
AAR Named to Newsweek's America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2024

AAR Named to Newsweek's America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2024

AAR 入選《新聞週刊》2024 年美國最佳多元化工作場所
AAR Corp ·  05/29 12:00

This award recognizes AAR's dedication to supporting a diverse workforce and inclusive work environment for the second consecutive year.


Wood Dale, Illinois — AAR CORP. (NYSE: AIR), a leading provider of aviation services to commercial and government operators, MROs, and OEMs, announced today that it has been recognized as one of America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2024 by Newsweek and Plant-A Insights Group.

伊利諾伊州伍德戴爾-AAR CORP.(紐約證券交易所股票代碼:AIR)是爲商業和政府運營商、MRO和OEM提供航空服務的領先提供商,今天宣佈,它被《新聞週刊》和Plant-A Insights Group評爲2024年美國最佳多元化工作場所之一。

This survey included publicly available data, interviews with HR professionals, and an anonymous online survey conducted among a diverse group of employees at companies in the U.S, resulting in more than 1.5 million reviews. Companies awarded to the list were recognized for their efforts to nurture an inclusive culture and to respect and value employees from different walks of life.


"Diversity is a widely discussed topic – and it remains a crucial factor as people look for an employer or a business partner. Newsweek and market-data research firm Plant-A Insights are proud to introduce 'America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2024,' highlighting companies that are committed to offering a diverse and inclusive work environment," said Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief of Newsweek.

“多元化是一個廣泛討論的話題——它仍然是人們尋找僱主或商業夥伴的關鍵因素。《新聞週刊》和市場數據研究公司Plant-A Insights很榮幸推出'2024年美國最棒的多元化工作場所',重點介紹致力於提供多元化和包容性工作環境的公司。”《新聞週刊》全球總編輯南希·庫珀說。

"One of AAR's core values is 'Work as one. Be inclusive.'" said Tracey Patterson, AAR's Chief Human Resources Officer. "AAR is proud to have an inclusive culture as it makes us more innovative and creative as we deliver solutions to our customers."

“AAR的核心價值觀之一是'一體行動。保持包容性。'” AAR首席人力資源官特蕾西·帕特森說。“AAR爲擁有包容性文化感到自豪,因爲它使我們在爲客戶提供解決方案時更具創新性和創造力。”

For more information on AAR's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, visit

有關 AAR 對多元化、公平和包容性承諾的更多信息,請訪問

About AAR
AAR is a global aerospace and defense aftermarket solutions company with operations in over 20 countries. Headquartered in the Chicago area, AAR supports commercial and government customers through four operating segments: Parts Supply, Repair & Engineering, Integrated Solutions, and Expeditionary Services. Additional information can be found at

關於 AAR
AAR 是一家全球航空航天和國防售後解決方案公司,業務遍及 20 多個國家。AAR總部位於芝加哥地區,通過四個運營部門爲商業和政府客戶提供支持:零件供應、維修和工程、綜合解決方案和遠征服務。其他信息可以在以下網址找到

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