
Electric Royalties Announces Interest Conversion Under Convertible Credit Facility

Electric Royalties Announces Interest Conversion Under Convertible Credit Facility

Accesswire ·  06/01 03:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 31, 2024 / Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSXV:ELEC)(OTCQB:ELECF) ("Electric Royalties" or the "Company") announces that Gleason & Sons LLC (the "Lender") has elected to convert C$578,176.37 of accrued interest on the principal amount of the Company's convertible credit facility (the "Interest") under the amended and restated convertible loan agreement dated February 15, 2024 between the Lender and Company (the "A&R Agreement"), into 2,753,220 common shares of the Company (the "Conversion Shares"), at a conversion price of C$0.21 per Conversion Share (the "Interest Conversion"). Subject to acceptance of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"), the Company expects to issue the Conversion Shares in June 2024.

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年5月31日 / Electric Royalties Ltd. (TSXV:ELEC)(OTCQB:ELECF) (“Electric Royalties”或“公司”)宣佈Gleason & Sons LLC(“放貸人”)選擇將公司可轉換信貸額度(“利息”)下的C $578,176.37積累利息轉換爲公司的2,753,220股普通股(“轉換股份”),轉換價格爲每股C $0.21(“利息轉換”)。在TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) 接受的情況下,公司預計將於2024年6月發行轉換股份。

The Interest Conversion is treated as a "Shares for Debt" transaction under Policy 4.3 of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV"), and the Interest shall be settled in consideration for the Conversion Shares, upon the terms of the A&R Agreement. Completion of the Interest Conversion is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. All of the Conversion Shares issuable in connection with the Interest Conversion will bear applicable resale legends restricting the transfer of said Conversion Shares, including for a period of four months and one day from the distribution date under Canadian securities laws, and for a period of six months under U.S. securities laws.

利息轉換根據TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV)政策4.3被視爲“債務交換”,利息將根據A&R協議的條款以轉換股份的形式清算。利息轉換的完成取決於TSX Venture Exchange的批准。在與利息轉換相關的所有轉換股票中,均將帶有適用的轉售限制標籤,包括根據加拿大證券法規的分發日期起四個月零一天的轉售限制,以及根據美國證券法規六個月的轉售限制。

The "related party transaction" requirements under Policy 5.9 of the TSXV and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101") do not apply as the Interest Conversion meets the exemption set forth under Section 5.1(h)(iii) of MI 61-101.

根據多邊工具61-101 - (“MI 61-101”)和TSXV政策5.9的相關方交易要求,利息轉換不適用,因爲該利息轉換符合MI 61-101第5.1(h)(iii)款中規定的豁免條款。MI 61-101的《保護少數股東特別交易規定》(Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions)規定,在向MCAPM LP發行債券的情況下,公司可以依靠MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條中規定的從正式估值中豁免,並不要求獲得少數股東批准的豁免規定,因爲債券的公允市場價值低於公司市值的25%(在適用MI 61-101的情況下分別確定)。("MI 61-101")不適用,因爲利息轉換符合MI 61-101第5.1(h)(iii)節規定的豁免。

About Electric Royalties Ltd.

關於Electric Royalties Ltd.

Electric Royalties is a royalty company established to take advantage of the demand for a wide range of commodities (lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel, zinc and copper) that will benefit from the drive toward electrification of a variety of consumer products: cars, rechargeable batteries, large scale energy storage, renewable energy generation and other applications.

Electric Royalties是一家特許權公司,旨在利用對一系列商品(鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅)的需求,這些商品將受益於消費產品,如汽車、可充電電池、大規模能源儲存、可再生能源發電和其他應用的推動。電動汽車銷量、電池生產能力和可再生能源發電預計在未來幾年內大幅增加,隨之而來的是對這些有針對性的商品的需求。這創造了一個獨特的投資機會,即投資和收購礦山和項目的特許權,這些礦山和項目將供應燃料電革命所需的材料。

Electric vehicle sales, battery production capacity and renewable energy generation are slated to increase significantly over the next several years and with it, the demand for these targeted commodities. This creates a unique opportunity to invest in and acquire royalties over the mines and projects that will supply the materials needed to fuel the electric revolution.

Electric Royalties在世界範圍內擁有40項特許權,涉及鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅,並且擁有加拿大安大略省32個鋰物業的利益。該公司主要專注於收購處於先進階段和運營項目上的特許權,以構建一個多元化的投資組合,這個組合位於地緣政治風險低的管轄區,爲投資者提供通過底層商品重建未來數十年全球基礎設施所需的清潔能源轉型的曝光。

Electric Royalties has a growing portfolio of 40 royalties in lithium, vanadium, manganese, tin, graphite, cobalt, nickel, zinc and copper across the world and interests in 32 lithium properties in Ontario, Canada. The Company is focused predominantly on acquiring royalties on advanced stage and operating projects to build a diversified portfolio located in jurisdictions with low geopolitical risk, which offers investors exposure to the clean energy transition via the underlying commodities required to rebuild the global infrastructure over the next several decades toward a decarbonized global economy.

Electric Royalties在世界範圍內擁有40項特許權,涉及鋰、釩、錳、錫、石墨、鈷、鎳、鋅和銅,並且擁有加拿大安大略省32個鋰物業的利益。該公司主要專注於收購處於先進階段和運營項目上的特許權,以構建一個多元化的投資組合,這個組合位於地緣政治風險低的管轄區,爲投資者提供通過底層商品重建未來數十年全球基礎設施所需的清潔能源轉型的曝光。

For further information, please contact:


Brendan Yurik
CEO, Electric Royalties Ltd.
Phone: (604) 364‐3540

Brendan Yurik
Electric Royalties Ltd. 首席執行官
電話: (604) 364‐3540

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange), nor any other regulatory body or securities exchange platform, accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange和其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中所定義的),以及其他監管機構或證券交易平台均不對此發佈的充足性或準確性負責。

Cautionary Statements Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Other Company Information


This news release includes forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking information") with respect to the Company within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. This news release includes information regarding other companies and projects owned by such other companies in which the Company holds a royalty interest, based on previously disclosed public information disclosed by those companies and the Company is not responsible for the accuracy of that information, and that all information provided herein is subject to this Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Other Company Information. Forward looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. This information represents predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. Forward-looking information may relate to the Company's future outlook and anticipated events and may include statements regarding the financial results, future financial position, expected growth of cash flows, business strategy, budgets, projected costs, projected capital expenditures, taxes, plans, objectives, industry trends and growth opportunities of the Company and the projects in which it holds royalty interests.

本新聞稿包含有關公司的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陳述(統稱爲“前瞻性信息”),涉及該公司在加拿大證券法意義上所述的內容關於其他公司和該類公司擁有的項目,其中該公司持有特許權益並非基於該公司及其已披露的公開信息披露,並且該公司不對該信息的準確性負責。 前瞻性信息通常由“相信”、“期望”、“預計”、“目標”、“估計”、“設想”和類似表達方式識別,或者是這些信息的性質使其參考未來事件。該信息代表預測,實際事件或結果可能有所不同。前瞻性信息可能涉及該公司未來的展望和預期事件,並可能包括有關該公司及其項目的財務結果、未來現金流量增長、商業策略、預算、預計成本、預計資本支出、稅收、計劃、目標、行業趨勢和增長機會。

While management considers these assumptions to be reasonable, based on information available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company or these projects to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing costs; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments involving the renewable energy industry; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; the mining industry generally, recent market volatility, income tax and regulatory matters; the ability of the Company or the owners of these projects to implement their business strategies including expansion plans; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations, and the other risks.


The reader is referred to the Company's most recent filings on SEDAR+ as well as other information filed with the OTC Markets for a more complete discussion of all applicable risk factors and their potential effects, copies of which may be accessed through the Company's profile page at and at

對於適用的所有風險因素及其潛在影響的更全面討論,讀者可參閱該公司最近在SEDAR+上的提交以及在OTC Markets提交的其他信息,這些提交可通過該公司在sedarplus.ca的資料頁面和在otcmarkets.com查詢。來源:Electric Royalties Ltd..

SOURCE: Electric Royalties Ltd.

來源:Electric Royalties Ltd。

