
FIS Reimagines the Banking Experience for the Digital Age With New Mobile Banking Application

FIS Reimagines the Banking Experience for the Digital Age With New Mobile Banking Application

FIS 通過新的手機銀行應用程序重新構想數字時代的銀行體驗
繁德信息技術 ·  05/22 12:00

Key Facts:


  • FIS Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 is a new mobile banking application tailored for financial institutions.
  • The solution enables banks to serve the evolving demands of customers as digital experiences change.
  • New functionality includes enhanced user experience, security, and money movement capabilities.
  • FIS Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0是一款專爲金融機構量身定製的新型手機銀行應用程序。
  • 隨着數字體驗的變化,該解決方案使銀行能夠滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。
  • 新功能包括增強的用戶體驗、安全性和資金流動功能。

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., May 22, 2024 – Global financial technology leader FIS (NYSE: FIS) has launched an enhanced version of its flagship mobile banking application for financial institutions.

佛羅里達州傑克遜維爾,2024年5月22日——全球金融技術領導者 FIS 紐約證券交易所股票代碼:FIS)已爲金融機構推出了其旗艦手機銀行應用程序的增強版。

FIS Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 is tailored for banks seeking to meet evolving customer expectations in the digital era. The application allows customers to bank digitally based on their preferences - either on mobile or online - and provides an intuitive user experience with simplified design, new fraud prevention features, and several major upgrades to its functionality.

FIS Digital One Flex 手機 6.0 專爲尋求滿足數字時代不斷變化的客戶期望的銀行量身定製。該應用程序允許客戶根據自己的喜好(通過移動設備或在線方式)進行數字化銀行業務,並通過簡化的設計、新的防欺詐功能及其功能的幾項重大升級,提供直觀的用戶體驗。

"Mobile banking is now the primary method used by consumers to interact with their bank, so it's essential that their applications are slick, intuitive, and rich with functionality," said Hashim Toussaint, head of Digital Solutions, FIS.


He continued, "Our financial institution clients are at the heart of what we do, and our primary focus is to help them drive growth in today's dynamic digital landscape. This is part of FIS' commitment to deliver market-leading digital solutions across the money lifecycle for years to come."


Why Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 Matters

爲什麼 Digital One Flex 手機 6.0

According to the American Bankers Association, almost half of U.S. consumers are now conducting their banking via mobile apps – more so than any other method - with Millennial and Gen Z consumers driving growth in this channel.1


Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 enables financial institutions to meet the growing demands of their customers by providing an unparalleled mobile experience, underpinned by robust fraud prevention capabilities and streamlined operations.

Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0通過提供無與倫比的移動體驗,以強大的防欺詐能力和簡化的運營爲基礎,使金融機構能夠滿足其客戶不斷增長的需求。

New Features


  • Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 is built on a single platform, making it easier for banks to deliver digital banking capabilities both on mobile and online, while improving the efficiency of management and customer support.
  • The application has a simplified design and improved user experience.
  • Login and authentication functionality has been bolstered with biometrics, as well as user ID and password reset, to provide greater security, reliability, and ease of use.
  • The solution has enhanced money movement capabilities, including internal and external transfers, bill pay, remote deposit capture, Zelle, and loan payments.
  • It also features a modernized accounts and transactions experience, including running balances, transaction details, display of account and routing numbers, and more.
  • Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0建立在單一平台上,使銀行可以更輕鬆地在移動和在線上提供數字銀行功能,同時提高管理和客戶支持的效率。
  • 該應用程序具有簡化的設計並改善了用戶體驗。
  • 生物識別以及用戶 ID 和密碼重置增強了登錄和身份驗證功能,以提供更高的安全性、可靠性和易用性。
  • 該解決方案增強了資金流動能力,包括內部和外部轉賬、賬單支付、遠程存款記錄、Zelle和貸款支付。
  • 它還具有現代化的賬戶和交易體驗,包括運行餘額、交易詳情、賬戶和路由號碼顯示等。

Learn More


Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0 is available to financial institutions from today. To learn more, visit

Digital One Flex Mobile 6.0從今天起向金融機構開放。要了解更多信息,請訪問

About FIS
FIS is a financial technology company providing solutions to financial institutions, businesses and developers. We unlock financial technology that underpins the world's financial system. Our people are dedicated to advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests, by helping our client's confidently run, grow and protect their businesses. Our expertise comes from decades of experience helping financial institutions and businesses adapt to meet the needs of their customers by harnessing the power that comes when reliability meets innovation in financial technology. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, FIS is a member of the Fortune 500 and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.

關於 FIS
FIS 是一家金融科技公司,爲金融機構、企業和開發商提供解決方案。我們解鎖支撐世界金融體系的金融技術。我們的員工緻力於通過幫助客戶自信地經營、發展和保護其業務,推動世界支付、銀行和投資的方式。我們的專業知識來自於數十年的經驗,通過利用可靠性與金融技術創新相遇所帶來的力量,幫助金融機構和企業進行調整以滿足客戶的需求。FIS 總部位於佛羅里達州傑克遜維爾,是《財富》500強和標準普爾500指數的成員。

To learn more, visit Follow FIS on Facebook, LinkedIn and X (@FISGlobal).

要了解更多信息,請訪問 www.fisglobal。繼續關注 FIS Facebook領英 和 X (@FISGlobal)。

For more information
Kim Snider
Senior Vice President
FIS Global Marketing and Communications

Kim Snider
FIS 全球營銷與傳播

