
Sun Life U.S. Expands Partnership With Goodpath to Offer Virtual Whole-person Care Supporting Mental and Physical Health

Sun Life U.S. Expands Partnership With Goodpath to Offer Virtual Whole-person Care Supporting Mental and Physical Health

Sun Life美國擴展與Goodpath的合作伙伴關係,提供虛擬全人護理,支持精神和身體健康。
Sun Life Financial Inc ·  06/05 12:00

WELLESLEY, Mass., June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sun Life U.S. has expanded its partnership with Goodpath to offer employer clients virtual whole-person care, a new employee benefit that provides care for physical conditions and mental health, including unlimited therapy sessions. Sun Life disability clients can proactively support their employees' mental and physical health, helping to reduce the need for absences or extended leave. As access to care issues persist around the country, Sun Life continues to expand its portfolio of health services, including mental health, to help people get the care and coverage they need.

Sun Life U.S.已經與Goodpath擴展了合作伙伴關係,爲僱主客戶提供虛擬全人護理,這是一項新的員工福利,爲身體狀況和心理健康提供護理,包括無限療程會話。Sun Life殘疾客戶可以積極支持他們的員工的心理和身體健康,幫助減少缺勤或延長請假的需要。隨着全國各地的醫療保健問題持續存在,Sun Life繼續擴大其健康服務組合,包括心理健康,以幫助人們獲得他們所需的護理和保險。

"It is clear that employers who are focused on health and productivity consider both physical and mental health, and we offer programs to support those strategies," said David Healy, president, Group Benefits, Sun Life U.S. "We are pleased to continue our work with Goodpath, who have already been providing meaningful services to our members on disability for musculoskeletal or long COVID-19 conditions."

“明顯,專注於健康和生產力的僱主考慮身心健康,我們提供支持這些策略的計劃”,Sun Life U.S.的團體福利總裁David Healy說。“我們很高興繼續與Goodpath合作,他們已經爲我們的殘疾成員提供了有意義的服務,這些成員出現了肌肉骨骼系統或長期COVID-19病情。”

Goodpath's whole-person care services cover mental health, musculoskeletal conditions, digestive issues, sleep concerns and cancer survivorship. All members receive mental health support, no matter the primary condition. Sun Life members using Goodpath's services have access to:

Goodpath的全人護理服務涵蓋心理健康、肌肉骨骼疾病、消化問題、睡眠問題和癌症康復。所有成員都將接受心理健康支持,不管主要狀況是什麼。使用Goodpath服務的Sun Life成員可以獲得:

  • Unlimited talk therapy sessions – Members can access virtual sessions with a licensed mental health therapist.
  • Customized care – Members receive a personal health assessment, which is used to create a tailored health care plan designed for their unique needs.
  • Health coaching – Members are paired with a dedicated health coach with a master's degree in a clinical specialty.
  • Access from anywhere – The Goodpath app provides exercise therapy, mind-body interventions, behavioral health programs, learning modules, and more health and wellness offerings.
  • Custom Care Kits – Each month, participating employees receive physical items they need delivered to their homes, such as devices, supplements, or therapy tools.
  • 無限的談話治療會話-成員可以與持牌心理健康治療師進行虛擬會話。
  • 定製護理-成員接受個人健康評估,用於創建爲其特定需求量身定製的醫療護理計劃。
  • 健康教練-成員將與擁有臨床專業碩士學位的專門健康教練配對。
  • 無處不在的訪問- Goodpath應用程序提供運動治療、身心療法、行爲健康項目、學習模塊和更多健康和健康服務。
  • 定製護理包-每個月,參與的員工將收到他們需要的物理項目,如設備、補充劑或治療工具。

"The more we learn about holistic, or whole-person care, the more we see the value in this model of employee health benefits," said Dr. Tracy Hamill, M.D. assistant vice president and medical director, Group Claims and Clinical Services, Sun Life U.S. "Prioritizing whole-person care – and recognizing that it includes mental health – means our members receive support for a variety of health conditions, and will be able to proactively address mental health issues to maintain stronger mental wellness at work and at home."

“我們對全人護理模式學到的越多,就越看到這種員工健康福利模式的價值,”Sun Life U.S.團體理賠和臨床服務助理副總裁兼醫學總監Dr. Tracy Hamill,M.D.表示。“優先考慮全人護理-並認識到其包括心理健康-意味着我們的成員將得到各種各樣健康狀況的支持,並且能夠積極應對心理健康問題,以保持較強的工作和家庭心理健康。”

"We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Sun Life and their clients, providing care that helps people improve their health and avoid more serious conditions," said Bill Gianoukos, CEO, Goodpath. "Whole-person care is proven to drive improved physical and mental health outcomes, which will foster a healthier workforce and can help drive down the cost of care."

Goodpath的首席執行官Bill Gianoukos表示:“我們很高興擴大與Sun Life及其客戶的合作關係,提供有助於人們改善健康和避免更嚴重疾病的護理。”整體護理已被證明可以推動改善身體和心理健康結果,這將促進更健康的勞動力,並有助於降低醫療保健成本。

Sun Life and Goodpath announced their initial partnership last year to offer virtual whole-person care to members receiving disability benefits for musculoskeletal conditions of the back or neck, or long COVID. Early results from the program showed that after three months, participants experienced significant reductions in pain severity, anxiety and depression.

Sun Life和Goodpath於去年開始合作,向肌肉骨骼系統或長期COVID困擾的成員提供虛擬的全人護理。宣佈計劃的早期結果顯示,在三個月後,參與者的疼痛嚴重程度、焦慮和抑鬱症狀顯着減輕。

Goodpath's whole-person care offering is now available to Sun Life clients. Visit to learn more.

Goodpath的全人護理服務現已向Sun Life的客戶開放訪問。請訪問。了解更多。

About Sun Life
Sun Life is a leading international financial services organization providing asset management, wealth, insurance and health solutions to individual and institutional Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. As of March 31, 2024, Sun Life had total assets under management of C$1.47 trillion. For more information, please visit

Sun Life是一家領先的國際金融服務組織,爲個人和機構客戶提供資產管理、財富、保險和健康解決方案。Sun Life在許多全球市場都有業務,包括加拿大、美國、英國、愛爾蘭、香港、菲律賓、日本、印度尼西亞、印度、中國、澳大利亞、新加坡、越南、馬來西亞和百慕大。截至2024年3月31日,Sun Life管理的總資產規模爲1.47萬億美元。欲了解更多信息,請訪問
Sun Life是一家領先的國際金融服務組織,爲個人和機構客戶提供資產管理、財富、保險和健康解決方案。Sun Life在多個全球市場擁有業務,包括加拿大、美國、英國、愛爾蘭、香港、菲律賓、日本、印度尼西亞、印度、中國、澳大利亞、新加坡、越南、馬來西亞和百慕大。截至2024年3月31日,Sun Life的總資產管理規模爲1.47萬億加元。欲了解更多信息,請訪問訪問

Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto (TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges under the ticker symbol SLF.

Sun Life U.S.是最大的僱員和政府福利提供商之一,幫助超過5000萬美國人獲得他們所需的醫療保健和保障。通過僱主、行業合作伙伴和政府計劃,Sun Life U.S.提供一系列福利和服務,包括牙科、視力、殘障、缺勤管理、人壽保險、補充健康、醫療停賠保險和醫療保健導航等。Sun Life在美國擁有超過8500名員工,包括合作伙伴牙科診所和資產管理附屬公司的職員。除紐約外,團體保險單由Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada(位於Wellesley Hills,麻塞諸塞州)簽發,而在紐約則由Sun Life and Health Insurance Company(U.S.)(Lansing,密歇根州)簽發。欲了解更多信息請訪問我們的

Sun Life U.S. is one of the largest providers of employee and government benefits, helping more than 50 million Americans access the healthcare and coverage they need. Through employers, industry partners and government programs, Sun Life U.S. offers a portfolio of benefits and services, including dental, vision, disability, absence management, life, supplemental health, medical stop-loss insurance, and healthcare navigation. Sun Life employs nearly 8,300 people in the U.S., including associates in our partner dental practices and affiliated companies in asset management. Group insurance policies are issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, Mass.), except in New York, where policies are issued by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, Mich.). For more information visit our website and newsroom.

Sun Life U.S.是美國最大的僱主和政府福利提供商之一,幫助超過5000萬美國人獲得所需的醫療保健和保險。通過僱主、行業合作伙伴和政府計劃,Sun Life U.S.提供一系列福利和服務,包括牙科、視覺、殘疾、缺勤管理、人壽保險、補充健康、醫療停損保險和醫療導航。Sun Life在美國僱用近8300人,包括合作伙伴牙科診所的員工和資產管理公司的關聯公司。團體保險政策由加拿大Sun Life Assurance Company(韋爾斯利山,馬薩諸塞州)發行,紐約州則由Sun Life and Health Insurance Company(美國)(密歇根州蘭辛市)發行。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站和頁面。要了解更多關於我們的信息,請訪問我們的新聞室。.

About Goodpath
Goodpath is a virtual clinic for chronic health conditions. Goodpath provides virtual, whole-person care for back and joint pain, mental health, cancer survivorship, digestive health, and sleep health. Each member's program is completely personalized and brings together medical disciplines. Guided by a dedicated health coach, members improve symptoms (like back pain) and contributing factors (like stress, sleep, and diet). With Goodpath, 90% of members improve overall health - including mental and physical health symptoms - and reduce cost of care through proactive, whole-person care. For more information, visit Goodpath's website.


Media Contact:
Devon Fernald
Sun Life U.S.


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SOURCE Sun Life U.S.

來源:Sun Life U.S.

