
Tech Companies Announce A New Coalition To Fight Online Fraud & Pig Butchering Scams

Tech Companies Announce A New Coalition To Fight Online Fraud & Pig Butchering Scams

PR Newswire ·  05/21 19:00

Tech Against Scams includes leading tech firms, Match Group, Coinbase, Meta, and Ripple who will work together to help prevent and disrupt financial scams throughout the lifecycle of a scam

Tech Against Scams包括領先的科技公司、Match Group、Coinbase、Meta和Ripple,他們將共同努力,在騙局的整個生命週期中幫助預防和破壞金融詐騙

LOS ANGELES, May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today tech companies across social media, dating apps, financial institutions and crypto are announcing a new coalition, Tech Against Scams, aimed at helping these firms respond to and prevent online fraud and financial schemes that target consumers across industries.

洛杉磯,2024年5月21日 /PRNewswire/ — 今天,社交媒體、約會應用程序、金融機構和加密貨幣領域的科技公司宣佈成立一個名爲 “科技反詐騙” 的新聯盟,旨在幫助這些公司應對和防止針對各行各業消費者的在線欺詐和金融計劃。

The coalition includes Coinbase, Match Group, the parent company of Tinder and Hinge, Meta, Kraken, Ripple and Gemini, as well as the Global Anti-Scam Organization. Tech Against Scams will serve as a primary convening body where participating tech companies will collaborate on ways to take action against the tools used by scammers, educate and protect consumers and disrupt rapidly evolving financial scams. This work will include sharing best practices, threat intelligence, and other tips and information to help keep users safe and protected before they become victim to an online fraud scheme such as romance scams or crypto scams such as 'pig butchering'.

該聯盟包括Coinbase、Match Group、Tinder and Hinge的母公司、Meta、Kraken、Ripple和Gemini以及全球反詐騙組織。Tech Against Scam將作爲主要的召集機構,參與的科技公司將合作研究如何對詐騙者使用的工具採取行動,教育和保護消費者以及破壞快速發展的金融詐騙。這項工作將包括分享最佳實踐、威脅情報以及其他提示和信息,以幫助用戶在成爲在線欺詐計劃(例如浪漫騙局或 “屠豬” 等加密詐騙)的受害者之前確保他們的安全和保護。

Beginning last summer, Match Group, Coinbase, and Meta initiated a first-of-its-kind collaboration in the tech industry to understand cross-platform threats, including pig butchering, and recognized an opportunity to better disrupt these crimes by bringing additional companies into the conversation. This cross-industry collaboration now spans online, social media and crypto companies, aiming to leverage each company's unique position in the ecosystem to better identify new adversarial trends and share best practices to combat global scams, and drive collective action to protect users.

從去年夏天開始,Match Group、Coinbase和Meta發起了科技行業首創的此類合作,以了解包括屠豬在內的跨平台威脅,並意識到有機會通過吸引更多公司參與對話來更好地打擊這些犯罪。這種跨行業合作現在涵蓋在線、社交媒體和加密公司,旨在利用每家公司在生態系統中的獨特地位,更好地識別新的對抗趨勢,分享打擊全球詐騙的最佳實踐,並推動集體行動以保護用戶。

"Scammers and the organized criminal groups behind pig butchering schemes target people across many internet services, making it hard for any one company to see the full picture of malicious activity and counting on each of us working in silos," said Guy Rosen, Chief Information Security Officer at Meta. "We hope that this coalition will serve as a force multiplier for security teams at tech companies to share threat insights and trends to enable more impactful disruptions of scam networks around the world."

“騙子和屠豬計劃背後的有組織犯罪集團通過許多互聯網服務將目標對準人群,這使得任何一家公司都很難看到惡意活動的全貌,只能指望我們每個人都孤立地工作,” Meta 首席信息安全官蓋伊·羅森說。 “我們希望這個聯盟能夠成爲科技公司的安全團隊分享威脅見解和趨勢的力量倍增器,從而對全球詐騙網絡進行更具影響力的破壞。”

"Tech companies across industries collaborating with each other is essential for preventing criminal activity, and ultimately helps online platforms stay ahead of, and develop effective solutions for, various types of financial crimes," said Yoel Roth, VP, Trust & Safety at Match Group. "As we work to make it harder for scammers to defraud people, we will also continue investing in new technologies to help disrupt fraud and scams faster, and get people the support and resources they need."

“各行各業的科技公司相互合作對於預防犯罪活動至關重要,最終可以幫助在線平台保持領先地位,併爲各種類型的金融犯罪制定有效的解決方案,” Match Group信任與安全副總裁約爾·羅斯說。 “在我們努力使詐騙者更難欺騙他人的同時,我們還將繼續投資新技術,以幫助更快地破壞欺詐和詐騙,併爲人們提供所需的支持和資源。”

"Fraud schemes are becoming increasingly sophisticated, underscoring a greater emphasis on the importance of industry leaders coming together to tackle fraud and secure a safer digital environment for users," said Philip Martin, Chief Security Officer at Coinbase. "We are dedicated to disrupting emerging online scams through collaboration, information sharing, and enhanced consumer education."

“欺詐計劃變得越來越複雜,這凸顯了人們越來越重視行業領導者齊心協力解決欺詐問題併爲用戶提供更安全的數字環境的重要性,” Coinbase首席安全官菲利普·馬丁說。 “我們致力於通過協作、信息共享和加強消費者教育來顛覆新興的在線詐騙。”

"As scams continue to become more convincing and intricate, bad actors are taking every opportunity to target and defraud innocent victims," said Devraj Varadhan, EVP of Engineering at Ripple. "We must fight back and educate individuals on how to protect themselves from these predators. There is no place for scammers, and we must come together across industries to address this pressing issue."

“隨着騙局變得越來越有說服力和複雜性,不良行爲者正在抓住一切機會瞄準和欺騙無辜的受害者,” Ripple 工程執行副總裁 Devraj Varadhan 說。“我們必須進行反擊,教育人們如何保護自己免受這些掠食者的侵害。詐騙者無處可去,我們必須跨行業齊心協力解決這一緊迫問題。”

"People around the world lose hundreds of millions of dollars every month. Criminals are constantly adapting by leveraging and adopting new technology to scam on a global and massive scale, said Brian Bruce, Chief of Operations at Global Anti-Scam Organization. "As a result, we strongly believe that a multi-sector response with tech and financial companies is necessary to fight against this major transnational issue."

“世界各地的人們每月損失數億美元。犯罪分子通過利用和採用新技術不斷適應全球大規模詐騙, 全球反詐騙組織運營主管布萊恩·布魯斯說。“因此,我們堅信,爲了應對這一重大的跨國問題,科技和金融公司必須採取多部門應對措施。”

This new coalition will build on years of investment that these companies have independently made to help protect their users from scams, fraud, and other security risks. Going forward, the coalition will lead the creation of new work streams to identify best practices and guide how companies work together to help stop these scams and provide consumers with the tools and information needed to better protect themselves.


Together, the group is committed to continue working closely with law enforcement agencies around the world to continue sharing information with them to support investigations that combat online fraud and crimes.


SOURCE Match Group

來源 Match Gro

