
Tornado Global Hydrovacs Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

Tornado Global Hydrovacs Reports First Quarter 2024 Results

Tornado Global Hydrovacs公佈2024年第一季度業績
GlobeNewswire ·  05/24 07:30

Net Income Per Share Increased By 200% Compared To Q1/2023

與 2023 年第一季度相比,每股淨收益增長了 200%

CALGARY, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tornado Global Hydrovacs Ltd. ("Tornado" or the "Company") (TSX-V: TGH; OTCQX: TGHLF) today reported its unaudited condensed consolidated financial results for the three months period ended March 31, 2024. The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and related management discussion and analysis are available on the Company's issuer profile in Canada on SEDAR+ at , the United States at and on the Company's website at . All amounts reported in this news release are in thousands ($000's CAD) except per share amounts.

卡爾加里,2024年5月23日(環球新聞專線)——龍捲風環球水務有限公司(“龍捲風” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TGH;OTCQX:TGHL)今天公佈了截至2024年3月31日的三個月期間未經審計的簡明合併財務業績。未經審計的簡明合併財務報表以及相關的管理層討論和分析可在SEDAR+上查看公司在加拿大的發行人概況,網址爲 ,美國在 並在公司的網站上 。除每股金額外,本新聞稿中報告的所有金額均以千計(000加元)爲單位。

First Quarter 2024 Overview and Significant Developments

2024 年第一季度概述和重大進展

  • The Company achieved record quarterly sales in Q1/2024, marking the eighth consecutive quarter of record revenue.
  • In July 2022, the Company entered into a four-year Product Supply and Development Agreement for the co-development and supply of customized hydrovac trucks (the "Supply Contract") with Ditch Witch, a division of The Toro Company ("Ditch Witch").
  • Net income per share (diluted) of $0.018 increased by $0.012 (200.0%) compared to $0.006 in Q1/2023. Net income of $2,427 increased by $1,642 (209.2%) in Q1/2024 compared to $785 in Q1/2023. This increase was principally due to increased revenue and the associated increased EBITDAS.
  • EBITDAS per share (diluted) of $0.025 increased by $0.012 (92.3%) compared to $0.013 in Q1/2023. EBITDAS of $3,434 increased by $1,711 (99.3%) compared to $1,723 in Q1/2023. This increase was principally due to increased revenue and the associated increased gross profit.
  • Revenue of $33,904 increased by $12,809 (60.7%) compared to $21,095 in Q1/2023 as a result of: (i) the positive impact of the Supply Contract with Ditch Witch; (ii) the increase in sales from the exclusive sales arrangement with Custom Truck One Source, who is a single-source provider of specialized truck and heavy equipment solutions with over 40 locations across North America ("Custom Truck"); (iii) the increase in sales pricing to customers; (iv) the increase in the number of hydrovac trucks sold; and (v) the increase in demand for hydrovac trucks in North America.
  • Gross profit of $5,742 increased by $2,302 (66.9%) compared to $3,440 in Q1/2023 principally due to increased revenue. Gross profit was also positively impacted by the benefits from cost savings on parts sourced globally during Q1/2024. However, gross profit was negatively impacted by the increased costs associated with materials purchased in North America during Q1/2024.
  • General and administrative expense of $2,387 increased by $598 (33.4%) compared to $1,789 in Q1/2023. The increase was principally due to general increased employee costs in North America to handle present and anticipated growth.
  • 該公司在2024年第一季度實現了創紀錄的季度銷售額,這是連續第八個季度創紀錄的收入。
  • 2022年7月,該公司與託羅公司旗下的Ditch Witch(“Ditch Witch”)簽訂了爲期四年的產品供應和開發協議,共同開發和供應定製的氫氣卡車(“供應合同”)。
  • 每股淨收益(攤薄)爲0.018美元,與2023年第一季度的0.006美元相比,增長了0.012美元(200.0%)。與2023年第一季度的785美元相比,2024年第一季度的淨收入爲2427美元,增長了1,642美元(209.2%)。這一增長主要是由於收入的增加以及相關的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的增加。
  • 每股息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(攤薄)爲0.025美元,較2023年第一季度的0.013美元增長了0.012美元(92.3%)。與2023年第一季度的1,723美元相比,息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲3,434美元,增長了1,711美元(99.3%)。這一增長主要是由於收入的增加以及相關的毛利潤增加。
  • 收入爲33,904美元,較2023年第一季度的21,095美元增長了12,809美元(60.7%),這歸因於:(i)與Ditch Witch簽訂的供應合同的積極影響;(ii)與Custom Truck One Source的獨家銷售安排增加了銷售額,後者是特種卡車和重型設備解決方案的單一來源提供商,在北美擁有40多個分支機構(“定製卡車”);(iii)對客戶的銷售價格上漲;(iv)銷售的氫氣卡車數量增加;以及(v)北部對氫氣卡車的需求增加美國。
  • 毛利爲5,742美元,較2023年第一季度的3,440美元增長了2,302美元(66.9%),這主要是由於收入的增加。2024年第一季度全球採購零件的成本節約也對毛利產生了積極影響。但是,毛利受到2024年第一季度在北美購買材料的成本增加的負面影響。
  • 與2023年第一季度的1,789美元相比,2387美元的一般和管理費用增加了598美元(33.4%)。增長的主要原因是北美員工成本普遍增加,以應對當前和預期的增長。

EBITDAS is calculated by subtracting interest, tax, depreciation and amortization, gain/loss on disposal of fixed assets and stock-based compensation from earnings. EBITDAS per share (diluted) is calculated by dividing EBITDAS by the total number of diluted common shares. The terms EBITDAS and EBITDAS per share (diluted) are non-IFRS financial measures, and readers are cautioned that EBITDAS and EBITDAS per share (diluted) should not be considered to be more meaningful than net income determined in accordance with IFRS.


Brett Newton, President and CEO of Tornado, commented on the Company's recent performance and strategic direction, saying, "The first quarter of 2024 marked our eighth consecutive quarter of record revenue. The hydrovac sector is expanding rapidly within the broader North American infrastructure market, and Tornado is ideally situated to leverage this momentum. We will be focusing on moving from exclusively producing hydrovac equipment to becoming a comprehensive provider of infrastructure solutions. Our strategy includes offering turnkey solutions to our clients, aimed at capturing a larger market share in the hydrovac space and venturing into new product areas. We are committed to adding new and innovative products to our product line that will support the ongoing demand of the infrastructure, telecommunications and oil and gas industries."


Financial and Operating Highlights (in CAD $000's except outstanding common share and per share data)


Three Months ended March 31
2024 2023
Revenue $ 33,904 $ 21,095
Cost of sales 28,162 17,655
Gross profit 5,742 3,440
Selling and general administrative expenses 2,387 1,789
Other (gain) loss - foreign exchange (279) 64
Depreciation and amortization 188 260
Finance expense 78 161
Stock-based compensation 196 129
Income before tax 3,172 1,037
Income tax expense (745) (252)
Net income $ 2,427 $ 785
EBITDAS (1) $ 3,434 $ 1,723
Outstanding common shares 135,931,119 135,791,519
EBITDAS per share - diluted (1) $ 0.025 $ 0.013
Net income per share - diluted $ 0.018 $ 0.006
2024 2023
收入 $ 33,904 $ 21,095
銷售成本 28,162 17,655
毛利 5,742 3,440
銷售和一般管理費用 2,387 1,789
其他(收益)損失——外匯 (279) 64
折舊和攤銷 188 260
財務費用 78 161
基於股票的薪酬 196 129
稅前收入 3,172 1,037
所得稅支出 (745) (252)
淨收入 $ 2,427 $ 785
息稅折舊攤銷前利潤 (1) $ 3,434 $ 1,723
已發行普通股 135,931,119 135,791,519
每股息稅折舊攤銷前利潤——攤薄 (1) $ 0.025 $ 0.013
每股淨收益——攤薄 $ 0.018 $ 0.006

1 EBITDAS is calculated by subtracting interest, tax, depreciation and amortization, gain/loss on disposal of fixed assets and stock-based compensation from earnings. EBITDAS per share (diluted) is calculated by dividing EBITDAS by the total number of diluted common shares. The terms EBITDAS and EBITDAS per share (diluted) are non-IFRS financial measures and readers are cautioned that EBITDAS and EBITDAS per share (diluted) should not be considered to be more meaningful than net income determined in accordance with IFRS.

1 息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的計算方法是從收益中減去利息、稅款、折舊和攤銷、固定資產處置損益和股票薪酬。每股息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(攤薄)的計算方法是將息稅折舊攤銷前利潤除以攤薄後的普通股總數。息稅折舊攤銷前利潤和每股息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(攤薄)這兩個術語是非國際財務報告準則的財務指標,請讀者注意,不應將息稅折舊攤銷前利潤和每股息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(攤薄)視爲比根據國際財務報告準則確定的淨收益更有意義。



Management expects the Company's production and sales of hydrovac trucks and profitability to continue to grow in the remainder of 2024 for the following reasons:


  • Expected continued spending on infrastructure in North America.
  • The continuing addition of new and innovative products to its product lines that will support the infrastructure, telecommunications and oil and gas industries.
  • The anticipated increasing revenues and benefits from the Supply Contract with Ditch Witch.
  • The anticipated increasing revenues and benefits from the exclusive sales arrangement with its US strategic partner, Custom Truck, that the Company entered into in 2019.
  • The Company's commitment to continuous improvement of its hydrovac truck design which in the Company's view will result in advantages over other hydrovac trucks currently offered in the market.
  • The Company's ability to continue to secure key manufacturing components, including chassis for customers, into future years through strategic relationships.
  • The Company has strengthened its dealer relationships in both Canada and US to meet the expected demand increase.
  • Expanded North American coverage for maintenance warranty and repair to serve customers better.
  • 預計北美的基礎設施支出將持續不斷。
  • 繼續在其產品線中增加新的創新產品,以支持基礎設施、電信和石油和天然氣行業。
  • 與Ditch Witch簽訂的供應合同預計將增加收入和收益。
  • 該公司在2019年與其美國戰略合作伙伴Custom Truck達成的獨家銷售安排預計將增加收入和收益。
  • 該公司承諾持續改進其氫真空卡車的設計,該公司認爲,這將帶來與目前市場上提供的其他氫真空卡車相比的優勢。
  • 公司有能力通過戰略關係在未來幾年繼續爲客戶保護包括底盤在內的關鍵製造組件。
  • 該公司加強了在加拿大和美國的經銷商關係,以滿足預期的需求增長。
  • 擴大了北美的維護保修和維修覆蓋範圍,以更好地爲客戶提供服務。

About Tornado Global Hydrovacs Ltd.

關於 Tornado Global Hydrovacs 有限公司

Tornado is a pioneer and leader in the vacuum truck industry and has been a choice of utility and oilfield professionals with over 1,300 hydrovacs sold since 2005. The Company designs and manufactures hydrovac trucks as well as provides heavy duty truck maintenance operations in central Alberta. It sells hydrovac trucks to excavation service providers in the infrastructure and industrial construction and oil and gas markets. Hydrovac trucks use high pressure water and vacuum to safely penetrate and cut soil to expose critical infrastructure for repair and installation without damage. Hydrovac excavation methods are quickly becoming a standard in North America to safely excavate in urban areas and around critical infrastructure greatly reducing infrastructure damage and related fatalities.

Tornado 是真空卡車行業的先驅和領導者,一直是公用事業和油田專業人士的首選,自 2005 年以來已售出 1,300 多臺液壓發動機。該公司設計和製造氫氣卡車,並在艾伯塔省中部提供重型卡車維修業務。它向基礎設施和工業建築以及石油和天然氣市場的挖掘服務提供商出售水力真空卡車。Hydrovac 卡車使用高壓水和真空來安全地穿透和切割土壤,暴露關鍵基礎設施進行維修和安裝,而不會造成損壞。Hydrovac 挖掘方法正迅速成爲北美在城市地區和關鍵基礎設施周圍進行安全挖掘的標準,極大地減少了基礎設施的破壞和相關人員傷亡。

For more information about Tornado Global Hydrovacs Ltd., visit or contact:

有關 Tornado Global Hydrovacs Ltd. 的更多信息,請訪問 或者聯繫:

Brett Newton
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (587) 802-5070
Derek Li
Vice President, Finance
Phone: (403) 204-6350
電話:(587) 802-5070
電話:(403) 204-6350



Certain statements contained in this news release constitute forward-looking statements and future oriented financial information. These statements relate to future events. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use of the words "anticipates", "should", ''may", "expected", "expects", "believes" and other words of a similar nature are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements or, as applicable, future oriented financial information. Although Tornado believes these statements to be reasonable, no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements and future oriented financial information included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. Such statements include those with respect to:

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成前瞻性陳述和麪向未來的財務信息。這些陳述與未來的事件有關。除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。使用 “預期”、“應該”、“可能”、“預期”、“期望”、“相信” 等詞語以及其他類似性質的詞語旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果或事件與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異 或者(如適用)以未來爲導向的財務信息。儘管龍捲風認爲這些陳述是合理的,但無法保證這些預期會被證明是正確的,因此不應過分依賴本新聞稿中包含的此類前瞻性陳述和麪向未來的財務信息。此類陳述包括與以下內容有關的陳述:

  • the Company's outlook for the remainder of 2024 generally;
  • the expectation that the Company's production, sales of hydrovac trucks and profitability in 2024 will continue to grow;
  • the anticipation of increasing revenues and benefits from the Supply Contract with Ditch Witch.
  • the anticipated increasing revenues and benefits from the exclusive sales arrangement with its US strategic partner, Custom Truck;
  • the expectation of continued spending on infrastructure in North America;
  • the expectation of adding new and innovative products to its product lines that will support the infrastructure, telecommunications and oil and gas industries;
  • management's belief that the Company's commitment to continuous improvement of its hydrovac truck design which in the Company's view will result in advantages over other hydrovac trucks currently offered in the market;
  • management's belief in its continuing ability of securing key manufacturing components, including chassis, for customers into future years through strategic relationships;
  • management's belief in the positive impact of strengthened dealer relationships in both Canada and US to meet the expected demand increase;
  • management's belief in the positive impact of expanded North American coverage for maintenance warranty and repair;
  • management's intention to focus on moving from exclusively producing hydrovac equipment to becoming a comprehensive provider of infrastructure solutions; and
  • management's intention to capture a larger market share in the hydrovac space and venture into new product areas.
  • 公司對2024年剩餘時間的總體展望;
  • 預計該公司2024年的產量、氫氣卡車的銷售和盈利能力將繼續增長;
  • 預計與Ditch Witch簽訂的供應合同將增加收入和收益。
  • 與其美國戰略合作伙伴Custom Truck的獨家銷售安排預計將增加收入和收益;
  • 北美對基礎設施持續支出的預期;
  • 期望在其產品線中增加新的創新產品,以支持基礎設施、電信和石油和天然氣行業;
  • 管理層認爲,公司致力於持續改進其氫氣卡車的設計,公司認爲這將帶來與目前市場上提供的其他氫氣真空卡車相比的優勢;
  • 管理層堅信其在未來幾年內持續有能力通過戰略關係爲客戶保護包括底盤在內的關鍵製造部件;
  • 管理層相信加強加拿大和美國的經銷商關係將對滿足預期的需求增長產生積極影響;
  • 管理層相信擴大北美維護保修和維修覆蓋範圍會產生積極影響;
  • 管理層打算專注於從專門生產氫氣設備轉變爲基礎設施解決方案的綜合提供商;以及
  • 管理層打算在水力發電領域佔據更大的市場份額並涉足新產品領域。

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of prevailing economic conditions, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Tornado. Although Tornado believes these statements to be reasonable, no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements included in this news release should not be unduly relied upon. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release represent Tornado's expectations as of the date hereof and are subject to change after such date. Tornado disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities regulations.


Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


