
Bitrue Ventures Report: AI X Blockchain -- Pioneering the Next Moonshot

Bitrue Ventures Report: AI X Blockchain -- Pioneering the Next Moonshot

Bitrue Ventures報告:人工智能X blockchain——開創下一波大發展
PR Newswire ·  06/05 17:01

VICTORIA, Seychelles, June 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Following their debut earlier last week, the newly launched investment wing of Bitrue, Bitrue Ventures, has released its first in-house report on emerging market opportunities within the blockchain space. The full report, "AI and Crypto: A Powerful Convergence Shaping the Future of the Internet", has been made available for all to view here.

塞舌爾維多利亞,2024年6月5日/ PRNewswire/--在上週首次亮相後,Bitrue的新投資部門Bitrue Ventures發佈了他們在區塊鏈領域新興市場機會的首份內部報告。全文報告“AI和加密:構建互爲強弓之鳥的強大結合塑造未來互聯網”已經公開發布供大家查看。這裏.

This 12-page report identifies several untapped synergies that the AI and blockchain industries have available to them to help both grow and details the expected verticals that can benefit from these collaborations and the companies that are already working to make them a reality. Pulling from a variety of primary sources and data analysis, it concludes that "AI x Crypto" is likely to be one of the significant narratives in the upcoming crypto bull run.

這份12頁報告識別出了人工智能和區塊鏈行業可以通過合作獲得的多個未被開發的協同效應,並詳細介紹了這些合作的預期垂直領域以及已經在努力使之成爲現實的公司。報告利用多種主要來源和數據分析,得出“AI x Cryptocurrency”可能是即將到來的加密貨幣牛市的重要趨勢之一。

"AI has made a huge splash in the media within the past year, drawing public attention back to emerging technologies and how they will reshape our world, particularly in efficiency and transparency," said Iris Chu, Director of Ventures and Partnerships. "This new report, the first of many that will be coming from Bitrue Ventures, helps everybody working in the cryptocurrency space understand how this attention will help blockchain grow, and how investors can leverage this information to create more potent, forward-thinking investment portfolios."

“在過去一年中,AI在媒體上產生了巨大的轟動,在效率和透明度方面吸引了公衆的注意力,”創始人兼合作伙伴董事Iris Chu表示:“這份新報告是Bitrue Ventures將發佈的衆多報告中的首份,它有助於加密貨幣領域的每個人了解這種關注將如何幫助區塊鏈增長,以及投資者如何利用這些信息創建更具潛力和前瞻性的投資組合。”

Bitrue Ventures is a newly launched division of the Bitrue exchange focused on identifying young crypto startups worthy of investment. They can provide these companies with a range of services to help them bring products to fruition, including investment capital, marketing expertise, industry networking opportunities, and more. In turn, Bitrue can ensure that it is always able to position itself at the forefront of market trends, and can provide its users with high-potential token investment opportunities before any other exchange.

Bitrue Ventures是Bitrue交易所新推出的一個部門,專注於尋找值得投資的年輕加密貨幣初創公司。他們可以爲這些公司提供一系列服務,幫助他們將產品實現化,包括投資金融、營銷專業知識、行業網絡等。反過來,Bitrue能夠確保始終處於市場趨勢的前沿,並在任何其他交易所之前爲其用戶提供高潛力的代幣投資機會。

Any parties interested in working directly with Bitrue Ventures to grow their business are welcome to contact the team directly at [email protected].

任何有興趣直接與Bitrue Ventures合作發展業務的人士都可以通過直接聯繫團隊來與他們取得聯繫:[email protected].

About Bitrue


Launched in July 2018, Bitrue is a diversified digital asset exchange that supports trading, loans, and investments. Bitrue aims to utilize blockchain technology to bring financial opportunities to everybody regardless of their location or financial position. It has offices in Asia and Europe and continues to develop new features at a rapid speed to fully service the new wave of the digital economy. More information is available at Bitrue's website.


About Bitrue Ventures

Bitrue Ventures簡介

Launched in Q2 2024, Bitrue Ventures is the investment and research division of Bitrue with a mission of identifying and incubating cutting-edge technology in the cryptocurrency space. It is staffed by industry experts with an average of 12 years of experience in the technology sector and 4 years working in blockchain technology. Through detailed analysis and industry partnerships, Bitrue Ventures will be able to bring high-potential tokens to users of the Bitrue exchange before anywhere else.

Bitrue Ventures是Bitrue的投資和研究部門,其使命是識別和孵化加密貨幣領域尖端技術。 它由擁有平均12年技術領域經驗和4年區塊鏈技術工作經驗的行業專家組成。 通過詳細的分析和行業合作,Bitrue Ventures將能夠在任何其他地方之前將高潛力代幣帶給Bitrue交易所的用戶。


資料來源: Bitrue

