
Alliant Credit Union's Tech Donation Fuels Digital Inclusion Statewide in Illinois

Alliant Credit Union's Tech Donation Fuels Digital Inclusion Statewide in Illinois

Alliant Credit Union的技術捐贈推動了伊利諾伊州全州的數字包容。
PR Newswire ·  06/04 01:00

Partnering with PCs for People, Alliant aims to help empowering underserved communities with essential tech and internet access

Alliant計劃與PCs for People合作,幫助弱勢社區獲取重要技術和互聯網接入。

CHICAGO, June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alliant Credit Union, one of the largest credit unions in the nation, is proud to announce the success of its spring technology donation drive. The drive amassed 8,633 pounds of computer equipment to be donated to PCs for People. This donation will play a pivotal role in bridging the digital divide in Illinois.

2024年6月3日,芝加哥/美通社——Alliant信用社,全美最大的信用社之一,自豪地宣佈其春季技術捐贈活動的成功。該活動籌集了8633磅計算機設備,將捐贈給PCs for People。該捐贈將在縮小伊利諾伊州數字鴻溝方面發揮關鍵作用。

The donation drive enabled community members to donate their functional but no longer needed electronics to support PCs for People, a nonprofit committed to digital inclusion that offers affordable computers and internet service to low-income families throughout the state.

捐贈活動使社區居民可以捐贈他們雖然不再需要但功能正常的電子產品,以支持致力於數字包容的非營利組織PCs for People,爲低收入家庭提供負擔得起的計算機和互聯網服務。

"We are overwhelmed by the community's response and generosity. The 8,633 pounds of equipment collected will support PCs for People's mission to provide essential technology to those in need. This event highlights the power of community collaboration and the positive impact we can make together," said Meredith Ritchie, Member of the Alliant Credit Union Foundation.

Alliant Credit Union基金會成員梅雷迪斯·瑞奇表示:“我們對社區的響應和慷慨深感震撼。收集的8633磅設備將支持PCs for People向有需要的人提供必要技術的使命。這一事件突顯了社區合作的力量和我們共同取得的積極影響。”

Hosted at Alliant's headquarters in Chicago, dedicated volunteers from Alliant Credit Union and PCs for People worked to sort and pack the donated items. The haul includes desktop computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards, and other peripherals, which PCs for People will refurbish and distribute to individuals and families lacking access to technology.

在Alliant信用社總部主持,Alliant信用社和PCs for People的專業志願者共同協助分類和打包捐贈物品。捐贈的物品包括臺式電腦,筆記本電腦,顯示器,鍵盤和其他外設,PCs for People將對其進行翻新並分發給缺乏技術訪問的個人和家庭。

This initiative is aligned with Alliant Credit Union's broader commitment to bridge the digital divide. By partnering with PCs for People, Alliant aims to support digital literacy and provide educational, employment, and personal development opportunities through technology access.

此舉與Alliant Credit Union縮小數字鴻溝的更廣泛承諾相一致。通過與PCs for People合作,Alliant旨在通過技術獲取支持數字素養,並提供教育、就業和個人發展機會。

"My team and I were thrilled to execute a community collection event at Alliant Credit Union. We do this event twice yearly and it is always a massive success. Out of all the things we do, I hold this event closest to my heart," said Mike Walsh, Cook County Operations Manager for PCs for People. "Over four hours, we were able to pack our truck with over 8,000 pounds of equipment that will be reused or recycled to help those in need across America. A huge thank you is due to Alliant Credit Union for their continued support. Together we are working to close the digital divide!"

PCs for People庫克縣運營經理邁克·沃爾什表示:“我和我的團隊非常高興能在Alliant信用社執行社區收集活動。我們每年舉行兩次此類活動,每次都非常成功。在我們所做的所有事情中,我最珍視這個活動。在四個小時內,我們能夠用超過8000磅的設備裝滿我們的卡車,這些設備將被重複使用或回收以幫助美國有需要的人。非常感謝Alliant信用社的持續支持。我們一起努力縮小數字鴻溝!”

The overwhelming success of the donation drive also emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices, ensuring usable electronics are recycled and repurposed rather than ending up in landfills.


About Alliant Credit Union:
Alliant Credit Union is a national digital financial institution with over 800,000 members and $20 billion in assets, focused on innovation and disrupting the traditional banking model. Alliant maintains some of the industry's best cost structures while delivering members the best products, rates, and value. Consistently recognized as one of the best financial institutions, Alliant was named one of CNBC's Top Credit Unions and's Best Banks in America. Headquartered in Chicago and founded in 1935, Alliant is one of the largest credit unions in the United States.

關於Alliant Credit Union:

Media Contact:
Natalie Symonds
[email protected]
Sr. Media Strategist
Alliant Credit Union

Natalie Symonds
[email protected]

SOURCE Alliant Credit Union


