
Ynvisible and CondAlign Partner to Enhance E-Paper Integration Into Smart Applications

Ynvisible and CondAlign Partner to Enhance E-Paper Integration Into Smart Applications

newsfile ·  06/05 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 5, 2024) - Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (TSXV: YNV) (FSE: 1XNA) (OTCQB: YNVYF) (the "Company" or "Ynvisible"), a leading provider of printed low-power e-paper display products, is pleased to announce that it closed a new commercial agreement with Norwegian material technology company CondAlign AS ("CondAlign"). Through this collaboration, Ynvisible will use CondAlign's proprietary E-Align anisotropic, conductive film to connect its displays to a wide range of electronic devices, unlocking new markets and applications.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(新聞稿公司—2024年6月5日)--Ynvisible Interactive Inc.(TSXV:YNV)(FSE:1XNA)(OTCQB:YNVYF) (以下簡稱公司或Ynvisible),是一家領先的印刷低功率電子紙顯示產品供應商,很高興宣佈與挪威材料技術公司CondAlign AS(以下簡稱CondAlign)達成一項新的商業協議。通過此次合作,Ynvisible將使用CondAlign的專有E-Align各向異性、導電薄膜將顯示屏連接到各種電子設備上,爲其開拓新的市場和應用。E-Align各向異性、導電薄膜

E-Align anisotropic, conductive film


Key highlights:


  • Flexible and Thin Solutions: Traditional connectors used to connect electronic components, are often too rigid and bulky for small, flexible, thin products like labels and cards;

  • Enhanced Integration: CondAlign develops and commercializes a proprietary film that works as a flexible tape and can be used to seamlessly connect e-paper displays with other electronic components in mass production processes;

  • Expanding Market Potential: This partnership enables Ynvisible to address the high-growth markets of smart cards and smart labels, opening up significant business opportunities.

  • 傳統的連接器用於連接電子元器件,常常對於標籤和卡等小型、柔性、薄型產品過於嚴格和笨重;增強集成:CondAlign開發和商業化一種作爲柔性帶的專有薄膜,可用於無縫地將電子紙顯示屏與其它電子元件在批量生產過程中連接起來;

  • 擴大市場潛力:該合作伙伴關係使Ynvisible能夠開拓智能卡和智能標籤等高增長市場,從而開啓重大的商業機遇。爲了創建新產品,Ynvisible的印刷電子紙顯示屏需要連接到其他電​子組件和系統。傳統的元件連接器體積龐大、剛性,不能將Ynvisible的薄薄的、柔軟​的顯示屏集成到如智能卡或標籤之類的產品中。爲了解決這個難題,Ynvisible正在尋找替代方案。

  • 通過克服傳統連接器的限制,Ynvisible能夠開發高度靈活和薄型的以電子紙爲基礎的解決方案,量身打造適用於新興市場,例如智能卡和標籤。使用E-Align作爲粘結解決方案將使Ynvisible能夠加速若干開發倡議的實施,例如Ynvisible在2023年第四季度公佈的倡議。這一戰略舉措不僅擴大了Ynvisible的市場觸及範圍,而且鞏固了其作爲可持續的低功耗顯示解決方案領袖的地位。CondAlign是一家專門從事電氣和熱各向異性導電材料開發和製造的挪威科技公司。CondAlign的E-Align膜是一種柔性和可持續的連接解決方案,可增強電子元器件的集成。由於它可作爲一個雙面膠帶粘貼到電子紙顯示屏一側和控制電子一側,因此它既創造了機械連接,也創造了電氣連接。此外,像Ynvisible一樣,CondAlign還使用卷對卷製造技術進行批量生產。與Ynvisible的生產方法保持一致,可以確保更快、更具成本效益和環保的製造流程。

Ynvisible's printed e-paper displays need to be connected to other electronic components and systems to create new products. Traditional component connectors are bulky and rigid, therefore not allowing Ynvisible's thin and flexible displays to be integrated into products such as smart cards or labels. To solve this challenge, Ynvisible was on the lookout for an alternative.

“與Ynvisible的夥伴關係體現了在成本效果和環保柔性電子產品開發和製造中,我們的E-Align膜作爲一種啓動性組件的重要性。” - Harald Wahl Breivik, CondAlign首席執行官

By overcoming the limitations of traditional connectors, Ynvisible can develop highly flexible and thin e-paper-based solutions tailored for emerging markets, such as smart cards and labels. Using E-Align as a bonding solution will allow Ynvisible to accelerate several development initiatives, such as the ones Ynvisible communicated in Q4 2023 (). This strategic move not only broadens Ynvisible's market reach but also reinforces its position as a leader in sustainable, low-power display solutions.


CondAlign is a Norwegian technology company specializing in the development and manufacturing of electric and thermal anisotropic conductive materials. The E-Align film from CondAlign, a flexible and sustainable connecting solution, enhances electronic component integration. Since it works as a double-sided tape that can be taped to an e-paper display on one side and the control electronics on the other, it creates both a mechanical and electrical connection. In addition, as Ynvisible, CondAlign also uses roll-to-roll manufacturing techniques for mass production. This alignment with Ynvisible's production methods ensures a faster, more cost-effective, and environmentally friendly manufacturing and assembly process.


"The partnership with Ynvisible demonstrates the importance of having our E-Align film as an enabling component in the development and manufacturing of cost efficient and environmentally friendly flexible electronic products."

“與Ynvisible的合作伙伴關係體現了我們的E-Align膜作爲啓動性組件在成本高效和環保的柔性電子產品開發和製造中的重要性。” - Harald Wahl Breivik,CondAlign首席執行官

- Harald Wahl Breivik, CEO CondAlign


Seamless integration of E-Align with Ynvisible displays

E-Align 與 Ynvisible 顯示屏的無縫集成

Ynvisible is already integrating the E-Align film into a new digital signage module, aiming to make E-Align the standard bonding method across its product range. This innovation will not only speed up production but also reduce costs, making the final products thinner, more flexible, and more sustainable.


"Extending our collaboration with CondAlign to include new sustainable solutions and expanded business opportunities is a significant step forward for both companies."


- Milton Fernandes, Enterprise Project Manager

- Milton Fernandes企業項目經理

About CondAlign


CondAlign AS is a Norwegian technology company and part of Nordic Technology Group (NTG). CondAlign AS is developing and supplying conductive films for connecting electronics and transferring heat. CondAlign's products address existing and new markets within electronics and e-mobility. CondAlign's patented technology enables development of new break-through consumer products as well as industrial applications, providing improved performance, sustainability and cost savings. CondAlign is based in Oslo, Norway with a global customer footprint. Additional information on CondAlign is available at .

CondAlign AS是挪威科技公司Nordic Technology Group(NTG)的一部分。CondAlign AS正在開發和供應導電膜以連接電子和傳熱。CondAlign的產品涵蓋電子和電動出行的現有市場和新興市場。CondAlign的專利技術可以開發新的突破性消費品以及工業應用,提供更好的性能、可持續性和成本節約。CondAlign總部位於挪威奧斯陸,客戶遍及全球。有關CondAlign的更多信息,請訪問網站。

About Ynvisible


Ynvisible is disrupting the low-cost and ultra-low-power display industry thanks to the latest advantages in sustainable electronics and roll-to-roll printing production. Ynvisible's printed e-paper displays are ideal for low-power and cost-sensitive applications, such as digital signage, smart monitoring labels, authenticity and security, and retail labels and signage. Ynvisible has the experience, know-how, and intellectual property in electrochromic materials, inks, and systems and offers a mix of services, materials, and technology to brand owners developing smart objects and IoT products. Additional information on Ynvisible is available at .

由於可持續電子和卷對卷印刷生產的最新優勢,Ynvisible正在擾亂低成本和超低功耗顯示行業。 Ynvisible的印刷電子紙顯示屏非常適合低功率和成本敏感的應用,例如數字標牌、智能監控標籤、真僞安全、零售標籤和標牌。 Ynvisible擁有電致色變材料、油墨和系統方面的經驗、專業技術和知識產權,併爲開發智能物品和物聯網產品的品牌所有者提供各種服務、材料和技術。有關Ynvisible的更多信息,請訪問網站。

Upcoming Ynvisible Webinar


Join Ynvisible's investor-focused webinar on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 4:00 pm (CET) / 10:00 am (EST). CEO Ramin Heydarpour and the executive team will highlight progress in product development, customer acquisition, and market strategy. Investors will gain insights into technical and commercial achievements, future prospects, and strategic initiatives. Register here.

於2024年6月26日星期三下午4:00(歐洲中部時間)/上午10:00(美國東部時間)加入Ynvisible的投資者專注網絡研討會。首席執行官Ramin Heydarpour和執行團隊將重點介紹產品開發、客戶獲取和市場策略的進展。投資者將獲得技術和商業成就、未來前景以及戰略舉措的見解。在此註冊.



Ramin Heydarpour
CEO and Executive Chairman
Ynvisible Interactive Inc.

Ramin Heydarpour
Ynvisible Interactive Inc.

For further information, please contact:


Investor Relations
+1 778-683-4324

+1 778-683-4324

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This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking" statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Ynvisible Interactive Inc. believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Ynvisible Interactive Inc. management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Ynvisible Interactive Inc. undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

此新聞發佈包含某些可能被認爲是“前瞻性”聲明的聲明。前瞻性聲明是指不是歷史事實的聲明,通常但並非總是通過諸如“預計”、“計劃”、“預測”、“相信”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“潛力”等表達方式進行識別,即此類語言或表義。 Ynvisible Interactive Inc.認爲,此類前瞻性聲明的期望是基於合理的假設,但這些聲明不是未來績效的保證,實際結果可能與前瞻性聲明中的結果不同。前瞻性聲明是基於Ynvisible Interactive Inc.管理層於聲明日所持信仰、估計和意見。除法律法規規定外,Ynvisible Interactive Inc.沒有義務在管理層的信仰、估計或意見或其他因素髮生改變時更新此類前瞻性聲明。

