
National Grid Renewables Expands ERCOT Portfolio, Begins Operations at Copperhead Solar and Storage Project

National Grid Renewables Expands ERCOT Portfolio, Begins Operations at Copperhead Solar and Storage Project

PR Newswire ·  06/07 02:15

150 MW solar and 100 MWh storage project located in Falls County, Texas.


MINNEAPOLIS, June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, National Grid Renewables announced the start of commercial operation at its Copperhead Solar and Storage Project (Copperhead) located in Falls County, Texas, further expanding the company's clean energy economic benefits across the Lonestar State.

明尼阿波利斯,2024年6月6日 / PRNewswire / - 今天,National Grid Renewables 宣佈其位於德克薩斯州福爾斯縣的 Copperhead 太陽能儲能項目 (Copperhead) 開始商業運營,進一步擴大了該公司在 Lone Star 州的清潔能源經濟收益。

Watch the construction timelapse for Copperhead Solar & Storage, located in Falls County, TX, to learn more about National Grid Renewables initiatives to create a greener future and what it takes to develop the land our project resides.
觀看位於德克薩斯州福爾斯縣的Copperhead Solar & Storage施工時間表,了解National Grid Renewables 創造更加環保的未來所採取的舉措,以及開發項目所需的一切。
The Copperhead Solar & Storage site in Falls Conty, Texas.
Copperhead Solar & Storage位於德克薩斯州福爾斯縣。

Located in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) market, Copperhead is a 150-megawatt (MW) solar and 100-megawatt hour (MWh) storage project that celebrated its groundbreaking in the fall of 2022. Copperhead is anticipated to contribute $25 million in direct economic impact, including $12 million in new tax revenue over the first 25 years of operation. Additionally, and unique to National Grid Renewables, the project will also contribute $600,000 through the Copperhead Community Fund to three volunteer fire departments and a youth athletic organization in Falls County, Texas.

Copperhead位於德克薩斯州電力可靠性委員會 (ERCOT) 市場,是一個150兆瓦 (MW) 的太陽能和100兆瓦時 (MWh) 的儲能項目,於2022年秋季舉行了奠基儀式。 Copperhead 預計將在首個營業年限內爲當地創造2500萬美元的直接經濟影響,包括1200萬美元的新稅收。此外,與National Grid Renewables獨有的是,該項目還將通過Copperhead社區基金爲德克薩斯州福爾斯縣的三個志願消防部門和一個青年體育組織捐贈60萬美元。

"We continue to grow our renewable energy portfolio within the state of Texas and persist in our dedication to contributing positively to the economic well-being of the communities in which we operate," said Blake Nixon, President of National Grid Renewables. "Copperhead signifies this commitment, and we look forward to continuing to be good neighbors and partners with the Lonestar state and its residents."

"我們繼續在德克薩斯州擴大我們的可再生能源投資組合,並堅定我們對所在社區經濟福祉的積極貢獻承諾," National Grid Renewables 的總裁 Blake Nixon 表示。" Copperhead代表了這一承諾,我們期待繼續成爲Lone Star州及其居民的好鄰居和合作夥伴。"

"Falls County is grateful for all the support from National Grid Renewables, which has provided an invaluable resource to our community through the Copperhead Charitable Fund," said Jay T. Elliott, Falls County Judge. "The county is now able to provide additional services and personnel that would not be possible without the Copperhead Solar & Storage project."

"福爾斯縣非常感謝National Grid Renewables提供的所有支持,這是通過Copperhead慈善基金爲我們社區提供無價的資源,"Jay T. Elliott當選法官感慨道。"有了Copperhead Solar & Storage項目,該縣現在可以提供更多的服務和人員,併產生正面的影響和變化,這是之前不可能實現的。"

In addition to the significant economic benefits that Copperhead will contribute to the state, there are significant environmental benefits as well. Using the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator, the project is estimated to offset carbon dioxide emissions by 250,000 metric tons annually. This is equivalent to removing 55,000 cars from the road for one year.

除了可爲該州帶來重大經濟效益外,Copperhead還可以帶來重大環保效益。按照美國環保署 (EPA) 的溫室氣體當量計算器,估計該項目每年可以減少250,000公噸二氧化碳排放量,相當於一年內從路上移除55,000輛汽車。

About National Grid Renewables
National Grid Renewables develops, owns and operates large-scale renewable energy assets across the United States, including solar, wind, and energy storage. As a farmer-friendly and community-focused business, National Grid Renewables repowers America's electricity grid by reigniting local economies and reinvesting in a sustainable, clean energy future. National Grid Renewables supports National Grid's vision of being at the heart of a clean, fair, and affordable energy future for all. To learn more about National Grid Renewables, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn.

National Grid Renewables開發、擁有並運營美國境內大規模的可再生能源資產,包括太陽能、風能和儲能。作爲一家農民友善和社區關注的企業,National Grid Renewables通過重新點燃當地經濟和可再生、清潔能源未來的再投資,推動美國的電力網絡進入一個可持續的清潔能源未來。National Grid Renewables支持National Grid 的願景,即成爲爲所有人營造清潔、公平和可負擔得起的能源未來的核心所在。要了解有關National Grid Renewables的更多信息,請訪問此處或關注該公司的LinkedIn。
National Grid Renewables開發、擁有並運營美國境內大規模的可再生能源資產,包括太陽能、風能和儲能。作爲一家農民友善和社區關注的企業,National Grid Renewables通過重新點燃當地經濟和可再生、清潔能源未來的再投資,推動美國的電力網絡進入一個可持續的清潔能源未來。National Grid Renewables支持National Grid 的願景,即成爲爲所有人營造清潔、公平和可負擔得起的能源未來的核心所在。要了解有關National Grid Renewables的更多信息,請訪問此處或關注該公司的LinkedIn。


National Grid Renewables

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National Grid Renewables

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SOURCE National Grid Renewables

來源:National Grid Renewables

