
New Opportunity for the Wilson Project

New Opportunity for the Wilson Project

GlobeNewswire ·  05/28 19:00

VAL-D'OR, Quebec, May 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cartier Resources Inc. (TSXV: ECR, FSE: 6CA) (the "Company") announces the termination, effective May 23, 2024, of the option agreement (Original Agreement, April 22nd 2021 and Amended Agreement, April 20th 2023) pertaining to its 100% owned Wilson Property, situated 15 km east of Lebel-sur-Quévillon, due to the third anniversary earn-in commitments not being met by the optionor, which was notified accordingly.

VAL-D'OR,魁北克,2024 年 5 月 28 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——卡地亞資源公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ECR,FSE:6CA)(“公司”)宣佈終止期權協議,自2024年5月23日起生效(原始協議,4月22日) 2021 年和經修訂的協議,4 月 20 日第四 2023)涉及其100%擁有的威爾遜地產,位於奎維隆河畔勒貝勒以東15公里處,原因是期權人沒有兌現三週年的收益承諾,期權人已收到相應的通知。

The project has three key exploration success components:


  • Location
    • Mining camp jurisdiction of Quebec, Canada
    • Infrastructures and qualified workers
  • High grade gold mineralization
    • Trench and drill hole with multiple high grade gold intersections
    • High grade gold Toussaint Deposit open below 200 m
  • Blue-sky
    • Numerous high grade gold discoveries with expansion potential
    • Compilation in progress and planning next steps
  • 地點
    • 加拿大魁北克省採礦營地管轄區
    • 基礎設施和合格員工
  • 高品位金礦化
    • 帶有多個高品位金交叉點的溝槽和鑽孔
    • 高品位黃金 Toussaint 礦牀在 200 米以下開放
  • 藍天
    • 大量具有擴張潛力的高品位黃金髮現
    • 彙編正在進行中,正在規劃後續步驟

A review and interpretation of all historical exploration data, as well as recent drilling will be undertaken with a focus on the areas with high-grade gold potential on which to focus the next phases of work.


« The areas with known gold mineralization of the project offer the most obvious exploration upside potential and starting point for discovering additional mineralized zones » commented Philippe Cloutier, President and CEO.

“該項目已知金礦化的區域提供了最明顯的勘探上行潛力,也是發現更多礦化區的起點” 總裁兼首席執行官菲利普·克勞蒂爾評論道。

Qualified Persons


The Company's scientific and technical information in this news release was prepared and reviewed by Mr. Gaétan Lavallière, P.Geo., Ph.D., Vice-President, and Mr. Ronan Déroff, P.Geo., M.Sc., Senior Geologist, Project Manager and Geomatician, both qualified persons as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Lavallière approved the information contained in this press release.

公司在本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息由副總裁Gaeítan Lavalliere博士和P.Geo理學碩士、高級地質學家、項目經理和地理學家羅南·德羅夫先生編寫和審查,他們都是國家儀器43-101中定義的合格人員。拉瓦列爾先生批准了本新聞稿中包含的信息。

For more information, please contact:
Philippe Cloutier, P.Geo.
President and CEO
Telephone: 819 856-0512
Philippe Cloutier,P.Geo
電話:819 856-0512

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulatory services provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


