
Telix Announces Positive RPFS Data From ProstACT SELECT Trial of TLX591 RADC Therapy Candidate in Prostate Cancer

Telix Announces Positive RPFS Data From ProstACT SELECT Trial of TLX591 RADC Therapy Candidate in Prostate Cancer

Telix 公佈了前列腺癌 TLX591 RADC 候選療法的 Prostact SELECT 試驗的陽性 RPFS 數據
PR Newswire ·  05/31 07:28
  • TLX591 is an investigational anti-PSMA[1] radio-antibody-drug conjugate (rADC) therapy being developed for the treatment of mCRPC, differentiated by a short two-week dosing regimen.
  • Reported median radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS) is 8.8 months.
  • Builds on prior data from the ProstACT SELECT[2] trial, demonstrating favourable safety profile and biodistribution[3].
  • TLX591 是一種正在研究的抗 PSMA[1] 正在開發用於治療mcRPC的放射抗體藥物偶聯物(radC)療法,其區別在於短短的兩週給藥方案。
  • 報告的射線照相無進展存活率(RPF)中位數爲8.8個月。
  • 建立在 ProstAct SELECT 先前的數據基礎上[2] 試驗,顯示出良好的安全性和生物分佈[3]

MELBOURNE, Australia, May 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: TLX, Telix, the Company) today announces additional positive data from the ProstACT SELECT trial ("SELECT") of TLX591 (177Lu rosopatamab tetraxetan), a lutetium-labelled rADC therapy for the treatment of adult patients with PSMA-positive metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). SELECT is a radiogenomics study intended to evaluate lesion concordance between 68Ga (gallium)-based PSMA-PET[4] imaging and TLX591 dosimetry for the purpose of validating PET imaging for patient selection for rADC therapy. The Company has previously reported final safety data from this study3.

澳大利亞墨爾本,2024 年 5 月 31 日 /PRNewswire/ — Telix Pharmicals Limited(澳大利亞證券交易所:TLX、Telix、公司)今天宣佈了來自 TLX591(Prostact SELECT)試驗(“SELECT”)的更多積極數據(177Lu rosopatamab(tetraxetan),一種帶有黃體標記的RadC療法,用於治療PSMA陽性轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌(mcRPC)的成年患者。SELECT 是一項放射基因組學研究,旨在評估兩者之間的病變一致性 68基於鎵(鎵)的 PSMA-PET[4] 成像和 TLX591 劑量測定,目的是驗證 PET 成像,用於選擇 radC 治療的患者。該公司此前曾報告過這項研究的最終安全數據3

The study has reported a median rPFS of 8.8 months, representing an encouraging signal of the potential efficacy of TLX591 in this patient population. The evaluable sample size for rPFS comprised 23 patients with previously treated, progressive mCRPC and who received two 76 mCi intravenous (IV) infusions of TLX591, 14 days apart[5]. The SELECT trial included a heterogeneous population of low, medium and high disease burden patients to facilitate imaging cross-comparison, with the majority having undergone two prior lines of therapy.

該研究報告的 RPF 中位數爲 8.8 個月,這表明了 TLX591 對該患者群體的潛在療效,這是一個令人鼓舞的信號。RPF 的可評估樣本量包括 23 名先前接受過治療的進行性 mcRPC 的患者,他們相隔 14 天接受了兩次 76 mCI 靜脈注射 (IV) TLX591[5]。SELECT試驗包括了各種各樣的低、中、高疾病負擔患者,以促進影像學交叉比較,其中大多數患者接受了之前的兩條治療路線。

Nat Lenzo, MD, Nuclear Oncologist and General Internal Medicine Physician and lead recruiter onto the SELECT trial, commented, "We are encouraged by this rPFS result, which compares favourably to small molecule radioligand therapy (RLT) Phase I and II studies at similar stages of development[6]. This is a compelling signal of the potential efficacy of TLX591 in this heavily pre-treated population. The results further support the development of this candidate in an earlier mCRPC patient population which is the focus of the ProstACT GLOBAL[7] Phase III trial and where there remains significant unmet need for effective treatment."

醫學博士、核腫瘤學家、普通內科醫生、SELECT試驗的首席招聘人員納特·倫佐評論說:“RPF的這一結果令我們感到鼓舞,該結果與處於相似開發階段的小分子放射性配體療法(RLT)一期和二期研究相比處於相似發展階段的小分子放射性配體療法(RLT)一期和二期研究相當[6]。這是一個令人信服的信號,表明了 TLX591 對這些經過大量預先治療的人群具有潛在療效。研究結果進一步支持該候選藥物在早期的mcRPC患者群體中開發,這正是ProstAct GLOBAL關注的焦點[7] III期試驗,其中仍有大量未得到滿足的有效治療需求。”

Dr David N. Cade, MD, Group Chief Medical Officer at Telix, stated, "TLX591 is a radio-ADC with significant potential advantages compared to small molecule radiopharmaceuticals in treating prostate cancer. TLX591 is differentiated by a patient-friendly dosing regimen with far lower cumulative radiation exposure compared to small molecule radioligand therapies[8]. This positive signal of efficacy from SELECT builds on prior studies that demonstrated the potential for TLX591 to deliver improved quality of life and durable tumour control in this advanced patient population[9]."

Telix集團首席醫學官David N. Cade博士表示:“與小分子放射性藥物相比,TLX591 是一種放射性ADC,在治療前列腺癌方面具有顯著的潛在優勢。TLX591 的區別在於對患者友好的給藥方案,與小分子放射配體療法相比,累積輻射暴露要低得多[8]。SELECT 的這一積極療效信號建立在先前的研究基礎上,這些研究表明,TLX591 有可能改善這些晚期患者群體的生活質量和持久的腫瘤控制[9]。”

TLX591 is being further evaluated in the Phase III ProstACT GLOBAL trial in first and second line mCRPC, which is now preparing to enrol patients at its first U.S. sites. This innovative trial design allows physicians a choice of androgen receptor inhibition or docetaxel chemotherapy, thus integrating with real-world standard of care, reflective of Telix's continued innovation in prostate cancer care and commitment to patient outcomes.

一線和二線mcRPC的III期Prostact GLOBAL試驗正在對TLX591 進行進一步評估,該試驗目前正準備在美國的第一個地點招收患者。這種創新的試驗設計允許醫生選擇雄激素受體抑制劑或多西他賽化療,從而與現實世界的護理標準相結合,反映了Telix在前列腺癌護理方面的持續創新和對患者療效的承諾。

About TLX591

關於 TLX591

TLX591 (INN: lutetium Lu 177 rosopatamab tetraxetan) is Telix's lead investigational radio antibody-drug conjugate (rADC) for the treatment of mCRPC, composed of a high-specificity PSMA-targeting antibody, chelator linker, and cytotoxic lutetium (177Lu) payload. TLX591 is administered intravenously under a two-dose fractionated regimen, potentially enabling the delivery of a highly targeted and potent dose with improved off-target organ radiation exposure. The mAb-based approach may offer distinct advantages in selectivity, internalisation, and retention time over small molecule RLTs for the treatment of mCRPC.

TLX591(INN:lutetium Lu 177 rosopatamab tetraxetan)是 Telix 用於治療 mcRPC 的領先在研放射抗體藥物偶聯物(radC),由一種高特異性 PSMA 靶向抗體、螯合劑連接劑和細胞毒性鹵素組成(177Lu) 有效載荷。TLX591 在兩劑分餾方案下靜脈注射,有可能提供高靶向的強效劑量,同時改善脫靶器官輻射暴露。與用於治療 mcRPC 的小分子 RLT 相比,基於 mAB 的方法在選擇性、內化和保留時間方面可能具有明顯的優勢。

A total of 242 patients have been treated with TLX591 across eight Phase I and Phase II trials9 including a previously published Phase II (open-label, single-arm) trial, which reported a 42.3 month OS in 17 patients with advanced mCRPC when TLX591 was delivered under a fractionated dosing regimen[10].

在八項 I 期和 II 期試驗中,共有 242 名患者接受了 TLX591 治療9 包括先前發表的一項二期(開放標籤、單臂)試驗,該試驗報告稱,在分餾給藥方案下 TLX591 分娩時,17 名晚期 mcRPC 患者的操作系統爲 42.3 個月[10]


關於 ProstAct SELECT

The purpose of the ProstACT SELECT trial is to evaluate the utility of PSMA-PET imaging with Illuccix to select patients for TLX591 rADC therapy. The primary objectives are to determine whole body biodistribution and organ radiation dosimetry, and assess the safety and tolerability of TLX591 in patients with advanced mCRPC. Radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS) is a secondary study objective.

Prostact SELECT 試驗的目的是評估使用 Illuccix 進行 PSMA-PET 成像在選擇 TLX591 RadC 治療患者方面的效用。主要目標是確定全身生物分佈和器官輻射劑量測定,並評估 TLX591 在晚期 mcRPC 患者中的安全性和耐受性。射線照相無進展生存(RPF)是次要研究目標。

Previously reported data from the SELECT trial includes3:

先前報告的 SELECT 試驗數據包括3:

  • Confirmation of biodistribution and safety profile with a low rate of off-target side effects.
  • Confirmation of internalisation and long retention, delivering a payload to the tumour, potentially maximising cell killing effect.
  • Lower rates of haematologic toxicity than prior, later-line studies of TLX591.
  • 以較低的脫靶副作用率確認生物分佈和安全性。
  • 確認內化和長期保留,爲腫瘤提供有效載荷,有可能最大限度地發揮細胞殺傷作用。
  • 與先前的 TLX591 後期研究相比,血液學毒性率較低。

About Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited

關於 泰利克斯製藥有限公司

Telix is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals and associated medical devices. Telix is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, with international operations in the United States, Europe (Belgium and Switzerland), and Japan. Telix is developing a portfolio of clinical and commercial stage products that aims to address significant unmet medical needs in oncology and rare diseases. Telix is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: TLX).

Telix是一家生物製藥公司,專注於診斷和治療放射性藥物及相關醫療設備的開發和商業化。Telix總部位於澳大利亞墨爾本,在美國、歐洲(比利時和瑞士)和日本開展國際業務。Telix正在開發臨床和商業階段產品組合,旨在解決腫瘤學和罕見疾病中未滿足的重大醫療需求。Telix在澳大利亞證券交易所 (ASX: TLX) 上市。

Telix's lead imaging product, gallium-68 (68Ga) gozetotide injection (also known as 68Ga PSMA-11 and marketed under the brand name Illuccix), has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[11], by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) [12], and by Health Canada[13]. No other Telix product has received a marketing authorisation in any jurisdiction.

Telix 的主要成像產品 gallium-68 (68Ga) 戈澤託肽注射液(也稱爲 68Ga PSMA-11 以 Illuccix(品牌名稱)銷售,已獲得美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的批准[11],由澳大利亞治療用品管理局(TGA)撰寫 [12],並由加拿大衛生部撰寫[13]。沒有其他Telix產品在任何司法管轄區獲得上市許可。

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Telix Investor Relations

Telix 投資者關係

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Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited
SVP Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
Email: [email protected]

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The information contained in this announcement is not intended to be an offer for subscription, invitation or recommendation with respect to shares of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited (Telix) in any jurisdiction, including the United States. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained or opinions expressed in the course of this announcement. The information contained in this announcement is subject to change without notification.

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2024 Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited. The Telix Pharmaceuticals and Illuccix names and logos are trademarks of Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited and its affiliates – all rights reserved.

2024 泰利克斯製藥有限公司Telix Pharmicals 和 Illuccix 的名稱和徽標是 Telix Pharmaceuticals Limited 及其附屬公司的商標——版權所有。

[1] Prostate-specific membrane antigen.

[2] ProstACT SELECT ID: NCT04786847.

[3] Telix ASX disclosure 19 October 2023.

[4] Imaging of prostate-specific membrane antigen with positron emission tomography.

[5] The study recruited 30 patients, with 5 patients completing low-dose dosimetry. Two patients did not complete a second dose and therefore were excluded from the rPFS calculation.

[6] Hofman et al. Lancet Oncol 2018; Violet et al. Journal of Nuc Med 2019; Calais et al. Journal of Nuc Med 2021.

[7] ProstACT GLOBAL ID: NCT04876651.

[8] 152 mCi cumulative radiation exposure with TLX591 compared with up to 1200 mCi with current approved RLT, based on prescribing information.

[9] Bander et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005; Tagawa et al. Clin Cancer Res. 2013; Tagawa et al. Cancer. 2019; Batra et al. Urol Oncol. 2020; Niaz et al. Oncologist. 2020.

[10] Tagawa et al. Cancer. 2019.

[11] Telix ASX disclosure 20 December 2021.

[12] Telix ASX disclosure 2 November 2021.

[13] Telix ASX disclosure 14 October 2022.

[1] 前列腺特異性膜抗原。

[2] Prostact SELECT ID:NCT04786847。

[3] Telix ASX 於 2023 年 10 月 19 日披露。

[4] 使用正電子發射斷層掃描對前列腺特異性膜抗原進行成像。

[5] 該研究招募了30名患者,其中5名患者完成了低劑量劑量測定。兩名患者沒有完成第二劑疫苗,因此被排除在RPFs的計算之外。

[6] 霍夫曼等人。 Lancet Oncol 2018 年;Violet 等人。 Nuc Med雜誌 2019 年;加來等人。 Nuc Med雜誌 2021。

[7] Prostact GLOBAL ID:NCT04876651。

[8] 根據處方信息,TLX591 的累積輻射暴露量爲 152 mCi,而目前批准的 RLT 的累積輻射暴露量高達 1200 mCi。

[9] 班德等人。 J Clin Oncol。 2005; 田川等人。 臨床癌症研究 2013 年;田川等人。 癌症。 2019 年;巴特拉等人。 Urol Oncol。 2020 年;尼亞茲等人。 腫瘤科醫生。 2020。

[10] 田川等人 癌症。 2019。

[11] Telix ASX 2021 年 12 月 20 日披露。

[12] Telix ASX 2021 年 11 月 2 日披露。

[13] Telix ASX 2022年10月14日披露。

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