
Solitario Resources Finds New Gold Zones In South Dakota: 'Highest-Grade Samples Collected'

Solitario Resources Finds New Gold Zones In South Dakota: 'Highest-Grade Samples Collected'

Solitario Resources在南達科他州發現新的金礦區:“收集了最高等級的樣品”
Benzinga ·  05/17 22:11

Solitario Resources (NYSE:XPL) has announced the discovery of multiple high-grade gold zones at its Golden Crest project, driving its share price to the highest point in over three years. As geopolitical instabilities push the price of gold higher, promising domestic projects are gaining interest and value.

Solitario Resources(紐約證券交易所代碼:XPL)宣佈在其金頂項目中發現了多個高品位金礦區,使其股價升至三年多來的最高點。隨着地緣政治的不穩定推動金價上漲,前景看好的國內項目正在獲得越來越多的興趣和價值。

"These are among the highest-grade samples collected during a first pass sampling program at a newly discovered target zone in the history of Golden Crest," said Chris Herald, CEO of Solitario Resources.

Solitario Resources首席執行官克里斯·赫拉德說:“這些是金冠歷史上在新發現的目標區域進行首次採樣計劃期間收集到的最高等級的樣本之一。”

"There is a high probability that these three zones may coalesce into a single massive zone with additional work. We look forward to our drilling program starting in the first part of June," he said.

“通過額外的工作,這三個區域很有可能合併成一個巨大的區域。我們期待我們的鑽探計劃在6月上旬開始,” 他說。

The newly discovered zones, Holland, Top Dollar, and Wildcat, yielded remarkable gold values of 57.9, 50.2, 42.7, 32.3, and 21.1 grams per ton from reconnaissance rock sampling. These zones, found within an area of approximately 4 square kilometers between the Downpour and Sleeping Beauty targets, are all at the surface.

新發現的荷蘭、Top Dollar和Wildcat區域通過偵察岩石採樣得出了每噸57.9、50.2、42.7、32.3和21.1克的驚人黃金價值。這些區域位於傾盆大雨和睡美人目標之間約4平方千米的區域內,都在地表上。

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These zones lie on Solitario's new Ponderosa Plan of Operations (POO) in the easternmost portion of the Golden Crest property, where low-impact core drilling will test these promising gold targets.


Solitario Resources acquired the Golden Crest project in August 2021, securing a significant land position in a historically productive gold district. The district, which includes the legendary Homestake Mine, has seen multiple mines contribute to its gold output. Homestake, a supergiant gold deposit, produced over 42 million ounces of gold from 1876 to 2001, making it one of North America's largest individual gold deposits.

Solitario Resources於2021年8月收購了金冠項目,在歷史上富饒的黃金區確保了重要的土地地位。該地區包括傳奇的霍姆斯特克礦,有多個礦山爲其黃金產量做出了貢獻。霍姆斯特克是一個超級巨型金礦,從1876年到2001年,生產了超過4200萬盎司的黃金,使其成爲北美最大的個人金礦牀之一。

Solitario controls all four likely bedrock sources identified through limited exploration by Homestake Mining Company in the 1980s and 1990s. These new targets are outside the historically mined zone – found along the western and southwestern extensions of the Homestake-Wharf mining district. Nowadays, they hold the potential to expand Solitario's gold resources significantly.


The Golden Crest project benefits from its location in a safe, mining-friendly jurisdiction with developed infrastructure and a skilled workforce. With a record of continuous gold mining spanning over 145 years, the region is well-positioned to support Solitario's exploration efforts, scheduled to continue in June.

Golden Crest項目受益於其位於安全、易於採礦的司法管轄區,基礎設施發達,勞動力熟練。該地區擁有超過145年的持續金礦開採記錄,完全有能力支持Solitario計劃於6月繼續的勘探工作。

Shares of XPL soared over 10% on the news. The stock is up 64% year-to-date.


Also read: 'Big Short' Investor Michael Burry Bets Heavy On Gold, Renewable Energy Stocks, Exits Amazon, Alphabet

另請閱讀:“大空頭” 投資者邁克爾·伯裏大量押注黃金、可再生能源股、退出亞馬遜、Alphabet

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