
Taylor Morrison and Banner MD Anderson Welcome Home First Residents to Community Built for Cancer Center Patients

Taylor Morrison and Banner MD Anderson Welcome Home First Residents to Community Built for Cancer Center Patients

泰勒莫里森和Banner MD Anderson歡迎第一批社區癌症中心患者回家
PR Newswire ·  06/08 00:03

The community will house 80 patients each year as they receive treatment for cancer


GILBERT, Ariz., June 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Taylor Morrison, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Banner Health Foundation began moving the very first patients into a new community of homes that will house patients and their care partners while they undergo treatment at Banner MD Anderson in Gilbert, Ariz. Built and donated by Taylor Morrison, the homes are within walking distance of the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, eliminating the financial burden of travel and hotel stays for approximately 80 patients and their families each year so they can focus on recovery in a comfortable environment.

2024年6月7日,亞利桑那州吉爾伯特/GILBERT - 今天,Taylor Morrison、Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center和Banner Health Foundation開始將第一批病人搬入新社區中的房屋,這些房屋將爲大約80名患者及其照護夥伴提供住宿治療,他們將在Arizona州吉爾伯特的Banner MD Anderson接受治療。 這些房屋是由Taylor Morrison建造和捐贈的,步行即可到達Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center,這消除了旅行和住宿成本,使患者及其家屬能夠在舒適的環境中更好地恢復健康。

"As a homebuilder, there's no greater gift we could give than to build a community of homes that will eliminate undue stressors like hotel costs alongside rent or mortgage payments, and allow patients to simply heal," said Taylor Morrison Chairman and CEO Sheryl Palmer. "It was deeply important to us that what we were building was a true community—a place for patients to share experiences and support one another. It will be something quite unique and we hope incredibly healing."

"作爲一家房屋建築公司,我們能做的最好的禮物就是建造一組房屋社區,以消除不必要的壓力,例如旅館費用,同時又允許患者只需專注於康復治療," Taylor Morrison主席兼首席執行官說。 "對我們而言,重要的是建造一個真正的社區,一個患者分享經驗並互相支持的地方。它將是非常獨特的,我們希望它能夠極大地促進康復。"Sheryl Palmer房屋的設計借鑑了Taylor Morrison的租賃品牌Yardly,擁有1000平方英尺的設施齊全的房屋,包括兩間臥室、兩間浴室、廚房、洗衣房、聚會室和私人後院。隨着未來幾年對患者需求的確定,社區內還有可用的空間進行更多發展。

While many patients can afford a short hotel stay, few are prepared to pay for long-term lodging, especially those whose treatment protocol requires weeks to months of daily therapy or close post-surgical monitoring. For many, affording a place to stay during treatment can mean the difference between receiving care or not. That spurred the creation of Banner MD Anderson's Home Away from Home program, which covers the cost of local stays at partner hotels for qualifying patients.

儘管許多患者可以負擔短期住宿,但很少有人準備支付長期住宿費用,特別是那些需要每天進行數週甚至數月治療或進行手術後密切監測的患者。對於許多患者而言,如果能夠負擔住宿治療成本與否可能意味着他們是否能夠獲得治療。這促使Banner MD Anderson的Home Away from Home項目的創建。Home Away from Home項目旨在支持治療週期超過30天並且缺乏本地住房的癌症患者。這種患者包括需要在30分鐘內赴醫療機構進行幹細胞移植的患者以及需要進行數週或數月每日治療的血液癌症患者。該項目目前爲所有需要距離他們的護理團隊更近的地方居住的患者提供幫助。如果沒有這種幫助,一個患者平均要花費5500美元的住宿費用 - 即使旅館合作伙伴提供了折扣率。項目旨在支持治療週期超過30天並且缺乏本地住房的癌症患者。這種患者包括需要在30分鐘內赴醫療機構進行幹細胞移植的患者以及需要進行數週或數月每日治療的血液癌症患者。該項目目前爲所有需要距離他們的護理團隊更近的地方居住的患者提供幫助。如果沒有這種幫助,一個患者平均要花費5500美元的住宿費用 - 即使旅館合作伙伴提供了折扣率。

Patients who have the longest length of stay will be prioritized to stay in the new homes, while others will receive lodging support through the ongoing hotel program.


The design of the homes draws upon Taylor Morrison's build-to-rent brand Yardly, featuring 1,000-square-foot fully furnished homes, complete with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, gathering room and private backyards. Additional space is available within the community for future development, depending on patient demand in the coming years.

房屋的設計借鑑了Taylor Morrison的租賃品牌Yardly,擁有1000平方英尺的設施齊全的房屋,包括兩間臥室、兩間浴室、廚房、洗衣房、聚會室和私人後院。隨着未來幾年對患者需求的確定,社區內還有可用的空間進行更多發展。

"Despite advancements in cancer technology, true healing occurs at home," said Dr. Matthew Callister, senior physician executive for Banner MD Anderson Cancer Centers. "These homes provide comfort, safety and hope for vulnerable patients on their cancer journey, serving as a sanctuary away from their home communities."

"儘管癌症技術取得了進步,真正的治癒仍然在家中進行," Banner MD Anderson Cancer Centers高級醫師執行官Matthew Callister博士說。 "這些房屋爲癌症旅途上的易感患者提供了舒適、安全和希望,爲其提供了一個遠離家鄉社區的庇護所。"馬修·卡利斯特是Banner MD Anderson Cancer Centers的高級醫師執行官。

The Home Away from Home program began to support cancer patients whose treatment protocol spans 30 or more days and who lack local housing. This patient population includes those undergoing a stem-cell transplant who need to be within 30 minutes of the facility to qualify for their transplant and for post-operative monitoring, and blood cancer patients who receive daily treatment for weeks or months. The program now assists qualifying patients with all types of cancer, where proximity to their care team is vitally important. Without this assistance, a patient can spend, on average, $5,500 in hotel stays—even with discounted rates offered by hotel partners.

這個Home Away from Home項目旨在支持治療週期超過30天並且缺乏本地住房的癌症患者。這種患者包括需要在30分鐘內赴醫療機構進行幹細胞移植的患者以及需要進行數週或數月每日治療的血液癌症患者。該項目目前爲所有需要距離他們的護理團隊更近的地方居住的患者提供幫助。如果沒有這種幫助,一個患者平均要花費5500美元的住宿費用 - 即使旅館合作伙伴提供了折扣率。Home Away from Home

Today's grand opening allowed local dignitaries, donors and stakeholders to tour the homes and hear from two of the first patients who moved in as they continue their treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. With Taylor Morrison's relationship with The Home Edit and Clea Shearer's personal and public cancer journey, it was a natural fit to have the celebrity organizers involved in making these houses feel like homes. Founders Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin surprised the patients by moving them into their new homes while organizing their belongings.

的成立與Taylor Morrison與The Home Edit的關係有關,他們是名人組織者,但同時該關係也讓這些難民的房子變得更加溫馨。The Home Edit和頁面。Clea Shearer的個人和公共癌症旅程使他們成爲參與者,幫助這些患者搬入新房屋並組織行李。因爲個人和公共的癌症旅程,有名的組織者參與讓這些房子感覺像家。創始人Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin給受患者驚喜,同時整理他們的物品,搬入新家。

For a press kit, including photos and video from the event, click here.


About Taylor Morrison
Headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Taylor Morrison is one of the nation's leading homebuilders and developers. We serve a wide array of consumers from coast to coast, including first-time, move-up, luxury and resort lifestyle homebuyers and renters under our family of brands—including Taylor Morrison, Esplanade, Darling Homes Collection by Taylor Morrison and Yardly. From 2016-2024, Taylor Morrison has been recognized as America's Most Trusted Builder by Lifestory Research. Our strong commitment to sustainability, our communities and our team is highlighted in our latest annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. For more information about Taylor Morrison, please visit .

關於泰勒·莫里森(Taylor Morrison)
總部位於亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的泰勒·莫里森是全美領先的房屋建築商和開發商之一。我們服務於遍佈全國的各種消費者,包括首次購房者、升級購房者、豪華和度假生活方式購房者以及租房者,其中包括泰勒·莫里森、Esplanade、泰勒·莫里森(Darling Homes Collection)和Yardly等品牌。從2016年-2024年,泰勒·莫里森被譽爲美國最值得信賴的建築商之一,落實了我們對可持續性、社區和團隊的強烈承諾,體現在我們最新的年度環境、社會和治理(ESG)報告中。了解更多關於泰勒·莫里森的信息,請訪問。Banner Health Foundation簡介 Banner Health Foundation成立於2001年,與社區互動並管理慈善捐贈,以推進Banner Health(旨在使醫療保健更便捷,從而讓生活更美好的非營利機構)的使命。捐款在本地投資,支持由Banner的許多醫院和醫療設施在亞利桑那州和懷俄明州運營的病人護理項目和服務。了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Banner Health Foundation
Established in 2001, the Banner Health Foundation engages the community and stewards charitable gifts to advance Banner Health's nonprofit mission of making health care easier so life can be better. Contributions are invested locally to support patient care programs and services operated by Banner's many hospitals and health care facilities in Arizona and Wyoming. For more information, please visit .

Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center簡介 Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center通過Banner Health與MD Anderson Cancer Center合作爲患者提供癌症護理。Banner MD Anderson在醫學、放射和手術治療管理方面提供專業的疾病特異性知識,以及基於證據的多學科患者護理方法,提供臨床試驗和新的調查性治療,爲所有類型的癌症的診斷、分期和治療提供最先進的技術;在支持性護理服務中提供腫瘤學專業知識。了解更多信息,請訪問。
Taylor Morrison簡介 總部位於斯科茨代爾,亞利桑那州的泰勒莫里森是美國領先的房屋建築商和開發商之一。我們服務於各種消費者,包括首次購房者、升級型購房者、豪華和度假生活方式購房者以及租房者,旗下擁有多個品牌,包括泰勒莫里森、Esplanade、Darling Homes Collection by Taylor Morrison和Yardly。從2016年到2024年,泰勒莫里森一直被評爲美國最值得信賴的建築商之一。我們致力於可持續性、社區和團隊,這體現在我們最新的年度環境、社會和治理(ESG)報告中。欲了解更多關於泰勒莫里森的信息,請訪問。

About Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center delivers cancer care to patients through the partnership of Banner Health and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Banner MD Anderson offers focused disease-specific expertise in the medical, radiation and surgical management of the cancer patient; an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to patient care; access to clinical trials and new investigative therapies; state-of-the-art technology for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of all types of cancer; oncology expertise in supportive care services. For more information, visit .

Banner Health Foundation簡介 Banner Health Foundation成立於2001年,與社區互動並管理慈善捐贈,以推進Banner Health(旨在使醫療保健更便捷,從而讓生活更美好的非營利機構)的使命。捐款在本地投資,支持由Banner的許多醫院和醫療設施在亞利桑那州和懷俄明州運營的病人護理項目和服務。了解更多信息,請訪問。
Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center簡介 Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center通過Banner Health與MD Anderson Cancer Center合作爲患者提供癌症護理。Banner MD Anderson在醫學、放射和手術治療管理方面提供專業的疾病特異性知識,以及基於證據的多學科患者護理方法,提供臨床試驗和新的調查性治療,爲所有類型的癌症的診斷、分期和治療提供最先進的技術;在支持性護理服務中提供腫瘤學專業知識。了解更多信息,請訪問。

About The Home Edit
The Home Edit was founded in 2015 by Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin with the goal of reinventing traditional organizing and merging it with design. Since then, it has grown into a global media and organization company with a social following of over 9 million people and organizing teams in 7 cities across the country. The Home Edit has become a household name with three New York Times' bestselling books, an Emmy-nominated Netflix show, "Get Organized with the Home Edit," and a successful line of organizational products sold in stores in over 31 countries. In 2022, Hello Sunshine, a division of Candle Media, acquired The Home Edit.

The Home Edit簡介 The Home Edit成立於2015年,由Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin創立,旨在重塑傳統組織方式並將其與設計相結合。此後,它已成爲一個全球化的媒體和組織公司,擁有超過900萬的社交媒體關注者和位於全美7個城市的組織團隊。The Home Edit已成爲一個家喻戶曉的名字,擁有三本《紐約時報》暢銷書、一部獲得艾美獎提名的Netflix節目“與Home Edit一起組織”以及在31個國家的商店銷售的成功組織產品線。2022年,Candle Media的Hello Sunshine部門收購了The Home Edit。
關於The Home Edit The Home Edit成立於2015年,由Clea Shearer和Joanna Teplin創立,旨在重塑傳統組織方式並將其與設計相結合。此後,它已成爲一個全球化的媒體和組織公司,擁有超過900萬的社交媒體關注者和位於全美7個城市的組織團隊。The Home Edit已成爲一個家喻戶曉的名字,擁有三本《紐約時報》暢銷書、一部獲得艾美獎提名的Netflix節目“與Home Edit一起組織”以及在31個國家的商店銷售的成功組織產品線。

Tara Shultz
(480) 466-3339
[email protected]

Tara Shultz (480) 466-3339
(480) 466-3339
[email protected]

SOURCE Taylor Morrison


