
CUEN – Cuentas Announces Remarkable Q1 Performance With 898% Year-Over-Year Sales Surge and Strategic Transactions

CUEN – Cuentas Announces Remarkable Q1 Performance With 898% Year-Over-Year Sales Surge and Strategic Transactions

CUEN — Cuentas宣佈第一季度業績出色,銷售額同比增長898%,並進行了戰略交易
GlobeNewswire ·  05/21 23:44

Cuentas, Inc. Announces Outstanding Q1 2024 Financial Results: Reports Astonishing 998% YOY Sales Increase, Provides Update on Sale of Tampa Real Estate and Distribution Partnership Ownership.


MIAMI BEACH, FL, May 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cuentas, Inc. (OTC: CUEN & CUENW) ("CUEN" or "the Company"), a pioneer driving the seamless integration of fintech, mobile telecommunications, and real estate for the unbanked and underbanked Hispanic demographic, announced today the publication of the company's Q1 2024 financial report on SEC Form 10Q. Key highlights include the company's improved sales and financial results, expected completion of the definitive sale of its Brooksville, Florida property and its interests in Cuentas SDI, LLC.

2024年5月21日,FL的MIAMI BEACH(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)- Cuentas,Inc.(OTC:CUEN&CUENW)(“CUEN”或“該公司”),是一家開創性的推動金融科技,移動通信和房地產的先驅,專爲沒有銀行帳户或銀行帳户較少的西班牙裔人口提供無縫集成服務,今天宣佈公司在SEC表10Q上發佈的2024年第一季度財務報告的出版。主要亮點包括公司的銷售和財務業績顯著提高,預計對公司Brooksville佛羅里達州物業和其在Cuentas SDI,LLC中的利益的明確銷售完成。

Key Highlights


Sales Surge: The company reported an extraordinary 898% increase in sales for Q1 2024 compared to the same period last year. This growth is a testament to Cuentas' innovative approach and strategic advancements in the telecommunications and fintech sectors.


Brooksville Property Sale: Cuentas is set to complete the definitive sale of its Brooksville, Florida property and its interests in Cuentas SDI, LLC. The sale, valued at $7.2 million, will significantly enhance the company's liquidity and support further strategic investments.

Brooksville物業出售:Cuentas即將完成Brooksville,佛羅里達州物業和Cuentas SDI,LLC的實質銷售。該銷售價值爲720萬美元,將大大增強公司的流動性並支持進一步的戰略投資。

Strategic Investments: On May 1, 2024, Cuentas signed a Letter of Intent with Sekur Private Data Ltd. to acquire 5,000,000 shares of SWISF common stock for $500,000, and 25,000,000 shares for the transfer of the M&M Telecom MVNO Agreement and FCC 214 license valued at $2.5 million. This move will integrate Sekur's products into the Cuentas Mobile service, enhancing its bundled offerings for family and business customers.

戰略投資:2024年5月1日,Cuentas簽署了一份諒解備忘錄,與Sekur Private Data Ltd.達成協議,以500,000美元的價格收購5,000,000股SWISF普通股,並以2.5百萬美元的估值轉移25,000,000股M&M Telecom MVNO協議和FCC 214許可證的股份。這一舉動將使Sekur的產品融入Cuentas Mobile服務中,爲家庭和企業客戶提供增強的捆綁服務。

Sale of Cuentas SDI: On May 20, 2024, Cuentas sold a 19.99% interest in Cuentas SDI, LLC for $215,500, retaining its extensive distribution network of over 31,000 bodegas and enhancing real-time reselling via online, mobile, and direct sales channels.

Cuentas SDI的出售:2024年5月20日,Cuentas以215,500美元的價格出售了其對Cuentas SDI,LLC的19.99%的利益,保留了其31000多家bodegas的廣泛分銷網絡,並通過在線,移動和直銷渠道增強了實時轉售。

Reduction in Current Liabilities: A substantial 20% reduction to $3,741,000, compared to $4,689,000 as of March 31, 2023.


"We are thrilled to announce such a significant milestone for Cuentas," said Mr. Arik Maimon, CEO of CUEN. "Our team's dedication to delivering cutting-edge mobile telecommunications and fintech solutions has resulted in remarkable growth. We remain focused on our mission to empower our customers with innovative technology and unparalleled service. As Cuentas continues to build on this momentum, the company is committed to strategic investments and partnerships that will drive sustained growth and shareholder value such as the investment in Sekur Private Data Ltd. and our acquisition of our minority interest in Cuentas SDI, LLC."

Cuentas的首席執行官Mr. Arik Maimon說:“我們爲Cuentas宣佈如此重要的里程碑感到非常高興。提供尖端的移動通信和金融科技解決方案使我們團隊取得了顯著的增長。我們繼續專注於我們使命,以創新技術和卓越服務賦予我們的客戶權力。隨着Cuentas不斷髮展壯大,公司致力於戰略投資和夥伴關係,這將推動持續增長和股東價值的提升,例如投資Sekur Private Data Ltd.並收購Cuentas SDI,LLC中的少數股權。”

Cuentas continues to expand its market presence with its robust mobile service, Cuentas Mobile, supported by a powerful distribution ecosystem and a meticulously developed software platform. Utilizing advanced eSIM technology, this system ensures reliability and will soon include a secure communications suite from Sekur Private Data Ltd. in a comprehensive service bundle.

Cuentas繼續通過強大的分銷生態系統和精心開發的軟件平台擴大市場。利用先進的eSIM技術,該系統確保可靠性,並很快將在全面的服務捆綁包中包括來自Sekur Private Data Ltd.的安全通信套件。

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2024


In a remarkable achievement, revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024, skyrocketed to $639,000, reflecting an astounding 898% increase compared to $64,000 for the same period in 2023.


Cost of Revenues:
The cost of revenues for the three months ended March 31, 2024, totaled $708,000, compared to $123,000 for the corresponding period in 2023. This includes:


Telecom Platform Costs and Digital Product Purchases: $565,000
Costs Related to Digital Products and GPR Card Sales: $131,000 (up from $67,000 in the prior year)


Gross Profit Margin:
The gross profit margin for the three months ended March 31, 2024, exhibited mixed results. While the telecommunications segment achieved a 48% gross profit margin, the digital product and general-purpose reloadable cards segment faced a gross loss margin of 65%. Overall, this resulted in a gross loss margin of 11%.


Operating Expenses:
Operating expenses, which include selling, general, and administrative expenses along with amortization of intangible assets, were significantly reduced. For the three months ended March 31, 2024, these expenses totaled $774,000, marking a substantial decrease from $1,627,000 in the same period in 2023.


Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses:
A notable reduction in selling, general, and administrative expenses was achieved, totaling $772,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2024. This represents a 52% decrease from $1,625,000 during the same period in 2023.


Net Loss:
The company significantly reduced its net loss, incurring a loss of $445,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2024, compared to a net loss of $1,695,000 for the same period in 2023. This improvement is attributed to the decrease in selling and general administrative expenses.


Cash Position:
As of March 31, 2024, the company's total current assets amounted to $492,000, which includes:


Cash: $28,000
Accounts Receivable: $290,000
Related Party Receivables: $169,000
Other Current Assets: $5,000

現金: 28,000美元
應收款項: 290,000美元
相關方應收款項: 169,000美元
其他流動資產: 5,000美元

You can find the filed form 10Q here: CUENTAS INC – FORM 10Q

您可以在此處找到已提交的10Q表格:CUENTAS INC – FORM 10Q

Cuentas, Inc. (OTC: CUEN & CUENW) is creating an alternative financial ecosystem for the growing global population who do not have access to traditional financial alternatives. The Company's proprietary technologies help to integrate FinTech (Financial Technology), e-finance and e-commerce services into solutions that deliver next generation digital financial services to the unbanked, under-banked and underserved populations nationally in the USA. The Cuentas Platform integrates Cuentas Mobile, the Company's Mobile Telecommunications solution, with its core financial services offerings to help entire communities enter the modern financial marketplace. Cuentas has launched its General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Card, which includes a digital wallet, discounts for purchases at major physical and online retailers, rewards, and the ability to purchase digital content. LINK: AND .

Cuentas, Inc. (OTC: CUEN & CUENW)爲無法接觸傳統金融渠道的全球不斷增長的人口,創造了一種替代金融生態系統。該公司的專有技術有助於將金融科技(Fintech)、電子金融和電子商務服務整合到解決方案中,向無銀行帳户,或者是銀行帳户利用率不足和未得到服務的民族提供下一代數字金融服務。Cuentas平台將Cuentas Mobile(該公司的移動電信解決方案)與其核心金融服務產品集成在一起,以幫助整個社區進入現代金融市場。Cuentas已推出其通用目的可重新加載卡(GPR卡),其中包括數字錢包、大型實體和在線零售商的購買折扣、獎勵和購買數字內容的能力。鏈接:AND.

Contact Information:
Arik Maimon
CEO at Cuentas Inc
Cuentas Inc. (OTC:CUEN)
For media inquiries:
Investor Relations
Arik Maimon
Cuentas Inc的首席執行官Cuentas Inc
Cuentas Inc. (OTC:CUEN)

For additional information, please follow us on:
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Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in section 27a of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21e of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements involve substantial uncertainties and risks and are based upon our current expectations, estimates and projections and reflect our beliefs and assumptions based upon information available to us at the date of this release. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, OTC and shareholder approval of the proposed transaction, our ability to manage our research and development programs that are based on novel technologies, our ability to successfully integrate WHEN operations and product offerings, the sufficiency of working capital to realize our business plans and our ability to raise additional capital, market acceptance, the going concern qualification in our financial statements, our ability to retain key employees, our competitors developing better or cheaper alternatives to our products, risks relating to legal proceedings against us and the risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading "RISK FACTORS" in Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, and in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement for any reason.


