
CIBO Technologies Launches First End-to-End Solution for Food and Agriculture Scope 3 Reporting and Reduction

CIBO Technologies Launches First End-to-End Solution for Food and Agriculture Scope 3 Reporting and Reduction

CIBO Technologies推出首款用於食品和農業範圍3報告和縮減的端到端解決方案
PR Newswire ·  05/28 21:00

Companies with ag supply chains will now have access to a complete offering for Scope 3 reporting, intervention program deployment and syndication


MINNEAPOLIS, May 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CIBO Technologies, the company powering the transition to regenerative agriculture, today unveiled a comprehensive end-to-end Scope 3 offering designed to help agricultural enterprises identify, measure, reduce and report on carbon emissions throughout their supply chains. By accessing the CIBO Impact platform and its Grower Network Partners, enterprises can better decarbonize agricultural commodities and accelerate the adoption of conservation practices through farmer incentive programs.

明尼阿波利斯2024年5月28日電 /PRNewswire/-- CIBO 科技推動向再生農業過渡的公司今天推出了一項全面的端到端Scope 3產品,旨在幫助農業企業識別、測量、減少和報告整個供應鏈的碳排放。通過訪問CIBO Impact平台及其種植者網絡合作夥伴,企業可以更好地對農產品進行脫碳,並通過農民激勵計劃加快保護措施的採用。

Enterprises face many challenges in reporting and reducing carbon emissions, including complex supply chains, lack of direct farmer access, limited data availability and accuracy, variance in emissions sources, and shifting regulatory and compliance dynamics. Companies also need help to design programs that provide a sufficient incentive for all stakeholders to ensure the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices for the long term.


CIBO Impact Addresses Scope 3 Sponsor Challenges: Maximizing Funding Potential for Farmers, Boosting Enrollment and Accessing and Sourcing Farmers and Acres

CIBO Impact解決了範圍3發起人面臨的挑戰:最大限度地提高農民的資金潛力,提高入學率,獲取和採購農民和英畝土地

CIBO Impact empowers Scope 3 sponsors to maximize funding potential for farmers by connecting them with additional financial incentives, such as the USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), to cover transition costs, leading to higher farmer adoption. CIBO is the only company that provides a scaled Scope 3 reporting and program platform that enables programs to be deployed to farmers leveraging CIBO's Grower Network Partners, composed of trusted organizations across their supply sheds with farmer relationships already in place.

CIBO Impact使範圍3贊助商能夠通過將農民與額外的經濟激勵措施(例如美國農業部環境質量激勵計劃(EQIP))聯繫起來,最大限度地提高農民的融資潛力,以支付過渡成本,從而提高農民的採用率。CIBO是唯一一家提供規模化Scope 3報告和計劃平台的公司,該平台允許利用CIBO的種植者網絡合作夥伴向農民部署計劃,這些合作伙伴由供應棚中已建立農民關係的可信組織組成。

"We value our important business relationship with CIBO, and together are excited to continue delivering reduced emissions factors for CPGs and processors through best-in-class sustainability solutions for farmers," said Jamie Leifker, President of Truterra, a Land O'Lakes Company.

Land O'Lakes旗下公司Truterra總裁傑米·萊夫克表示:“我們重視與CIBO的重要業務關係,並共同很高興能夠繼續通過爲農民提供一流的可持續發展解決方案,降低CPG和加工商的排放係數。”

Additional CIBO Impact Scope 3 features include:

CIBO Impact Scope 3 的其他功能包括:

  • Defining sourcing regions or supply sheds, measuring carbon intensity (CI) from the company inventory base year to the current crop year.
  • Designing strategies to reduce emissions to reach companies' interim (5-10 year) agriculture GHG reduction targets.
  • Developing and deploying farmer-facing programs to achieve these targets, and measuring and reporting intervention CI to compare to supply sheds.
  • Delivering inventory and outcomes reporting that aligns with voluntary standards including Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) and the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
  • 定義採購區域或供應棚,衡量從公司庫存基準年到當前作物年度的碳強度(CI)。
  • 設計減排戰略,以實現公司的中期(5-10年)農業溫室氣體減排目標。
  • 制定和部署面向農民的計劃以實現這些目標,並衡量和報告干預措施的CI,以便與供應棚進行比較。
  • 提供符合自願標準的清單和結果報告,包括溫室氣體協議 (GHGP) 和科學目標倡議 (SBTi)。

"CIBO understands the unique challenges Scope 3 plan sponsors, such as CPGs, face. We have engineered an end-to-end platform solution that gives companies complete visibility across their supply chains to optimize reporting and reduction. By leveraging our Grower Network Partners and blending of public and private incentives, we're empowering enterprises to drive meaningful change across their entire supply chains at scale," said Daniel Ryan, CEO of CIBO Technologies.

“CIBO了解範圍3計劃發起人(例如CPG)面臨的獨特挑戰。我們設計了端到端的平台解決方案,使公司能夠完全了解其供應鏈,從而優化報告和減少成本。通過利用我們的種植者網絡合作夥伴以及公共和私人激勵措施的結合,我們使企業能夠大規模推動整個供應鏈的有意義的變革。” CIBO Technologies首席執行官丹尼爾·瑞安說。

CIBO will showcase its new Scope 3 reporting solution at the upcoming The Future of Food and Beverage USA in Minneapolis at the end of May. For more information and to request a product demo, please visit CIBO's website.

CIBO將在即將到來的會議上展示其新的Scope 3報告解決方案 美國食品和飲料的未來 五月底在明尼阿波利斯。如需更多信息並申請產品演示, 請訪問 CIBO 的網站.

About CIBO Technologies
Founded by Flagship Pioneering in 2015, CIBO applies advanced software to deliver a deep understanding of agricultural systems at scale. We focus on delivering solutions that drive regenerative agriculture in order to help mitigate climate change, advance food system resilience and improve farmer outcomes. CIBO is a 2021 Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards finalist, was named 2021, 2022 and 2023 AgTech "Company of the Year," 2023 Fast Company Brands that Matter honoree, a Thrive 50 company, 2023 Bold Award finalist and named one of TIME's Top 100 GreenTech Companies in America in 2024. Learn more at

關於 CIBO 科技
CIBO由旗艦先鋒於2015年創立,採用先進的軟件來大規模地深入了解農業系統。我們專注於提供推動再生農業的解決方案,以幫助緩解氣候變化、提高糧食系統的抵禦能力並改善農民的產出。CIBO是2021年《快公司》改變世界理念獎的決賽入圍者,被評爲2021、2022和2023年農業科技 “年度公司”,2023年 “重要快公司品牌” 獲獎者,蓬勃發展50強公司,2023年大膽獎決賽入圍者,並被評爲2024年時報美國100強綠色科技公司之一。要了解更多,請訪問

Media Contact
Ally O'Hara
[email protected]


SOURCE CIBO Technologies

來源 CIBO 科技

