
Commander Closes the Sale of Its Royalty Portfolio for US $4.1 Million

Commander Closes the Sale of Its Royalty Portfolio for US $4.1 Million

newsfile ·  06/03 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 3, 2024) - Commander Resources Ltd. (TSXV: CMD) ("Commander" or the "Company") has received final approval and satisfied all closing conditions for the royalty purchase agreement as announced on January 25th, 2024. The Company had agreed to sell a portfolio of its royalty interests (the "Transaction") to TMRF Canada Inc., a subsidiary of Taurus Mining Royalty Fund L.P., for total consideration of US $4.1 million in cash (~CDN $5.6 million). The Company is pleased to announce that it has closed the Transaction and has received all funds due.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞省—(新聞稿 - 2024年6月3日) - Commander Resources有限公司。(TSXV:CMD)(“Commander”或“公司”)已獲得最終批准,並滿足於2024年1月25日宣佈的專利購買協議的所有收盤條件。公司同意出售一份權利金投資組合(“Transaction”)給Taurus Mining Royalty Fund L.P.的子公司TMRF Canada Inc.,代價爲410萬美元,約合560萬加元。公司很高興地宣佈已完成Transaction,並收到了所有應收款項。交易公司的總裁兼首席執行官Robert Cameron表示,“這項Transaction實現了我們的非核心專利組合的高度兼併,爲股東解鎖價值,併爲公司的持續和未來的勘探工作提供了相當大的,非稀釋的資金支持。”

Robert Cameron, President and CEO, states, "This Transaction achieves a highly accretive monetization of our non-core royalty portfolio, unlocking value for shareholders and providing considerable, non-dilutive funding to re-deploy into the Company's ongoing and future exploration efforts."

總裁兼首席執行官Robert Cameron表示,GenCap Mining Advisory有限公司擔任服務費爲Transaction價值的2.0%的財務顧問,關閉後以現金支付,並且Harper Grey律師事務所擔任公司與Transaction相關的法律顧問。向Glengarry Development支付126,821加元,作爲Mt. Polley Royalty持有的10%的股東。

GenCap Mining Advisory Ltd. acted as financial advisor for a service fee equal to 2.0% of the Transaction value payable in cash upon closing, and Harper Grey LLP acted as legal counsel to the Company in connection with the Transaction. A sum of CDN $126,821 was paid to Glengarry Development, an arms length private company, as its share of the proceeds reflecting its 10% ownership of the Mt. Polley Royalty.


Commander intends to use the Transaction sale proceeds to fund drilling of our top priority projects as well as advance the next tier of 100% owned exploration projects. The Company has also initiated and advanced a process to look outside of its in-house portfolio for targeted opportunities to grow the company's exposure to premium exploration projects, primarily in the copper-gold space. This process was activated in late 2023 while the royalty sale was in progress and well advanced.

“考慮到近期大宗商品市場條件的劇烈變化和公司經驗豐富的管理團隊,公司卓越的物業基礎,少量的股份和健康的財務狀況,Commander堅信它與許多其他勘探公司有所區別。該公司通過高度紀律,有針對性,專業,專注和成本有效的業務模式,由一支經驗豐富,成功的團隊領導。” Robert Cameron繼續擔任總裁兼首席執行官。

"Given the recent dramatic change in general commodity market conditions and the Company's experienced management team, standout property base, low number of shares outstanding and healthy treasury, Commander strongly believes that it stands apart from many other exploration companies. This position has been arrived at by a very disciplined, targeted, professional, focused, and cost-effective business model under the direction of a highly experienced and successful team." continued Robert Cameron, President and CEO.

“鑑於一般商品市場條件的最近劇變,以及公司的經驗豐富的管理團隊、突出的物業基礎、股本少、財務狀況健康,Commander堅信自己區別於衆多勘探公司。這種位置是在高度紀律、有針對性、專業化、聚焦和成本效益高的企業模式的指導下,由一支經驗豐富並取得成功的團隊取得的。”關於Commander Resources

About Commander Resources

Commander Resources是一家以加拿大爲中心的勘探公司,通過合作和唯一資助的勘探結合的成功,實現了勘探的成功。指揮官在加拿大擁有一系列基礎金屬和貴金屬項目,包括我們的旗艦Burn項目,與Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc.的合資企業。該公司計劃在未來兩年內對其他銅金靶區進行鑽探測試,包括我們位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部的October Dome Copper and Gold斑岩靶區以及我們位於安大略省的Sabin VMS項目。

Commander Resources is a Canadian focused exploration company that has leveraged its success in exploration through a combination of partnerships and sole funded exploration. Commander has a portfolio of base and precious metal projects across Canada including our flagship Burn Project, a joint venture with Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. The company has an aggressive plan to drill test additional copper gold targets over the next two years including our October Dome Copper and Gold porphyry target in central British Columbia and our Sabin VMS project in Ontario.

Commander資源公司是一家加拿大專注於勘探的公司,通過合作和自主勘探的組合實現了在勘探方面的成功。Commander在加拿大擁有一系列金屬和貴金屬項目,其中包括我們的旗艦項目Burn聯合冒險至Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc.。公司有一個積極的計劃,在未來兩年內對其他銅金屬靶區進行鑽探測試,包括我們在不列顛哥倫比亞中部的Octagon Dome銅和黃金斑岩靶標和我們在安大略省的Sabin VMS項目。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Robert Cameron, P. Geo.
President and CEO

Robert Cameron,P. Geo。

For further information, please call:


Robert Cameron, President and CEO

Robert Cameron,總裁兼首席執行官

Twitter: @CommanderCMD


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