
Here's Why Tootsie Roll Industries (NYSE:TR) Has Caught The Eye Of Investors

Here's Why Tootsie Roll Industries (NYSE:TR) Has Caught The Eye Of Investors

這就是Tootsie Roll Industries(紐約證券交易所代碼:TR)引起投資者注意的原因
Simply Wall St ·  05/23 18:00

It's common for many investors, especially those who are inexperienced, to buy shares in companies with a good story even if these companies are loss-making. Sometimes these stories can cloud the minds of investors, leading them to invest with their emotions rather than on the merit of good company fundamentals. Loss-making companies are always racing against time to reach financial sustainability, so investors in these companies may be taking on more risk than they should.


If this kind of company isn't your style, you like companies that generate revenue, and even earn profits, then you may well be interested in Tootsie Roll Industries (NYSE:TR). Now this is not to say that the company presents the best investment opportunity around, but profitability is a key component to success in business.

如果這種公司不是你的風格,你喜歡那些創造收入甚至賺取利潤的公司,那麼你很可能會對Tootsie Roll Industries(紐約證券交易所代碼:TR)感興趣。現在,這並不是說該公司提供了最好的投資機會,但盈利能力是業務成功的關鍵因素。

Tootsie Roll Industries' Earnings Per Share Are Growing

Tootsie Roll Industries 的每股收益正在增長

If you believe that markets are even vaguely efficient, then over the long term you'd expect a company's share price to follow its earnings per share (EPS) outcomes. Therefore, there are plenty of investors who like to buy shares in companies that are growing EPS. It certainly is nice to see that Tootsie Roll Industries has managed to grow EPS by 19% per year over three years. If growth like this continues on into the future, then shareholders will have plenty to smile about.

如果你認爲市場的效率甚至含糊不清,那麼從長遠來看,你預計公司的股價將遵循其每股收益(EPS)的結果。因此,有很多投資者喜歡購買每股收益不斷增長的公司的股票。很高興看到Tootsie Roll Industries在三年內設法將每股收益增長19%。如果這樣的增長持續到未來,那麼股東們將有很多值得微笑的地方。

It's often helpful to take a look at earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins, as well as revenue growth, to get another take on the quality of the company's growth. The music to the ears of Tootsie Roll Industries shareholders is that EBIT margins have grown from 12% to 15% in the last 12 months and revenues are on an upwards trend as well. That's great to see, on both counts.

查看利息和稅前收益(EBIT)利潤率以及收入增長通常會很有幫助,這樣可以重新了解公司的增長質量。令Tootsie Roll Industries股東聽到的消息是,在過去的12個月中,息稅前利潤率從12%增長到15%,收入也呈上升趨勢。無論從哪個方面來看,都很高興看到。

You can take a look at the company's revenue and earnings growth trend, in the chart below. For finer detail, click on the image.


NYSE:TR Earnings and Revenue History May 23rd 2024
紐約證券交易所:TR 收益和收入歷史記錄 2024 年 5 月 23 日

While it's always good to see growing profits, you should always remember that a weak balance sheet could come back to bite. So check Tootsie Roll Industries' balance sheet strength, before getting too excited.

雖然看到利潤增長總是件好事,但你應該永遠記住,疲軟的資產負債表可能會捲土重來。因此,在過於興奮之前,先檢查一下Tootsie Roll Industries的資產負債表實力。

Are Tootsie Roll Industries Insiders Aligned With All Shareholders?

Tootsie Roll Industries 內部人士是否與所有股東保持一致?

Theory would suggest that it's an encouraging sign to see high insider ownership of a company, since it ties company performance directly to the financial success of its management. So as you can imagine, the fact that Tootsie Roll Industries insiders own a significant number of shares certainly is appealing. To be exact, company insiders hold 76% of the company, so their decisions have a significant impact on their investments. Intuition will tell you this is a good sign because it suggests they will be incentivised to build value for shareholders over the long term. And their holding is extremely valuable at the current share price, totalling US$1.6b. That means they have plenty of their own capital riding on the performance of the business!

理論表明,公司內部擁有高股權是一個令人鼓舞的跡象,因爲它將公司的業績與管理層的財務成功直接聯繫在一起。因此,你可以想象,Tootsie Roll Industries內部人士擁有大量股票這一事實無疑很有吸引力。確切地說,公司內部人士持有公司76%的股份,因此他們的決定對他們的投資有重大影響。直覺會告訴你,這是一個好兆頭,因爲這表明他們將被激勵爲股東長期創造價值。按目前的股價計算,他們的持股非常有價值,總額爲16億美元。這意味着他們有充足的自有資金來支撐企業的業績!

Does Tootsie Roll Industries Deserve A Spot On Your Watchlist?

Tootsie Roll Industries 值得在你的關注清單上佔有一席之地嗎?

For growth investors, Tootsie Roll Industries' raw rate of earnings growth is a beacon in the night. Further, the high level of insider ownership is impressive and suggests that the management appreciates the EPS growth and has faith in Tootsie Roll Industries' continuing strength. On the balance of its merits, solid EPS growth and company insiders who are aligned with the shareholders would indicate a business that is worthy of further research. Now, you could try to make up your mind on Tootsie Roll Industries by focusing on just these factors, or you could also consider how its price-to-earnings ratio compares to other companies in its industry.

對於成長型投資者來說,Tootsie Roll Industries的原始收益增長率是夜間的燈塔。此外,高水平的內部所有權令人印象深刻,這表明管理層對每股收益的增長表示讚賞,並對Tootsie Roll Industries的持續實力充滿信心。從優點來看,穩健的每股收益增長以及與股東保持一致的公司內部人士將表明該業務值得進一步研究。現在,你可以嘗試只關注這些因素,在 Tootsie Roll Industries 上下定決心,或者你可以 考慮一下其市盈率與該行業其他公司的比較。

There's always the possibility of doing well buying stocks that are not growing earnings and do not have insiders buying shares. But for those who consider these important metrics, we encourage you to check out companies that do have those features. You can access a tailored list of companies which have demonstrated growth backed by significant insider holdings.

買入這樣的股票總是有可能表現不錯 不是 不斷增長的收入和 不要 讓內部人士購買股票。但是,對於那些考慮這些重要指標的人,我們鼓勵您查看具有這些功能的公司。您可以訪問量身定製的公司名單,這些公司在大量內部持股的支持下實現了增長。

Please note the insider transactions discussed in this article refer to reportable transactions in the relevant jurisdiction.


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