
Kaneka Nutrients Raises Awareness of the Promising Role of Ubiquinol in Supporting Healthy Aging

Kaneka Nutrients Raises Awareness of the Promising Role of Ubiquinol in Supporting Healthy Aging

Kaneka Nutrients 提高泛醌醇對支持健康老化所扮演的有前途角色的認識
PR Newswire ·  06/04 19:00

PASADENA, Texas, June 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kaneka Nutrients is showcasing the effectiveness of Kaneka Ubiquinol in supporting healthy aging in all adult life stages as part of their new Healthy Aging awareness campaign. As a leading supplement manufacturer, Kaneka is proudly emphasizing the crucial role of Ubiquinol, the active, antioxidant form of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), in healthy aging formulations. Kaneka Nutrients was pleased to introduce its entry into the healthy aging category by showcasing the science behind Ubiquinol to the nutritional supplements industry at Expo West in Anaheim, CA in March 2024. The team also shared Ubiquinol's exciting benefits for adult life stages with a smaller group at SupplySide East, held in April in Secaucus, NJ. In October 2024, during the SupplySide West tradeshow in Las Vegas, the Kaneka Nutrients team will host a lunchtime symposium to share insights about Kaneka Ubiquinol for healthy aging.

作爲領先的保健品製造商,Kaneka Nutrients在其新的健康老齡化意識活動中展示了Kaneka Ubiquinol在支持所有成年人健康老齡化的有效性。Kaneka自豪地強調了Ubiquinol在健康老化配方中的關鍵作用,這是輔酶Q10(CoQ10)的活性抗氧化形式。Kaneka Nutrients很高興在2024年3月於加利福尼亞州安納海姆市的Expo West上向營養補充劑行業介紹其進入健康老齡化類別,並展示Ubiquinol背後科學知識。該團隊還在4月份的新澤西州西科卡斯舉行的SupplySide East上向小型團體分享了Ubiquinol在成年人生產階段的激動人心的好處。在2024年10月,Kaneka Nutrients團隊將在內華達州拉斯維加斯的SupplySide West交易展覽會上主持一場午餐座談會,分享有關健康老齡化的Kaneka Ubiquinol的見解。

"Ubiquinol, a naturally occurring antioxidant found throughout the body's cells, tissues and organs, is vital for maintaining cellular integrity and function," said Kaneka Nutrients' Sr. Scientific and Regulatory Advisor, Risa Schulman, Ph.D. Recognized for its foundational role in heart health, recent research further highlights ubiquinol's ability to combat oxidative stress linked to premature aging by neutralizing harmful free radicals and protecting mitochondrial health. "This critical capability of ubiquinol ensures effective energy production and supports vital physiological processes crucial for aging well, making it a highly attractive option for health-conscious consumers of all ages, especially those entering their 50s and beyond," said Dr. Schulman.

Kaneka Nutrients的資深科學和監管顧問Risa Schulman博士說:“Ubiquinol是身體細胞、組織和器官中存在的天然抗氧化劑,對於維持細胞的完整性和功能至關重要。被認爲是心臟健康的基石,最近的研究進一步強調了Ubiquinol的能力,通過中和有害自由基和保護線粒體健康來消除與早衰有關的氧化應激。 Schulman博士說:“Ubiquinol的這種關鍵功能確保有效的能量生產並支持關鍵的生理過程,這對於健康意識的消費者來說是一個非常有吸引力的選擇,特別是那些年齡在50歲及以上的人。”

Ubiquinol's support for cellular health becomes increasingly clear


Mitochondria, known as the cellular powerhouses, generate the energy required for various cell activities. They also serve as the primary source of free radical production. With aging, there is a natural decline in mitochondrial function and ubiquinol levels, exacerbated by environmental factors and lifestyle choices, such as pollution, psychological stress and poor diet. Left unchecked, this decline leads to increased oxidative stress, adversely affecting cellular health and contributing to common age-related conditions.1


"Kaneka Ubiquinol plays an indispensable role in maintaining mitochondrial health by enhancing the efficiency of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and supporting key mitochondrial functions, such as repair, gene regulation, and programmed cell death," said Dr. Schulman. "These functions are essential to maintaining overall wellness and staving off the cellular changes that can lead to age-related health issues."

Schulman博士說:“Kaneka Ubiquinol通過增強線粒體電子傳遞鏈的效率和支持關鍵的線粒體功能(如修復、基因調節和程序性死亡)來維護線粒體健康,這些功能是維護整體健康和抵禦細胞變化的必要條件,這些變化會引起與年齡相關的健康問題。

Clinically validated benefits and superior bioavailability


Recent research demonstrates that supplementation with Kaneka Ubiquinol significantly promotes healthy aging, compared to placebo, with benefits for cardiovascular health, muscle health and physical functioning in older adults.2-3

最近的研究表明,與安慰劑相比,補充Kaneka Ubiquinol顯着促進健康老齡化,對老年人的心血管健康、肌肉健康和身體功能都有益處。2-3

"Research shows that Kaneka Ubiquinol is better absorbed by the body than conventional CoQ10—two times more efficiently—and does not require conversion in the body to perform its antioxidant functions.4-5 This enhanced absorption and bioavailability make it an excellent choice for older adults who may have trouble converting CoQ10 to the active, antioxidant form," Dr. Schulman said.

Schulman博士說:“研究顯示,Kaneka Ubiquinol比傳統的CoQ10更容易被人體吸收,效率提高了兩倍,並且不需要在體內轉化就可以發揮抗氧化功能。”4-5Schulman博士說:“這種增強的吸收和生物利用度使其成爲老年人的絕佳選擇,這些人可能難以將CoQ10轉化爲活性抗氧化形式。”

Kaneka's dedication to health innovation is reflected in the development of Kaneka Ubiquinol, backed by decades of research and testing. As the only manufacturer of this advanced form of CoQ10, Kaneka continues to pioneer nature-inspired solutions that address a wide range of health concerns, ensuring that their products meet the highest standards of purity and effectiveness.

Kaneka的健康創新致力於開發具有廣泛健康問題解決方案的、以自然爲靈感的Kaneka Ubiquinol,其背後支持了數十年的研究和測試。作爲這種先進的CoQ10形式唯一的製造商,Kaneka繼續引領行業,確保其產品符合最高純度和有效性標準。

Invitation to embrace ubiquinol for healthy aging

Kaneka Nutrients的副總裁Ron Martin說:“我們的團隊爲能夠與Kaneka Ubiquinol提供的這些額外的健康益處感到興奮和自豪。了解使用Kaneka Ubiquinol所做的廣泛研究使我們能夠將這種高度有效的抗氧化劑展示給所有生活階段的人們作爲強大的健康盟友。”

"Our team is excited and proud to share this additional sphere of health benefits offered by Kaneka Ubiquinol," said Ron Martin, Vice President of Kaneka Nutrients. "Understanding the extensive research that has been done with Kaneka Ubiquinol allows us to showcase this highly effective antioxidant as a supplement that can be a powerful health ally to people in all life stages."

Kaneka邀請醫生和營養補充劑銷售商將Kaneka Ubiquinol整合到他們的業務和產品中,加入其健康老齡化運動。通過這樣做,他們可以爲他們的病人和客戶提供經科學支持的選擇,以向健康老齡化之路邁進。

Kaneka invites doctors and nutritional supplement sellers to join their Healthy Aging campaign by integrating Kaneka Ubiquinol into their practices and offerings. By doing so, they can provide their patients and customers with a scientifically supported option for their journey toward healthy aging.

要選擇高質量的Kaneka Ubiquinol來支持自己的健康老齡化,個人可以選擇帶有Kaneka質量標記的補充劑。該標記確保符合FDA良好生產規範,並表示在德克薩斯州帕薩迪納的Kaneka生產設施中保持了嚴格的質量保證標準。

Individuals looking to support their healthy aging journey with high-quality Kaneka Ubiquinol can choose supplements featuring the Kaneka Quality seal. This seal ensures adherence to FDA Good Manufacturing Practices and signifies the rigorous quality assurance standards maintained at Kaneka's production facility in Texas.

Kaneka Nutrients簡介

About Kaneka Nutrients
Kaneka Nutrients, a subsidiary of the Kaneka Corporation, specializes in the production of essential ingredients. In 1977, Kaneka Nutrients made its mark in the nutritional ingredient sector with the introduction of Kaneka Q10 (Coenzyme Q10). Over the decades, the company has solidified its position as the world's premier researcher and manufacturer of the Ubiquinol form of CoQ10. Holding the unique distinction of being the sole global manufacturer of Ubiquinol and the only producer of CoQ10 in the United States, Kaneka Nutrients emphasizes quality and precision in its manufacturing processes. The state-of-the-art Ubiquinol manufacturing facility is in Pasadena, Texas. Visit Kaneka Nutrients online at .

Kaneka Nutrients是Kaneka Corporation的子公司,專門生產必要成分。自1977年Kaneka Nutrients推出Kaneka Q10(輔酶Q10)以來,該公司在營養成分領域打下了自己的品牌。幾十年來,該公司已經鞏固了其作爲Ubiquinol CoQ10的世界級研究機構和製造商的地位。作爲全球唯一的Ubiquinol製造商和美國CoQ10生產商唯一的生產商,Kaneka Nutrients強調在其製造過程中的質量和精度。其先進的Ubiquinol生產設施位於德克薩斯州帕薩迪納市。欲了解更多有關Kaneka Nutrients的信息,請訪問
Kaneka Nutrients是Kaneka Corporation的子公司,專門生產必要的成分。1977年,Kaneka Nutrients憑藉Kaneka Q10(輔酶Q10)在營養成分板塊嶄露頭角。幾十年來,該公司鞏固了作爲全球premier Ubiquinol CoQ10研究和製造商的地位。Kaneka Nutrients是全球唯一的Ubiquinol生產廠家,也是美國唯一的CoQ10生產商,強調在製造過程中的質量和精度。先進的Ubiquinol製造設施位於德州帕薩迪納。在線訪問Kaneka Nutrients,網址爲.

Consumers can learn more about Kaneka Ubiquinol by visiting

個人可以通過訪問ubiquinol.org詳細了解Kaneka Ubiquinol。.

Media Contact:
Jenn Fernandez
Kaneka Nutrients
[email protected]

[email protected]



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  2. Fischer A, Onur S, Niklowitz P, Menke T, Laudes M, et al. Coenzyme Q10 status as a determinant of muscular strength in two independent cohorts. PLOS ONE. 2016;11(12): e0167124.
  3. Sabbatinelli J, Orlando P, Galeazzi R, et al. Ubiquinol Ameliorates Endothelial Dysfunction in Subjects with Mild-to-Moderate Dyslipidemia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2020;12(4):1098. Published 2020 Apr 15. doi:10.3390/nu12041098.
  4. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen AM. Comparison study of plasma coenzyme Q10 levels in healthy subjects supplemented with ubiquinol versus ubiquinone. Clinical Pharmacol Drug Dev. 2014;3(1):13-17.
  5. Kubo H, Yamamoto Y, Fujisawa A. Orally ingested ubiquinol-10 or ubiquinone-10 reaches the intestinal tract and is absorbed by the small intestine of mice mostly in its original form. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2023 Mar;72(2):101-106.
  1. Pallotti F, Bergamini C, Lamperti C, Fato R. CoQ在疾病中的角色:直接和間接參與細胞功能。Int J Mol Sci. 2021;23(1):128. Published 2021 Dec 23. doi:10.3390/ijms23010128.。2021;23(1):128。發表於2021年12月23日。doi:10.3390 / ijms23010128。
  2. Fischer A, Onur S, Niklowitz P, Menke T, Laudes M等。 CoQ10狀態作爲兩個獨立隊列的肌肉強度決定因素。PLOS ONE. 2016;11(12):e0167124。。2016;11(12):e0167124。
  3. Sabbatinelli J, Orlando P, Galeazzi R等。潑尼松龍改善輕度至中度血脂異常患者的內源性一氧化氮合成:一項隨機臨床試驗。Nutrients. 2020;12(4):1098. Published 2020 Apr 15. doi:10.3390/nu12041098.。2020;12(4):1098。發表於2020年4月15日。doi:10.3390 / nu12041098。
  4. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen AM. 對血漿CoQ10水平進行比較的研究,健康受試者補充了潑尼松龍而不是潑尼松醌。Clinical Pharmacol Drug Dev. 2014;3(1):13-17。。2014;3(1):13-17。
  5. Kubo H,Yamamoto Y,Fujisawa A。口服攝入的潑尼松龍10或潑尼松醌10到達腸道並被小鼠的小腸大多數原形吸收。J Clin Biochem Nutr。2023年3月;72(2):101-106。。2023年3月; 72(2):101-106。

SOURCE Kaneka Nutrients

SOURCE Kaneka Nutrients

