
EXCLUSIVE: Learn How This Cannabis Banking Innovator's 'Lead With Lending' Strategy Drives Financial Success

EXCLUSIVE: Learn How This Cannabis Banking Innovator's 'Lead With Lending' Strategy Drives Financial Success

Benzinga ·  06/04 04:24

Safe Harbor Financial Services Inc. (NASDAQ:SHFS) is making waves in the cannabis banking industry with its innovative approach to financial services. In a recent episode of Benzinga's Cannabis Insider podcast, Jim Dennedy, CFO, and Donnie Emmi, chief legal officer, shared insights on the company's impressive growth and future strategies.

Safe Harbor Financial Services Inc.(納斯達克:SHFS)在大麻銀行業中以其創新的金融服務方法引起了轟動。在Benzinga的Cannabis Insider播客的最新一期中,首席財務官Jim Dennedy和首席法律官Donnie Emmi分享了關於公司令人矚目的增長和未來策略的見解。

"Safe Harbor acts as a banking intermediary," explained Dennedy, detailing their cash management and reconciliation services. "We do the cash pickups and collections. We deposit that with the Fed. We do the reconciliation of those cash deposits with the Fed to certify that the funds all came from legally derived sources," he elaborated. Their innovative suite of credit products helps clients grow and manage working capital.

“Safe Harbor 作爲銀行中介,” Dennedy解釋道,詳細介紹了他們的現金管理和對賬服務。他補充道:“我們從銀行中取回現金,存入聯邦儲備系統(Fed)。我們對這些現金存款進行對賬,以證明這些資金都來自合法來源。”他們創新的信貸產品套餐可幫助客戶增長和管理營運資本。

Q1 Performance And Strategic Lending Initiatives


Safe Harbor reported a remarkable 245% increase in net income this quarter. Dennedy attributed this growth to significant financial instruments and operational improvements. "We had more credit issued in Q1 than any other quarter in our history at better rates, contributing to positive operating income," he noted. The company also reduced its operating expenses by 36% year-over-year.

Safe Harbor報告本季度淨利潤增長245%,令人矚目。Dennedy歸功於顯著的金融工具和運營改進。他指出:“第一季度發行的信貸比我們歷史上任何一個季度都多,而利率更優惠,有益於營業收入的增長。”該公司還將其營業費用同比降低了36%。

The cornerstone of Safe Harbor's growth strategy lies in their credit programs. "We lead with lending," Dennedy emphasized. "Access to credit is critical, and our rates are generally much lower than other issuers, attracting more borrowers to our program." This approach has significantly expanded their loan book and attracted new clients.

Safe Harbor增長戰略的基石在於其信貸計劃。Dennedy強調:“我們以貸款爲主,”他說。“獲得信貸是至關重要的,而我們的利率通常比其他發行機構要低得多,吸引了更多借款人蔘與我們的計劃。”這種方法顯著擴大了他們的貸款規模,並吸引了新客戶。

It's crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in cannabis finance and policy. Hear directly from top experts at the Benzinga Cannabis Market Spotlight event in New Jersey on June 17th. Get your tickets now before prices surge by following this link.

了解大麻金融和政策的最新動態非常關鍵。6月17日在新澤西州Benzinga Cannabis Market Spotlight活動上,直接聽取頂級專家的意見。立即購票,避免價格飆漲,請關注此鏈接.

Anticipating The Impact Of Cannabis Rescheduling


With the potential reclassification of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III, Emmi discussed the implications for financial institutions. He clarified that while this change primarily affects tax obligations for operators, Safe Harbor and its clients would benefit from improved cash flow and altered underwriting criteria. "However, it won't normalize banking for the industry due to ongoing compliance challenges," Emmi explained.

隨着大麻從I級別重新分類爲III級別可能帶來的影響,Emmi討論了金融機構的影響。他澄清說,雖然這種變化主要影響操作者的稅務義務,但是Safe Harbor及其客戶將從改善的現金流和變更的承保標準中受益。Emmi解釋道:“但是,由於持續的合規性挑戰,它不會使該行業的銀行業務正常化。”

Capitalizing On Cannabis Finance Trends


The conversation also touched on Safe Harbor's future and its prioritization of developing more credit and payment products in the coming year. Dennedy explained, "Our clients want to facilitate transactions more easily with their customers. Non-cash payment methods can increase average check sizes significantly. We're investing in solutions to help our clients improve transaction efficiency."

談話還涉及Safe Harbor的未來及其在未來一年中開發更多信貸和支付產品的重點。Dennedy解釋說“我們的客戶希望更輕鬆地與他們的客戶進行交易。非現金支付方式可以顯著增加平均支票金額。我們正在投資於解決方案,以幫助我們的客戶提高交易效率。”

Emmi highlighted their unique position to attract further capital investment as the only issuer on the Nasdaq exchange focused solely on cannabis financial services. "We aim to accumulate and acquire other financial service providers in the cannabis market, leveraging our scale to compress margins and improve compliance cost efficiency," said Emmi.


For a more detailed exploration of Safe Harbor's strategies, watch the full interview on Benzinga's YouTube channel:

如果想更詳細地了解Safe Harbor的策略,請觀看Benzinga的YouTube頻道的完整採訪:

