
Alcoa And Alumina Enter Into Amended Scheme Of Implementation Deed; Remains On Schedule For Completion In Q3 2024; Allan Gray Australia Reiterates Support Of The Transaction

Alcoa And Alumina Enter Into Amended Scheme Of Implementation Deed; Remains On Schedule For Completion In Q3 2024; Allan Gray Australia Reiterates Support Of The Transaction

Benzinga ·  05/21 04:39

Alcoa and Alumina enter into Amended Scheme of Implementation Deed


Allan Gray Australia reiterates support of the Transaction


Transaction remains on schedule for completion in the third quarter 2024


Alcoa Corp. (NYSE:AA) today announced it has entered into a Deed of Amendment and Restatement (the "Amendment") of the Scheme Implementation Deed previously announced March 11, 2024 (the "Agreement") with Alumina Limited in relation to the acquisition of Alumina Limited (the "Scheme"). Alumina Limited shareholders will continue to receive the previously announced Scheme Consideration of 0.02854 New CHESS Depositary Interests ("New Alcoa CDIs") or equivalent for each Alumina Limited share (the "Agreed Ratio"). Each New Alcoa CDI represents a unit of beneficial ownership in a share of Alcoa common stock. Alumina Limited shareholders will be able to trade Alcoa common stock via the New Alcoa CDIs, which will be listed on the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX").

美國鋁業公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:AA)今天宣佈,它已就先前於2024年3月11日宣佈的計劃實施契約(“協議”)與氧化鋁有限公司(“協議”)簽訂了修正和重述契約(“修正案”)(“修正案”),內容涉及收購氧化鋁有限公司(“計劃”)。Alumina Limited的股東將繼續獲得先前宣佈的計劃對價,即0.02854股新的CHESS存託權益(“新美鋁CDI”)或氧化鋁有限公司每股等值股份(“商定比率”)。每個新美鋁CDI代表美鋁普通股中的一個實益所有權單位。Alumina Limited的股東將能夠通過將在澳大利亞證券交易所(“ASX”)上市的新美鋁CDI交易美國鋁業公司普通股。

The Amendment is the result of cooperative discussions with all parties – including CITIC Group ("CITIC"), which holds or controls through its affiliates an 18.9% stake in Alumina Limited – to advance the transaction, which is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024. Alcoa has a longstanding working relationship with CITIC, which holds a stake in the Portland Aluminium joint venture in the state of Victoria, Australia, alongside Alcoa of Australia.

該修正案是與包括中信集團(“中信”)在內的所有各方合作討論的結果,該公司通過其關聯公司持有或控制Alumina Limited18.9%的股份,旨在推進該交易,該交易預計將於2024年第三季度完成。美鋁與中信有着長期的合作關係,中信與澳大利亞鋁業公司一起持有澳大利亞維多利亞州波特蘭鋁業合資企業的股份。

Alcoa and Alumina Limited have amended the Agreement whereby an affiliate of CITIC will receive a small proportion, approximately 1.5 percent of the pro forma outstanding Alcoa common stock, of its consideration under the Scheme in non-voting convertible series A preferred stock (par value US$0.01 per share) ("New Alcoa Non-Voting Shares"), instead of New Alcoa CDIs.


The New Alcoa Non-Voting Shares will be issued to enable CITIC to comply with the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, which prohibits CITIC, as the owner of certain banking assets in the United States, from holding more than 5 percent of any class of voting shares in a U.S. public company. The economic rights of the New Alcoa Non-Voting Shares are generally equivalent to the economic rights of New Alcoa CDIs.


