
Relay Raises US$32.2 Million Series B to Solve The #1 Challenge Facing Small Businesses

Relay Raises US$32.2 Million Series B to Solve The #1 Challenge Facing Small Businesses

Relay 籌集了 3,220 萬美元的 B 輪融資,以解決小型企業面臨的 #1 挑戰
PR Newswire ·  05/29 20:10

Half of U.S. small businesses operate with just 27 days of cash buffer—Relay's banking platform gives them tools to extend their runway.


NEW YORK and TORONTO, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Relay, the business banking platform that gives cash flow clarity to small businesses (SMBs), announced today the close of a US$32.2 million Series B financing round, led by Bain Capital Ventures. This brings Relay's total funding to US$51.6 million. The new financing accelerates Relay's product development in spend management, smart credit products and a financial API marketplace. It's the next step toward Relay's overarching goal of delivering AI-powered predictive cash flow analytics to SMBs.

紐約和多倫多,2024 年 5 月 29 日 /PRNewswire/- 中繼爲小型企業(SMB)提供現金流清晰度的商業銀行平台今天宣佈完成由貝恩資本風險投資公司牽頭的3,220萬美元的B輪融資。這使Relay的總資金達到5,160萬美元。新的融資加速了Relay在支出管理、智能信貸產品和金融API市場方面的產品開發。這是朝着Relay的總體目標邁出的下一步,即向中小型企業提供基於人工智能的預測性現金流分析。

Relay Co-founders Yoseph West and Paul Klicnik (CNW Group/Relay)
Relay 聯合創始人約瑟夫·韋斯特和保羅·克利奇尼克(CNW 集團/Relay)

The funding comes after consecutive years of outsized growth—Relay's revenues rose 3x in 2022 and close to 6x in 2023—and a single-minded focus on the small business market.


"68% of U.S. small business owners have cash flow problems. They worry about making payroll and mission-critical bills but lack the tools to truly address these existential threats," said Yoseph West, Relay's Co-Founder and CEO. "Relay gives them cash flow clarity and control—what SMBs need to sustainably fuel everyday operations—by pairing financial services with software and making banking work harder for them."

“68% 的美國小企業主 有現金流問題。他們擔心開具工資和關鍵任務賬單,但缺乏真正應對這些生存威脅的工具。” Relay聯合創始人兼首席執行官約瑟夫·韋斯特說。“通過將金融服務與軟件相結合,讓他們更加努力地開展銀行業務,Relay爲他們提供了現金流的清晰度和控制權,這是中小企業持續推動日常運營所需的條件。”

The funding round includes previous Relay investors BTV, Garage, and Tapestry, with new participation from Industry Ventures. "Relay's been on an incredible trajectory, even as others in the industry have had to pivot and find new footing," said Kevin Zhang, Partner at Bain Capital Ventures. "We were eager to get behind Relay again as the company enters its next stage of growth and doubles down on the unique needs of the SMB market."

本輪融資包括之前的Relay投資者BTV、Garage和Tapestry,還有來自Industry Ventures的新參與。貝恩資本風險投資合夥人張凱文表示:“儘管業內其他人不得不調整方向並找到新的立足點,但Relay一直走上了令人難以置信的軌跡。”“隨着公司進入下一個增長階段並加倍滿足中小企業市場的獨特需求,我們渴望再次支持Relay。”

Relay taps into the ingrained money management behaviors of business owners. SMBs want to see what they've earmarked for different expenses and understand their cash position at a glance—which is what Relay delivers. As a result of this approach, last summer, Relay became the official banking platform for Profit First. Created and authored by serial entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz, Profit First is a behavior-based cash management methodology and book—with over 1 million copies sold—that teaches SMBs better financial habits.

Relay 利用了企業主根深蒂固的資金管理行爲。中小型企業希望了解他們爲不同支出劃撥了多少資金,並一目瞭然地了解他們的現金狀況——這正是Relay所提供的。由於這種方法,去年夏天,Relay成爲了 “利潤第一” 的官方銀行平台。《利潤第一》由連續創業家邁克·米哈洛維奇創作和撰寫,是一本基於行爲的現金管理方法和書籍,銷量超過100萬冊,旨在教導中小企業更好的財務習慣。

"What makes Relay so powerful for small business owners is how it works with our natural tendencies rather than against them," says Mike Michalowicz. "Everything from saving for taxes to tracking expenses becomes second nature in Relay, and it removes so much friction from the day-to-day work of running a business."


On average, business owners log into Relay 13 times per month, and 40% of customers who use Relay for their primary banking log in daily. The company most recently launched a credit card in limited release, complementing their smart checking and savings accounts, and a line of credit is slated to come.

平均而言,企業主每月登錄Relay13次,使用Relay進行主要銀行業務的客戶中有40%每天登錄。該公司最近推出了 信用卡 限量發行,補充了他們的智能支票和儲蓄賬戶,並計劃提供信貸額度。

About Relay:
Relay is an online banking platform that puts business owners in complete control of their cash flow and makes it easy to understand precisely what you're earning, spending and saving. With Relay, entrepreneurs can make the smartest decisions for their businesses. Disclaimer: The Relay Visa Credit Card is currently available to eligible Relay customers by invite only. Relay is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services and FDIC insurance are provided by Thread Bank; Member FDIC. The Relay Visa Business Credit Card is issued by Thread Bank pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. and may be used everywhere Visa credit cards are accepted.

Relay是一個網上銀行平台,可讓企業主完全控制其現金流,並可以輕鬆準確地了解您的收入、支出和儲蓄。藉助Relay,企業家可以爲其業務做出最明智的決策。免責聲明:中繼簽證 目前,符合條件的 Relay 客戶只能通過邀請使用信用卡。Relay是一家金融科技公司,不是銀行。銀行服務和聯邦存款保險公司保險由Thread Bank提供;成員聯邦存款保險公司。中繼簽證 商業信用卡由Thread Bank根據美國Visa公司的許可發行,可以在任何接受Visa信用卡的地方使用。

Sources: JPMorgan, Intuit

來源: 摩根大通Intuit


來源 Relay

