
Sixty North Gold Mining Issues Early Warning Report

Sixty North Gold Mining Issues Early Warning Report

Sixty North Gold Mining 發佈預警報告
newsfile ·  05/23 20:55

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 23, 2024) - Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. (CSE: SXTY) ("Sixty North Gold" or the "Company"). In connection with the closing of Sixty North Gold's recently announced debt settlements, David R. Webb ("David"), the Company's President, Chief Executive Officer and a director, and all persons acting jointly or in concert with David, have acquired, directly and indirectly, 1,000,000 common shares of the Company (the "Shares"), representing approximately 2.39% of the total issued shares of the Company on a partially diluted basis (assuming exercise of David's Warrants and stock options only).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(新聞稿Corp-2024年5月23日)- Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. (CSE:SXTY)(“Sixty North Gold”或“公司”)。在Sixty North Gold最近宣佈的債務解決方案的完成的同時,David R. Webb(“”) ,公司的總裁,首席執行官和董事,以及所有與David聯合或協同行動的人,通過直接和間接方式收購了公司的1,000,000股普通股(“”),在部分稀釋的基礎上代表了公司總髮行股份的約2.39%(僅假設行使David的認股權和股票期權)。大衛David和所有與David聯合或協同行動的人之前持有14178607股股票,8875000份認股權和805000份激勵股票期權,在部分稀釋的基礎上佔公司當時已發行和流通的股票總數的約50.44%(僅假設行使大衛的認股權和股票期權)。在上述最近的分配之後,David現在擁有或控制或指示總共15178607股股票,8875000份認股權和805000份股票期權,在部分稀釋的基礎上代表公司已發行和流通的股票的約48.25%(僅假設行使David的認股權和股票期權)。股份David打算出於投資目的持有股票。根據市場情況和其他因素,David可能不時地收購公司的其他證券,出售其持有的現有或額外證券,或將繼續持有其當前的位置。

David, and all persons acting jointly or in concert with David, previously held 14,178,607 Shares, 8,875,000 Warrants and 805,000 incentive stock options, representing approximately 50.44% of the then issued and outstanding Shares of the Company on a partially diluted basis (assuming the exercise of David's Warrants and stock options only). After the recent distribution described above, David now holds or has control or direction over a total of 15,178,607 Shares, 8,875,000 Warrants, and 805,000 stock options, representing approximately 48.25% of the total issued and outstanding Shares of the Company on a partially diluted basis (assuming the exercise of David's Warrants and stock options only).

公司正在爲其100%擁有的Mon Gold Property開發黃金採礦業務,距Yellowknife以北40公里。過去的生產只在地表以下15米處開採了15,000噸礦石,在1990年代回收了約15,000盎司黃金(NI 43-101,2023年8月)。北斜坡已經重新開放,並已延伸到距離脈狀物目標部位60米處。公司計劃將斜坡延伸到以前開採停礦柱下方的脈狀物的高品位歷史鑽孔相交點附近。計劃是在該脈狀物內安裝橫跨和提高物,以提取並在地面上貯存該脈狀物。在確認礦石品位和噸數後,將引入獲得許可的磨機處理此類開採物和後續採礦物。

David intends to hold the Shares for investment purposes. Depending upon market conditions and other factors, David may from time to time acquire additional securities of the Company, dispose of some or all of the existing or additional securities David holds in the Company, or will hold, or may continue to hold its current position.


The debt settlements involving insiders of the Company constitute related party transactions for the purposes of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"), but the Company is relying on exemption from the formal valuation requirement in MI 61-101 provided under section 5.5(b) of MI 61-101 on the basis that the Company's shares are not listed on any of the specified markets listed in MI 61-101. The debt settlements are also exempt from the majority of the minority approval requirement in MI 61-101 under section 5.7(1)(b) of MI 61-101 on the basis that the fair market value of the insiders' subscriptions is less than $2.5 million and was approved by all of the independent directors of the Company.

公司內部人士涉及的債務解決方案構成多邊儀器61-101的相關方交易(“”),但公司依據MI 61-101第5.5(b)條款規定提供正式估值要求的豁免從而豁免 formality,並排除了MI 61-101第5.7(1)(b)條款規定的大多數少數股東的批准要求,理由是內部人士的認購的公允市場價值低於250萬加元並獲得公司的所有獨立董事的批准。MI 61-101的《保護少數股東特別交易規定》(Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions)規定,在向MCAPM LP發行債券的情況下,公司可以依靠MI 61-101第5.5(a)和5.7(1)(a)條中規定的從正式估值中豁免,並不要求獲得少數股東批准的豁免規定,因爲債券的公允市場價值低於公司市值的25%(在適用MI 61-101的情況下分別確定)。 ("mi 61-101電話:604 818-1400

About the Company


The Company is developing mining operations for gold on its 100%-owned Mon Gold Property, 40 km north of Yellowknife, NWT. Past production extracted 15,000 tonnes of ore to depths of only 15 m below surface, recovering an estimated 15,000 ounces of gold in the 1990's (NI 43-101, August 2023). The North Ramp has been reopened and has been extended to within 60 m of the target portion of the vein. The Company plans to extend the ramp to where some high-grade historic holes intersected the vein beneath the previously mined stopes. The plan is to install cross-cuts and raises within the vein to extract and stockpile the vein material on surface. Upon confirmation of the grade and tonnage, a permitted mill will be brought in to process this and ongoing mined material.


For more information, please refer to the Company's public filings available on SEDAR+ (), under the Company's profile.

請參閱公司在SEDAR +()下提供的公開文件,公司信息下的文件,以獲取更多信息。



"Dave Webb"
Dave Webb, President & CEO

Dave Webb
Dave Webb,總裁兼首席執行官

For further information, please contact:
Dave Webb
Tel.: 604 818-1400

Dave Webb
公司正在爲其100%擁有的Mon Gold Property開發黃金採礦業務,距Yellowknife以北40公里。過去的生產只在地表以下15米處開採了15,000噸礦石,在1990年代回收了約15,000盎司黃金(NI 43-101,2023年8月)。北斜坡已經重新開放,並已延伸到距離脈狀物目標部位60米處。

Statements about the Company's future expectations and all other statements in this press release other than historical facts are "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including risks inherent in mineral exploration and development, which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any projected future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Further details about the risks applicable to the Company are contained in the Company's public filings available on SEDAR+ (), under the Company's profile.

本新聞稿中關於公司未來預期/或對未來的看法和所有其他除歷史事實以外的陳述均爲"前瞻性陳述"。此類前瞻性陳述基於許多假設和涉及已知和未知的風險,不確定性和其他因素,包括涉及礦物勘探和開發的風險,這些因素可能導致公司實際結果、表現或成就與任何預期未來結果、表現或成就實質上不同,這些結果可能會以明示或暗示等方式表現出來。 更多關於適用於公司的風險的細節,請參閱公司在SEDAR+(),公司概要下可獲取的公開檔案。

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


