
Northern Superior Announces Closing of $8 Million Private Placement With Strong Insider Participation

Northern Superior Announces Closing of $8 Million Private Placement With Strong Insider Participation

Northern Superior宣佈完成800萬澳元的私募配售,並有大量內部人士參與
Accesswire ·  05/28 21:45

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / May 28, 2024 / Northern Superior Resources Inc. (" Northern Superior " or the " Company ") (TSX-V:SUP)(OTCQX:NSUPF) is pleased to announce that it has closed its previously announced bought deal financing (see press releases dated May 9 and May 10, 2024) by issuing (i) 5,050,600 common shares of the Company that qualify as "flow-through shares" (within the meaning of subsection 66(15) of the Tax Act (as defined below) and section 359.1 of the Québec Tax Act (as defined below) (the " FT Shares ") at a price of $0.99 per FT Share, for gross proceeds of $5,000,094; and (ii) 5,454,600 common shares of the Company (the " HD Shares ") at a price of $0.55 per HD Share, for gross proceeds of $3,000,030, for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of $8,000,124 (collectively, the " Offering ").

2024年5月28日,北至超級礦業資源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高興地宣佈已通過發行(i)在稅法(如下所定義)第66(15)小節和魁北克省稅法(如下所定義)第359.1條中被定義爲"過渡股票"的數量爲5050600的普通股(下稱"過渡股票")價格爲0.99美元每股,募集資金總額爲5000094美元;和(ii)其中數量爲5454600的普通股稱爲"HD股票"價格爲每股0.55美元,募資3000030美元,募資總額共計8000124美元(下稱"發行")的方式,完成了之前宣佈的買入交易融資(詳見2024年5月9日和5月10日的新聞稿)。

Cormark Securities Inc. (the " Underwriter ") acted as sole underwriter and bookrunner of the Offering. In connection with the Offering, the Company paid to the Underwriter a cash commission equal to approximately 6.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds of the Offering.


The net proceeds from the issuance of the HD Shares will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes. The Company will use an amount equal to the gross proceeds received by the Company from the sale of the FT Shares, pursuant to the provisions in the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the " Tax Act "), to incur (or be deemed to incur) eligible "Canadian exploration expenses" that qualify as "flow-through mining expenditures" (as both terms are defined in the Tax Act) (the " Qualifying Expenditures ") related to the Company's projects in Québec, on or before December 31, 2025, and to renounce all the Qualifying Expenditures in favour of the subscribers of the FT Shares effective December 31, 2024. In addition, with respect to Québec resident subscribers who are eligible individuals under the Taxation Act (Québec) (the " Québec Tax Act "), the Canadian exploration expenses will also qualify for inclusion in the "exploration base relating to certain Québec exploration expenses" within the meaning of section 726.4.10 of the Québec Tax Act and for inclusion in the "exploration base relating to certain Québec surface mining expenses" within the meaning of section 726.4.17.2 of the Québec Tax Act.

HD股票的淨收益將用於營運資本和普通公司用途。公司將利用其從出售過渡股票收到的募集總收入的金額依據稅法下所規定的條款,用於發生(或被視爲發生)符合稅法下定義的"加拿大勘探開支"作爲"過渡礦業支出"(兩個術語均在稅法下定義)的限定支出(下稱"限定支出"),這與公司在魁北克省的項目有關。限定支出在2025年12月31日或之前的時間內發生,並在2024年12月31日之後對過渡股票的認購者在限定支出的認可上獲得棄權。此外,對於是魁北克個人所得稅法(下稱"魁北克稅法")下符合資格的個人認購人,加拿大的勘探支出還將符合魁北克稅法726.4.10條所述的"與某些魁北克勘探費用有關的勘探基數"和魁北克稅法726.4.17.2條所述的"與某些魁北克表層採礦費用有關的勘探基數"。2024年5月28日,北至超級礦業資源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高興地宣佈已通過發行(i)在稅法(如下所定義)第66(15)小節和魁北克省稅法(如下所定義)第359.1條中被定義爲"過渡股票"的數量爲5050600的普通股(下稱"過渡股票")價格爲0.99美元每股,募集資金總額爲5000094美元;和(ii)其中數量爲5454600的普通股稱爲"HD股票"價格爲每股0.55美元,募資3000030美元,募資總額共計8000124美元(下稱"發行")的方式,完成了之前宣佈的買入交易融資(詳見2024年5月9日和5月10日的新聞稿)。(加拿大)所得稅法("稅法"),根據稅法的規定,公司將利用其從出售過渡股票收到的募集總收益的等額金額,發生(或被視爲發生)符合稅法下所定義的"加拿大勘探開支"作爲"過渡礦業支出"(兩個術語均在稅法下定義)的限定支出(下稱"限定支出"),這與公司在魁北克省的項目有關。限定支出在2025年12月31日或之前的時間內發生,並在2024年12月31日之後對過渡股票的認購者在限定支出的認可上獲得棄權。納稅法(魁北克)下的資格個人,加拿大勘探支出還將符合魁北克稅法726.4.10條所規定的"與某些魁北克勘探費用有關的勘探基數"和魁北克稅法726.4.17.2條所規定的"與某些魁北克表層採礦費用有關的勘探基數"。納稅法(魁北克)下的資格個人,加拿大勘探支出還將符合魁北克稅法726.4.10條所規定的"與某些魁北克勘探費用有關的勘探基數"和魁北克稅法726.4.17.2條所規定的"與某些魁北克表層採礦費用有關的勘探基數"。

The Offering was made pursuant to the listed issuer financing exemption under Part 5A of National Instrument 45-106 - Prospectus Exemptions (the " LIFE Exemption ") and other available exemptions pursuant to applicable securities laws. The securities issued to Canadian resident subscribers pursuant to the LIFE Exemption will not be subject to a hold period pursuant to applicable Canadian securities laws. A copy of the offering documents prepared by the Company in connection with the LIFE Exemption dated May 9, 2024 and May 10, 2024 is available electronically under the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR+ at . Final acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange (the " TSX-V ") of the Offering is subject to the completion of customary post-closing filings.

(部分)第45-106號國家機構第5A部分列出的發行人融資豁免措施(LIFE豁免)和適用證券法規的其他可用豁免項的發佈。在此豁免項下,向加拿大居民認購的證券將不受適用的加拿大證券法規規定的持有期限制限制。公司爲豁免項代表所準備的募資文件的副本,日期爲2024年5月9日和5月10日,可在SEDAR+公司發行人概況下以電子方式獲得。最終,多倫多證券交易所(TSX Venture Exchange)對此發行進行最終批准取決於完成例行的最終業務處理。《報告豁免》的部分5a和其他可用豁免項,達到例行審核要求所必需的預防性措施。出售給加拿大居民認購人的證券根據適用的加拿大證券法規不受持有期限的限制。公司在LIFE豁免下準備的發行文件的副本,日期分別爲2024年5月9日和5月10日,可以在SEDAR+的公司發行人檔案下通過電子方式獲得。TSX Venture Exchange同意此發行是在完成正常的最終文件後進行的。根據適用的證券法規,可享有“LIFE豁免”(“LIFE Exemption”)和其他免除情況。根據“LIFE豁免”,發行給加拿大居民的證券將不受適用的加拿大證券法規規定下的持有期限的限制。公司於2024年5月9日和5月10日完成的與“LIFE豁免”相關的募資文件電子副本可在公司的SEDAR +發行人檔案下獲取。在TSX Venture Exchange(“TSX-V”)完成常規交易後,方可最終接受本次認購。

Insider Participation

公司的男性董事長Victor Cantore、總裁兼首席執行官Simon Marcotte和董事Michael Gentile參加了Offering,併購買了公司的共計182萬股。這些內部人士參與該發行屬於《多邊協議61-101證券法》第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條下列出的豁免事項,因爲內部人士的公平市場價值參與發行低於公司市值(25%)。公司沒有在發行完成的21天前提交重要變化報告,因爲公司內部人士的參與細節在那個時候尚未得到確認。本發行已由公司的董事會一致批准,而參與發行的每位內部人士則在對其各自參與該發行的投票中持棄權態度。公司向內部人士發行的普通股受到加拿大證券交易所的適用政策的限制,禁止其自發行關閉之日起四個月內出售。

Simon Marcotte, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Victor Cantore, Executive Chairman of the Company, and Michael Gentile, director of the Company, participated in the Offering and purchased an aggregate of 1,820,000 common shares of the Company. Participation of such insiders in the Offering constituted a "related party transaction" as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holdings in Special Transactions (" MI 61-101 "), but was exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirement of MI 61-101 pursuant to the exemptions contained in Sections 5.5(a) and 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101, as the fair market value of the insiders' participation in the Offering does not exceed 25% of the market capitalization of the Company. The Company did not file a material change report 21 days prior to the closing of the Offering as the details of the participation of the insiders of the Company had not been confirmed at that time. The Offering has been unanimously approved by the board of directors of the Company, with each of the participating insiders abstaining from voting on their respective participation in the Offering. The common shares issued to insiders of the Company are subject to a four-month hold period pursuant to applicable policies of the TSX-V.

公司的男性董事長Victor Cantore、總裁兼首席執行官Simon Marcotte和董事Michael Gentile參加了Offering,併購買了公司的共計182萬股。這些內部人士參與該發行屬於《多邊協議61-101證券法》第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條下列出的豁免事項,因爲內部人士的公平市場價值參與發行低於公司市值(25%)。公司沒有在發行完成的21天前提交重要變化報告,因爲公司內部人士的參與細節在那個時候尚未得到確認。本發行已由公司的董事會一致批准,而參與發行的每位內部人士則在對其各自參與該發行的投票中持棄權態度。公司向內部人士發行的普通股受到加拿大證券交易所的適用政策的限制,禁止其自發行關閉之日起四個月內出售。公司的男性董事長Victor Cantore、總裁兼首席執行官Simon Marcotte和董事Michael Gentile參加了Offering,併購買了公司的共計182萬股。這些內部人士參與該發行屬於《多邊協議61-101證券法》第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條下列出的豁免事項,因爲內部人士的公平市場價值參與發行低於公司市值(25%)。公司沒有在發行完成的21天前提交重要變化報告,因爲公司內部人士的參與細節在那個時候尚未得到確認。本發行已由公司的董事會一致批准,而參與發行的每位內部人士則在對其各自參與該發行的投票中持棄權態度。公司向內部人士發行的普通股受到加拿大證券交易所的適用政策的限制,禁止其自發行關閉之日起四個月內出售。公司的男性董事長Victor Cantore、總裁兼首席執行官Simon Marcotte和董事Michael Gentile參加了Offering,併購買了公司的共計182萬股。這些內部人士參與該發行屬於《多邊協議61-101證券法》第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條下列出的豁免事項,因爲內部人士的公平市場價值參與發行低於公司市值(25%)。公司沒有在發行完成的21天前提交重要變化報告,因爲公司內部人士的參與細節在那個時候尚未得到確認。本發行已由公司的董事會一致批准,而參與發行的每位內部人士則在對其各自參與該發行的投票中持棄權態度。公司向內部人士發行的普通股受到加拿大證券交易所的適用政策的限制,禁止其自發行關閉之日起四個月內出售。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 , as amended (the " U.S. Securities Act ") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available. "United States" and "U.S. person" have the meaning ascribed to them in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act.

本新聞稿並不構成銷售或邀請購買任何證券,也不得在任何違反該等州或國際法律法規的情況下銷售或邀請購買任何證券,包括美國國內的證券。本證券以及任何州證券都未在美國《證券法》1933年修正案(下稱"《美國證券法》")或任何州證券法規中註冊,也未在美國境內提供或出售,除非依據《美國證券法》和適用州證券法規的規定進行註冊或准予豁免。"美國"和"美國人"在《美國證券法》下有其特殊含義。北至超級資源公司是一家專注於魁北克省Chibougamau地區黃金勘探的公司,公司目前擁有該地區最大的土地包裹,土地總面積超過62000公頃,其中的主要資產包括Philibert、Lac Surprise、Chevrier和Croteau等。同時北至超級資源公司還擁有一些在北安大略省的重要勘探資產,如區域性TPK項目。本新聞稿並不構成銷售或邀請購買任何證券,也不得在任何違反該等州或國際法律法規的情況下銷售或邀請購買任何證券,包括美國國內的證券。本證券以及任何州證券都未在美國《證券法》1933年修正案(下稱"《美國證券法》")或任何州證券法規中註冊,也未在美國境內提供或出售,除非依據《美國證券法》和適用州證券法規的規定進行註冊或准予豁免。"美國"和"美國人"在《美國證券法》下有其特殊含義。

About Northern Superior Resources Inc.

北至超級礦業資源公司是一家專注於魁北克省Chibougamau地區黃金勘探的公司,公司目前擁有該地區最大的土地包裹,土地總面積超過62000公頃,其中的主要資產包括Philibert、Lac Surprise、Chevrier和Croteau等。

Northern Superior is a gold exploration company focused on the Chibougamau Camp in Québec, Canada. The Company has consolidated the largest land package in the region, with total land holdings currently exceeding 62,000 hectares. The main properties include Philibert, Lac Surprise, Chevrier and Croteau. Northern Superior also owns significant exploration assets in Northern Ontario highlighted by the district scale TPK Project.

北至超級礦業資源公司是一家專注於魁北克省Chibougamau地區黃金勘探的公司,公司目前擁有該地區最大的土地包裹,土地總面積超過62000公頃,其中的主要資產包括Philibert、Lac Surprise、Chevrier和Croteau等。同時北至超級資源公司還擁有一些在北安大略省的重要勘探資產,如區域性TPK項目。

The Philibert Project is located 9 km from IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Gold project which was awarded the " Discovery of the Year " by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association (AEMQ) in 2019. Philibert hosts a new maiden 43-101 inferred resource of 1,708,800 ounces Au and an indicated resource of 278,900 ounces of Au [1] . Northern Superior holds a majority stake of 75% in the Philibert Project, with the remaining 25% owned by SOQUEM, and retains an option to acquire the full 100% ownership of the project. Chevrier hosts an inferred mineral resource of 652,000 ounces Au (underground and open pit) and an indicated mineral resource of 260,000 ounces Au. [2] Croteau hosts an inferred mineral resource of 640,000 ounces Au. [3] Lac Surprise hosts the Falcon Zone Discovery, interpreted to be the western strike extension of IAMGOLD Corporation's Nelligan Gold project.

Philibert項目距離IAMGOLD公司的Nelligan黃金項目僅9公里。Nelligan Gold項目被授予"年度發現Philibert擁有一個新的43-101推斷性資源,包括1,708,800盎司的Au錠和278,900盎司的指示資源。[1]North Superior持有Philibert項目的75%的多數股權,其餘25%由SOQUEM擁有,並保留收購該項目全部100%所有權的選擇權。Chevrier擁有652,000盎司Au的推斷礦物資源(地下和露天開採)和260,000盎司Au的指示礦物資源。 [2]Croteau擁有640,000盎司Au的推斷性礦產資源。[3]Lac Surprise擁有Falcon Zone發現,被解釋爲IAMGOLD公司Nelligan Gold項目的西部證券延伸。

Northern Superior is a reporting issuer in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Québec, and trades on the TSX-V under the symbol SUP and the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol NSUPF. For further information, please refer to the Company's website at or the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at .


Qualified Person


The technical content and scientific aspects of this press release have been reviewed and approved by Ms. Adree DeLazzer, P. Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by the National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (" NI 43-101 "). Ms. DeLazzer is Vice-President Exploration of Northern Superior and is not considered independent.

本新聞稿的技術內容和科學方面經Ms. Adree DeLazzer (P. Geo)審核批准,她是按照43- 101法規,礦產項目披露標準(" NI 43-101 ")定義的合格人士,同時是北超探索公司的副總裁,不被視爲獨立人士。礦產項目披露標準(“ NI 43-101”)。 Ms. DeLazzer是北超探索公司的副總裁,不被認爲是獨立的。

Northern Superior Resources Inc. on Behalf of the Board of Directors

北超資源公司董事會代表Simon Marcotte,CFA,總裁兼首席執行官

Simon Marcotte, CFA, President and Chief Executive Officer

北超資源公司董事會代表Simon Marcotte,CFA,總裁兼首席執行官

Contact Information


Simon Marcotte, CFA
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (647) 801-7273


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements made in this press release include, but are not limited to, the receipt of the TSX-V approval, the use of proceeds of the Offering, the tax treatment of the FT Shares, the timing of the Qualifying Expenditures, the future performance of our business, its operations and its financial performance and condition, as well as management's objectives, strategies, beliefs and intentions. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as "may", "will", "plan", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "intend" and similar words referring to future events and results. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the future tax treatment of the FT Shares, competitive risks and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in our recent securities filings available at under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and we caution against placing undue reliance thereon. We assume no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於TSX-V的批准、Offering的款項使用、FT股票的稅務處理、Qualifying Expenditures的時間安排、我們業務、運營、財務表現和狀況的未來表現,以及管理層的目標、策略、信念和意圖。前瞻性聲明經常以"可能"、"將"、"計劃"、"預計"、"預測"、"估計"、"打算"等字眼描述未來事件和結果。前瞻性聲明基於管理層的當前意見和期望。所有前瞻性信息本質上都是不確定的,受多種假設、風險和不確定性的影響,包括礦產勘探和開發的投機性、商品價格的波動、FT股票未來的稅務處理、競爭風險和融資的可用性,如我們最近在SEDAR+公司相應資料中詳細描述的。實際事件或結果可能與前瞻性聲明中預示的不同,我們警告不要過度依賴這些聲明。我們假設除適用法律規定外,不承擔修改或更新這些前瞻性聲明的義務。

[1] Northern Superior announces 1,708,809 gold ounces in inferred category and 278,921 gold ounces in indicated category at 1.10 g/t in maiden NI 43-101 pit constrained resource estimate at Philibert; Northern Superior's press release dated August 08, 2023.

Northern Superior宣佈Philibert的maiden NI 43-101採礦約束資源評估中,推斷類別擁有1,708,809盎司黃金和指示類別擁有278,921盎司黃金,在1.10g/t的條件下。此外,Northern Superior's在2023年8月8日發佈的新聞稿中提到此次找到黃金儲量。北方卓越公司宣佈其於Philibert的初步NI 43-101採礦資源評估中推斷類別探明1708809盎司黃金和指示類別探明278921盎司黃金,平均品位1.10克/噸。詳見北方卓越公司2023年8月8日新聞稿。

[2] NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimation for the Chevrier Main Deposit, Chevrier Project Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada, October 20, 2021, Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 by Lions Gate Geological Consulting Inc. IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc. for Northern Superior.

[2]NI 43-101技術報告 柿子灣主採礦區儲量估算 Chevrier Project Chibougamau,Quebec,Canada,2021年10月20日,由Lions Gate地質諮詢公司和IOS Services Géoscientifiques Inc.根據NI 43-101編制給Northern Superior。

[3] Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior Resources Inc. Technical Report on the Croteau Est Gold Project, Québec, September 2015, Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 by Optiro Pty Ltd ("Optiro") to Chalice Gold Mines Limited and Northern Superior.

[3]Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior Resources Inc. Technical Report on the Croteau Est Gold Project,Québec,2015年9月,由Optiro Pty Ltd("Optiro")根據NI 43-101編制並提交給Chalice Gold Mines Limited和Northern Superior。

SOURCE: Northern Superior Resources Inc.

來源:Northern Superior Resources Inc。

