
Athena Bitcoin Global Announces CFO Transition

Athena Bitcoin Global Announces CFO Transition

Accesswire ·  06/03 20:45

Eyal Segal appointed as Interim CFO

Eyal Segal被任命爲臨時首席財務官。

MIAMI, FL / ACCESSWIRE / June 3, 2024 / Athena Bitcoin Global (OTC PINK:ABIT) ("Athena" or the "Company), a leading international operator of bitcoin ATMs and digital asset fintech solutions, today announced the appointment of Eyal Segal as Interim CFO, effective on May 28, 2024. Mr. Segal will succeed Tina Gregory, who has held this role since August 2022.

FLORIDA, MIAMI/ACCESSWIRE/2024年6月3日/Athena Bitcoin Global(OTC PINK:ABIT)("Athena"或"公司")是一家領先的比特幣ATM和數字資產FinTech解決方案國際運營商,今天宣佈任命Eyal Segal爲臨時首席財務官,任期從2024年5月28日起生效。Segal先生將接替自2022年8月以來擔任這一職務的Tina Gregory。

Matias Goldenhorn, Chief Executive Officer of Athena, said, "Eyal's extensive experience as a finance professional will help position Athena for growth while maintaining our focus on regulatory compliance and, ultimately, delivering shareholder value. We will leverage Eyal's vast finance and industry experience to ensure we capitalize on profitable partnership opportunities and drive growth."

Athena的首席執行官Matias Goldenhorn表示:"Eyal作爲金融專業人士的豐富經驗將有助於在維護我們對監管合規性的關注和最終交付股東價值的同時,爲Athena的增長定位。我們將利用Eyal的龐大的財務和行業經驗來確保我們充分利用有益的合作機會並推動增長。"

Mr. Segal brings nearly 25 years of experience as a financial professional, focusing on high-tech industries such as optics and software. Mr. Segal most recently served as the CFO of Doroni Aerospace, an engineering firm designing a 2-seater eVTOL vehicle, since 2023. Before Doroni, Mr. Segal served in various executive financial roles at Teledyne FLIR between 2015 and 2022. Between 2015 and 2002, Mr. Segal worked in several Controller and Consultant roles across multiple industries. Before entering finance, Mr. Segal served six years with the Israeli defense forces. Mr. Segal is licensed as Certified Public Accountant in Israel and holds an MBA and B.A. in Accounting from Tel-Aviv University.

Segal先生擁有近25年的金融專業經驗,重點關注光學和軟件等高科技行業業務。Segal先生最近自2023年以來擔任多諾利航空(Doroni Aerospace)的首席財務官,該公司是一家設計雙座電動垂直起降飛行器的工程公司。在加入Doroni之前,在2015年至2022年期間,Segal先生曾在Teledyne FLIR擔任各種執行財務職位。在進入金融職業之前,Segal先生在多個行業擔任了6年的控制器和顧問職位。Segal先生在以色列國防軍服役六年。Segal先生是以色列註冊會計師,擁有特拉維夫大學的工商管理碩士和會計學學士學位。

About Athena Bitcoin Global

關於Athena Bitcoin Global

Athena Bitcoin Global operates an international network of Athena Bitcoin ATMs, which are free standing kiosks that permit customers to buy or sell Bitcoin in exchange for fiat currencies. The Company places its machines in convenience stores, shopping centers and other easily accessible locations in thirty US states and territories, and in 4 countries in Central and South America. Athena Bitcoin Global's comprehensive fintech platform enables POS merchant payments powered by Athena Pay and the Company provides safe, reliable and personalized trading services through its Athena Plus services. To learn more visit follow Athena Bitcoin Global on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Athena Bitcoin Global經營國際網絡的Athena Bitcoin ATM,這些是獨立的亭子,允許客戶以法定貨幣買賣比特幣。該公司把它的機器放在便利店、購物中心和其他易於訪問的場所,遍及30個美國州和地區,在中美洲和南美洲的4個國家。Athena Bitcoin Global的全面金融科技平台通過其Athena Plus服務爲POS商戶提供由Athena Pay提供動力的支付,並通過其Athena Plus服務提供安全、可靠和個性化的交易服務。要了解更多信息,請關注Athena Bitcoin Global的Twitter和LinkedIn。



Brian M. Prenoveau, CFA, 561 489 5315
MZ Group - MZ North America

Brian M. Prenoveau,CFA,561 489 5315
MZ Group - MZ North America

SOURCE: Athena Bitcoin Global

來源:Athena Bitcoin Global

