
Why Is Dyne Therapeutics Stock Soaring On Monday?

Why Is Dyne Therapeutics Stock Soaring On Monday?

爲什麼 Dyne Therapeutics 股票在週一飆升?
Benzinga ·  05/21 03:53

Monday, Dyne Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:DYN) released clinical data from its ongoing Phase 1/2 ACHIEVE trial of DYNE-101 in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and its ongoing Phase 1/2 DELIVER trial of DYNE-251 in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) who are amenable to exon 51 skipping.

週一,達因療法公司(納斯達克股票代碼:DYN)公佈了其正在進行的針對1型肌強直性營養不良症(DM1)患者的 DYNE-101 1/2期ACHIEVE試驗,以及正在進行的針對願意跳過外顯子51的杜興氏肌肉萎縮症(DMD)患者的 DYNE-251 1/2期DELIVER試驗的臨床數據。

Earlier this year, Dyne Therapeutics released initial clinical data from both trials.


In the ACHIEVE trial, patients in the 5.4 mg/kg Q8W cohort had a 27% mean splicing correction from baseline across a broad, 22-gene panel at 3 months, with all participants demonstrating splicing correction.

在ACHIEVE試驗中,5.4 mg/kg Q8W隊列的患者在3個月時在廣泛的22個基因組中平均剪接校正率爲基線的27%,所有參與者均表現出剪接校正。

DYNE-101 demonstrated an improvement in myotonia as measured by video hand opening time (vHOT) in all reported cohorts.

根據所有報告的隊列的視頻手部開啓時間(VHOT)來衡量,DYNE-101 顯示出肌張力有所改善。

The 1.8 mg/kg Q4W group had a mean 3.1-second benefit in myotonia at 3 months, increasing to 4.4 seconds at 12 months.

1.8 mg/kg Q4W 組在 3 個月時肌張力受益平均爲 3.1 秒,在 12 個月時增加到 4.4 秒。

In addition, the 5.4 mg/kg Q8W cohort had a mean 4.5-second improvement in myotonia at 3 months.

此外,5.4 mg/kg Q8W隊列在3個月時肌張力平均改善了4.5秒。

DYNE-101 demonstrated an improvement in muscle strength and early and sustained potential benefit in the 10-meter Walk/Run Test and 5-times to Stand Test.

在 10 米步行/跑步測試和 5 次站立測試中,DYNE-101 顯示肌肉力量有所改善,並有早期和持續的潛在益處。

Dyne reported efficacy data from 8 male patients with DMD amenable to exon 51 skipping enrolled in the 10 mg/kg (approximate PMO dose) cohort of the randomized, placebo-controlled MAD portion of the DYNE-251 DELIVER trial.

達因報告了8名跳過外顯子51的男性患者的療效數據,這些患者加入了 DYNE-251 DELIVER 試驗隨機、安慰劑對照的 MAD 部分 10 mg/kg(大約 PMO 劑量)隊列中。

10 mg/kg of DYNE-251 Q4W demonstrated dose-dependent exon skipping and dystrophin expression.

10 mg/kg 的 DYNE-251 Q4W 表現出劑量依賴性外顯子跳躍和肌營養不良蛋白表達。

DYNE-251 reached levels of dystrophin expression that exceeded levels reported in a clinical trial for the current weekly standard of care for DMD exon 51, eteplirsen, at 6 months1 with a 12-fold lower PMO dose.

DYNE-251 在 6 個月時達到的肌萎縮蛋白表達水平超過了當前 DMD 外顯子 51 每週護理標準 eteplirsen 的臨床試驗中報告的水平,PMO 劑量降低了 12 倍。

DYNE-251 also demonstrated encouraging trends in multiple functional endpoints.

DYNE-251 在多功能終端方面也顯示出令人鼓舞的趨勢。

Patients treated with 10 mg/kg of DYNE-251 Q4W had a mean absolute dystrophin level of 3.22% of normal and a 2.97% change (unadjusted for muscle content) from baseline at 6 months.

接受10 mg/kg DYNE-251 Q4W治療的患者的平均絕對肌萎縮素水平爲正常水平的3.22%,與基線相比在6個月時變化2.97%(未調整肌肉含量)。

Eteplirsen reached a mean absolute unadjusted dystrophin level of 0.30% of normal and a 0.06% change from baseline at 6 months.


When adjusting for muscle content, the DYNE-251 treated group reached 7.64% mean absolute dystrophin, greater than levels reported by peptide conjugate PMOs in clinical development.

調整肌肉含量時,DYNE-251 治療組的平均絕對肌營養不良蛋白達到了 7.64%,高於肽偶聯物 pMO 在臨床開發中報告的水平。

Trends in improvement were observed in multiple functional endpoints in the 10 mg/kg DYNE-251 Q4W group at 6 months.

在 10 mg/kg DYNE-251 Q4W 組中,在 6 個月時觀察到多個功能終點的改善趨勢。

Price Action: DYN shares are up 27.80% at $35.36 at the last check Monday.


