓越的文檔分類性能和準確性。
  • 無縫集成集成到EHR/EMR系統中,現有的WorldView客戶工作流程沒有變化。Referral AI將需要最少的額外培訓,並可在24小時內實現。所有文件均存儲在一個集中的位置,以便於訪問和管理。

Why Referral AI matters:

爲什麼Referral AI很重要?

"When we started developing our Referral AI technology, we saw first-hand how other solutions released features that inevitably created more downstream issues," said Jared Robey, SVP at WorldView. "We leveraged our extensive dataset to build and train our AI/ML model, ensuring that referrals are identified accurately and routed to an intake team for prioritization. This investment allows WorldView to continue pushing automation limits to enhance user experience and increase financial success."

“當我們開始開發我們的Referral AI技術時,我們親眼目睹其他解決方案發布的功能迅速產生了更多的下游問題,”WorldView的高級副總裁Jared Robey說道。“我們利用了我們的廣泛數據集來構建和訓練我們的AI/ML模型,以確保準確識別轉介並將其路由到一個入口團隊進行優先處理。這種投資使WorldView能夠繼續推動自動化極限,以提高用戶體驗和增加財務的成功。”

WorldView's Referral AI prioritizes rapid patient care and reduces the burden on back-office staff. By drastically cutting down the time needed for the intake process, Referral AI enables care coordination to begin almost immediately. The solution provides an organized and insightful overview of the referral packet, ensuring clinicians have quick access to the patient's clinical history, reasons for care, and critical findings. This clarity allows admitting clinicians to focus on delivering high-quality care without sifting through extensive documentation.

WorldView 的轉診人工智能優先處理迅速的病人護理並減輕後勤人員的負擔。通過極大地縮短攝入流程所需的時間,Referral AI 使得護理協調幾乎可以立即開始。該解決方案提供了一個有組織且富有見地的轉診包概覽,確保臨床醫生快速獲取到病人的臨床史、護理原因和重要發現。這種清晰度使得接收臨床醫生能夠專注於提供高質量的護理,而不必篩選廣泛的文檔。

To learn more about Referral AI, visit

了解更多關於 Referral AI 的信息,請訪問。

About WorldView
WorldView provides innovative healthcare technology solutions that enhance efficiency and improve patient care. Our comprehensive suite of products is designed to meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers, empowering them to achieve better outcomes and deliver exceptional patient care. For more information, please visit or follow WorldView on LinkedIn.

關於 WorldView
WorldView 提供創新的醫療保健科技解決方案,提高效率並改善病人護理。我們全面的產品套件旨在滿足醫療保健提供者不斷變化的需求,賦予他們實現更好結果並提供卓越的病人護理的能力。有關更多信息,請訪問 或關注 LinkedIn 上的 WorldView。

SOURCE WorldView

來源 WorldView

