
Tesla's Shadow Looms: Rivian Discounts US, Canada Inventory To Stay Competitive

Tesla's Shadow Looms: Rivian Discounts US, Canada Inventory To Stay Competitive

Benzinga ·  05/27 14:36

California-based EV maker Rivian Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ:RIVN) is reducing prices on existing inventory in the United States and Canada to compete in the increasingly heated electric vehicle market. These discounts apply to both 2023 and 2024 model year R1T and R1S vehicles.

總部位於加利福尼亞的電動汽車製造商Rivian Automotive, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:RIVN)正在降低美國和加拿大現有庫存的價格,以在日益激烈的電動汽車市場中競爭。這些折扣適用於2023年和2024年車型的R1T和R1S車輛。

Focus On Upgraded Features: Importantly, the discounts target optional upgrades like the drive system and battery pack, not the base price of the vehicle, Drive Tesla reported.

關注升級的功能:據Drive Tesla報道,重要的是,折扣針對的是驅動系統和電池組等可選升級,而不是車輛的基本價格。

Key US Price Reductions:


  • R1S: Quad-Motor upgrade: $6,000 (down from $8,000), Large battery: $7,100 (down from $9,100), Max battery: $15,100 (down from $19,100).
  • R1T: Performance Dual-Motor upgrade: Free (down from $5,000), Large battery: $5,100 (down from $9,100).
  • 2024 R1T: Large battery: $3,100 (Dual-Motor), $5,100 (Performance Dual-Motor and Quad-Motor) (all down from $9,100).
  • R1S:四電機升級:6,000美元(低於8,000美元),大型電池:7,100美元(低於9,100美元),最大電池電量:15,100美元(低於19,100美元)。
  • R1T:高性能雙電機升級:免費(低於5,000美元),大電池:5,100美元(低於9,100美元)。
  • 2024 R1T:大型電池:3,100美元(雙電機)、5,100美元(高性能雙電機和四電機)(均低於9,100美元)。

Key Canadian Price Adjustments:


  • 2023 R1T/R1S: Quad-Motor upgrade: C$8,000 (down from C$12,500).
  • 2024 R1T: Quad-Motor upgrade: C$11,000 (down from C$12,500).
  • 2024 R1S: Quad-Motor upgrade: C$5,000 (down from C$12,500).
  • Large Battery Pack: Significant reductions (over 50%) across all models and years. Prices now range from C$2,500 to C$6,000 (previously C$14,500).
  • 2023 年 R1T/R1S:四電機升級:8,000 加元(低於 12,500 加元)。
  • 2024 年 R1T:四電機升級:11,000 加元(低於 12,500 加元)。
  • 2024 年 R1S:四電機升級:5,000 加元(低於 12,500 加元)。
  • 大型電池組:所有型號和年份均大幅減少(超過50%)。現在的價格從2,500加元到6,000加元(以前的14,500加元)不等。

Why It Matters: These discounts reportedly follow Rivian opening its R1 Shop in Canada, allowing all customers to purchase vehicles from existing inventory with delivery within a week. Previously, only those with reservations could access this option.

爲何重要:據報道,這些折扣是在 Rivian 在加拿大開設了 R1 商店之後發佈的,允許所有客戶從現有庫存中購買車輛,並在一週內交貨。以前,只有預訂者才能使用此選項。

Rivian's R1T and R1S are currently their only production vehicles besides electric delivery vans. Both models have a starting price point of around $70,000. In the first quarter, Rivian produced 13,980 vehicles and delivered 13,588. The company aims to produce approximately 57,000 vehicles for the entire 2024 year, similar to 2023.


EV Price War: The discounts reflect the ongoing price war in the EV market, largely driven by Tesla's adjustments since the beginning of 2023. Rivian and other competitors are adapting their strategies to stay competitive.

電動汽車價格戰:折扣反映了電動汽車市場持續的價格戰,這主要是由特斯拉自2023年初以來的調整所推動的。Rivian 和其他競爭對手正在調整策略以保持競爭力。

Price Action: Rivian stock closed up nearly 5% at $10.44 on Friday, before dipping 0.86% in after-hours trading, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,Rivian股價週五收盤上漲近5%,至10.44美元,然後在盤後交易中下跌0.86%。

Read More: Tesla Receives More Job Applications In 2023 Despite Reports Of Poor Working Conditions And Layoff

閱讀更多: 儘管有報道稱工作條件惡劣和裁員,但特斯拉在2023年仍收到更多求職申請

Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

免責聲明: 此內容部分是在 Benzinga Neuro 的幫助下製作的,並由 Benzinga 編輯審查和出版。

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