
UEM Sunrise Proposes Landmark Development at The Oval Subiaco East in Perth, Western Australia

UEM Sunrise Proposes Landmark Development at The Oval Subiaco East in Perth, Western Australia

UEM Sunrise 提議在西澳大利亞州珀斯的 Oval Subiaco East 進行具有里程碑意義的開發項目
UEM 日出 ·  05/27 12:00

UEM Sunrise Proposes Landmark Development at The Oval Subiaco East in Perth, Western Australia

UEM Sunrise在珀斯的東部Subiaco East提出標誌性項目計劃

KUALA LUMPUR, 27 May 2024 – UEM Sunrise Berhad ("UEM Sunrise" or the "Company") submitted the Development Application (DA) of its first residential development in Subiaco East in Perth, Western Australia for Lots 1 and 2 at The Oval, Subiaco East, to deliver two landmark apartment buildings.

2024年5月27日,UEM Sunrise Berhad("UEM Sunrise"或"公司")向西澳大利亞珀斯市的Subiaco East的Oval Lots 1和2提交了其第一個住宅開發計劃的開發申請(DA),計劃建設兩棟標誌性公寓樓。

The Company is seeking approval for two mixed-use residential buildings on the 4,930sqm site, which will sit just beyond the boundary line of the iconic Subiaco Oval, alongside Haydn Bunton Drive. The proposed development is the first within the overall Subiaco East Masterplan by DevelopmentWA, the Western Australia State Government's central development agency.

公司正在尋求對4930平方米的用地批准建造兩棟混合住宅樓,這些樓坐落在Subiaco Oval的地標邊界線之外,靠近Haydn Bunton Drive。這是由Western Australia州政府的中央開發機構DevelopmentWA規劃的Subiaco East總體規劃內的第一個擬建項目。

The proposed development will comprise of approximately 340 apartment units with a launch GDV potential of AUD450 million (RM1,346.7 million) including up to 12% of the apartments providing affordable housing in the Western suburbs. The proposal aims to offer a distinct opportunity for future residents to enjoy the unique Subiaco lifestyle.


The scheme will see two well-designed residential buildings on Lot 1 with a tiered height of 25 and 35 stories plus a ground floor, creating a strong visual aesthetic for the landmark development. This will be complemented by a 10-storey building plus a ground floor on Lot 2.

計劃在Lot 1上建造兩棟經過精心設計的住宅樓,其高度分別爲25和35層,外加一樓,打造出標誌性開發的強烈視覺美感。Lot 2則建造一棟10層樓加一樓。

The proposed design for the mixed-use residential precinct will promote communal interaction through well-curated spaces, 400sqm of retail space on the ground floor of Lot 1, which permeates into gardens and landscaping that augment the public facilities at The Oval site.

混合住宅區的設計將通過精選的空間促進社區互動,Lot 1首層的400平方米零售空間滲透到花園和景觀中,增強The Oval場地的公共設施。

Chief Executive Officer Sufian Abdullah said, "The Company has had a significant presence in Australia for many years and we're delighted to be delivering this landmark project in our first venture into Western Australia bringing a combined local and global expertise in mixed-use developments to the Perth residential market to create a vibrant and connected new community in Subiaco East."

首席執行官Sufian Abdullah表示:“公司在澳大利亞已經有很多年的顯著存在,我們很高興能夠在西澳大利亞進行首次嘗試並將本地和全球混合住宅開發經驗帶入珀斯住宅市場,創建一個充滿活力和連通的新社區,即Subiaco East。”

"This proposed development will create a high-quality residential precinct at an important time in the Western Australia housing market – delivering new housing supply at scale, with more than 340 new homes for a wide range of residents. Our unique offering will appeal to home-owners – individuals and families – at different stages in their life, with greater flexibility and opportunity for intergenerational living, work-life integration and connection to a diverse community."


The Company is committed to delivering a design excellence outcome for Lots 1 and 2 including targeting a 5-star Green Star Buildings v1.0 certification with the Green Building Council of Australia. The 5-star Green Star Buildings certification represents Australian excellence in better, healthier and more responsible buildings, providing significant community and environmental benefits exceeding the Subiaco Oval and Railway Design Guidelines requirements for sustainability and building on the 6-star Green Star Communities v1.1 certification achieved by Development WA for the Subiaco East Redevelopment.

公司致力於爲Lot 1和2提供卓越的設計成果,包括通過澳大利亞綠色建築協會獲得5星綠色建築V1.0認證。 5星綠色建築認證代表着澳大利亞在建造更好、更健康和更負責任的建築方面的卓越成就,提供超過Subiaco Oval和Railway Design Guidelines對可持續性的要求的社區和環境利益,並建立在由Development WA爲Subiaco East Redevelopment所獲得的6星綠色建築社區V1.1認證的基礎之上。

Construction of the proposed development is expected to commence in 2026.


An artist impression of the two landmark apartment buildings at The Oval, Subiaco East.

The Oval, Subiaco East標誌性公寓樓項目效果圖。

An artist impression of the podium view at The Oval, Subiaco East.

The Oval, Subiaco East首層的效果圖。

