
Earnings Call Summary | TATA STEEL LTD SPON GDR REP 10 ORD SHS REG S(TATLY.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | TATA STEEL LTD SPON GDR REP 10 ORD SHS REG S(TATLY.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

業績電話會議摘要 | 塔塔鋼鐵有限公司 SPON GDR REP 10 ORD SHS REG S (TATLY.US) 2024 年第四季度業績會議
富途資訊 ·  05/31 11:33  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Tata Steel Limited (TATLY) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Tata Steel reported a Q4 2024 revenue of INR 58,687 crores, with EBITDA at INR 6,631 crores.

  • FY 2024 consolidated revenues reached INR 2,29,171 crores with EBITDA of INR 23,402 crores.

  • 塔塔鋼鐵公司報告稱,2024年第四季度收入爲58,687億印度盧比,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲66.31億印度盧比。

  • 2024財年的合併收入達到229,171億印度盧比,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲23,402億印度盧比。

Business Progress:


  • Achieved highest ever crude steel production of 20.8 million tons and deliveries of 19.9 million tons.

  • Planning major UK operations restructuring to transition to Electric Arc Furnace.

  • 實現了有史以來最高的粗鋼產量,達到2,080萬噸,交付量爲1,990萬噸。

  • 計劃重組英國的重大業務,以過渡到電弧爐。



  • Plans to expand Tata Tiscon brand after 15% YoY delivery growth and crossing 2 million tons.

  • Focused on sustainability through initiatives like bamboo plantation for carbon capture.

  • 在交付量同比增長15%並突破200萬噸之後,計劃擴大塔塔Tiscon品牌。

  • 通過竹子種植園等碳捕獲舉措專注於可持續發展。



  • Global steel production affected by demand fluctuations and geopolitical tensions.

  • Ongoing operational adjustments in the UK include closure of blast furnaces.

  • 全球鋼鐵產量受到需求波動和地緣政治緊張局勢的影響。

  • 英國正在進行的運營調整包括關閉高爐。

Financial Performance:


  • Tata Steel reported consolidated revenues of INR 58,687 crores for Q4 2024, with an EBITDA of INR 6,631 crores.

  • Stand-alone EBITDA for the quarter stood at INR 8,190 crores translating to an EBITDA per ton of about INR 15,107.

  • India EBITDA margin reported higher at 22%, demonstrating year-on-year improvement despite lower steel realization and higher material costs.

  • For the financial year FY 2024, consolidated revenues were INR 2,29,171 crores, and EBITDA was INR 23,402 crores.

  • Tata Steel Netherlands reported a shift from an EBITDA loss from negative GBP 117 million in Q3 to negative GBP 27 million in Q4.

  • Tata Steel U.K. has strategized towards sustainable and greener steel making, projecting a cost savings of about $150 per ton post-EAF conversion.

  • 塔塔鋼鐵公司報告稱,2024年第四季度的合併收入爲58,687億印度盧比,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲66.31億印度盧比。

  • 該季度的獨立息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲8190億印度盧比,相當於每噸息稅折舊攤銷前利潤約爲15,107印度盧比。

  • 印度的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤率上升至22%,儘管鋼鐵產量下降和材料成本上漲,但仍顯示出同比改善。

  • 在2024財年財年,合併收入爲229,171億印度盧比,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲23,402億印度盧比。

  • 荷蘭塔塔鋼鐵公司報告稱,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤虧損從第三季度的負1.17億英鎊轉爲第四季度的負2700萬英鎊。

  • 英國塔塔鋼鐵公司已制定了可持續和更環保的鍊鋼戰略,預計電弧爐轉換後每噸可節省約150美元的成本。

Business Progress:


  • Tata Steel achieved its highest ever crude steel production of 20.8 million tons and deliveries totaling 19.9 million tons.

  • The company initiated expansion and commissioning activities in Kalinganagar with significant progress, signaling readiness for increased production capacities.

  • The U.K. operations are set to undergo a major restructuring by transitioning to an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), marking a significant shift towards greener steel production.

  • In the Netherlands, despite setbacks due to relining work, the completion in February has prompted a return to full production capacities.

  • 塔塔鋼鐵實現了有史以來最高的粗鋼產量,達到2,080萬噸,交付總量爲1,990萬噸。

  • 該公司在卡林加納加爾啓動了擴建和調試活動,並取得了重大進展,這表明已準備好提高產能。

  • 英國的業務將進行重大重組,過渡到電弧爐(EAF),這標誌着向綠色鋼鐵生產的重大轉變。

  • 在荷蘭,儘管由於重新鋪設工作而遭受挫折,但二月份的竣工已促使產能恢復到滿負荷狀態。



  • The company plans to leverage its established retail brand Tata Tiscon, which saw a 15% year-on-year growth, crossing annual deliveries of 2 million tons.

  • Tata Steel has been expanding its e-commerce platform Aashiyana to reach international customers.

  • Investments in greening energy sources and processes, like the bamboo plantation initiative for carbon capture, and using biofuel blends for shipping, reinforce the company's commitment to sustainability and open new avenues for eco-friendly operational advancements.

  • 該公司計劃利用其知名零售品牌塔塔·蒂斯康,該品牌的年交付量爲200萬噸,同比增長15%。

  • 塔塔鋼鐵一直在擴展其電子商務平台Aashiyana,以吸引國際客戶。

  • 對綠色能源和工藝的投資,例如竹子種植園的碳捕集計劃,以及使用生物燃料混合物進行航運,強化了公司對可持續發展的承諾,爲環保運營的發展開闢了新的途徑。



  • Demand fluctuations and geopolitical tensions influenced the global steel production, impacting Tata Steel's product pricing and profitability, especially noted in flat products.

  • The ongoing operational adjustments such as the closure of blast furnaces in the U.K. pose short-term risks to stability and operational costs.

  • 需求波動和地緣政治緊張局勢影響了全球鋼鐵產量,影響了塔塔鋼鐵的產品定價和盈利能力,在扁平產品中尤其如此。

  • 正在進行的運營調整,例如關閉英國的高爐,對穩定和運營成本構成短期風險。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


