
VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports Traffic in April 2024

VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports Traffic in April 2024

2024 年 4 月 VINCI Autoroutes 和 VINCI 機場的交通
GlobeNewswire ·  05/17 00:15

Nanterre, 16 May 2024

南泰爾,2024 年 5 月 16 日

VINCI Autoroutes and VINCI Airports traffic in April 2024

2024 年 4 月 VINCI Autoroutes 和 VINCI 機場的交通

I- Change in VINCI Autoroutes' intercity networks traffic

I-VINCI Autoroutes 城際網絡流量的變化

April YTD at the end of April
(4 months)
% change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2023
VINCI Autoroutes −1.5% −1.4%
Light vehicles −2.8% −1.4%
Heavy vehicles +6.7% −1.5%
四月 四月底的年初至今
(4 個月)
2024/2023 年變化百分比 2024/2023 年變化百分比
VINCI 自動路線 − 1.5% − 1.4%
輕型車輛 − 2.8% − 1.4%
重型車輛 +6.7% − 1.5%

Traffic in April was impacted by various calendar effects: unfavorable for light vehicles (start of Easter weekend in March this year instead of April in 2023), favorable for heavy vehicles (additional working days compared with April 2023).
The change in traffic over the first four months of the year is similar to that seen in the first quarter.


II- Change in VINCI Airports passenger traffic1


April YTD at the end of April
(4 months)
% change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2019 % change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2019
VINCI Airports +6.3% -1.4% +10.8% +0.1%
Portugal (ANA) +2.4% +14% +4.8% +19%
United Kingdom +4.8% -8.5% +11% -11%
France +4.7% -20% +6.3% -15%
Serbia +5.5% +31% +17% +48%
Mexico (OMA) -5.3% +8.9% -2.4% +13%
United States of America2 -0.4% -0.8% +5.0% +2.8%
Dominican Republic (Aerodom) +5.4% +26% +9.4% +27%
Costa Rica +17% +52% +26% +53%
Chile (Nuevo Pudahuel) +11% +0.3% +17% +0.7%
Brazil +1.5% -2.3% +1.8% -8.9%
Japan (Kansai Airports) +23% -12% +27% -9.6%
Cambodia (Cambodia Airports) +12% -38% +20% -38%
Cape Verde +16% -2.2% +19% +4.0%
四月 四月底的年初至今
(4 個月)
2024/2023 年變化百分比 2024/2019 年變化百分比 2024/2023 年變化百分比 2024/2019 年變化百分比
芬奇機場 +6.3% -1.4% +10.8% +0.1%
葡萄牙 (ANA) +2.4% +14% +4.8% +19%
英國 +4.8% -8.5% +11% -11%
法國 +4.7% -20% +6.3% -15%
塞爾維亞 +5.5% +31% +17% +48%
墨西哥 (OMA) -5.3% +8.9% -2.4% +13%
美利堅合衆國2 -0.4% -0.8% +5.0% +2.8%
多米尼加共和國(Aerodom) +5.4% +26% +9.4% +27%
哥斯達黎加 +17% +52% +26% +53%
智利(新普達韋爾) +11% +0.3% +17% +0.7%
巴西 +1.5% -2.3% +1.8% -8.9%
日本(關西機場) +23% -12% +27% -9.6%
柬埔寨(柬埔寨機場) +12% -38% +20% -38%
佛得角 +16% -2.2% +19% +4.0%

1 Data at 100%, irrespective of percentage held, including airport passenger numbers over the full period.
2 Traffic data (including historical data) excluding Orlando Sanford Airport which has been removed from the VINCI Airports network from 29 February 2024.

1 無論持有百分比如何,數據均爲100%,包括整個期間的機場乘客人數。
2 交通數據(包括歷史數據)不包括奧蘭多桑福德機場,該機場自2024年2月29日起已從VINCI機場網絡中移除。

In April, passenger traffic at VINCI Airports' network continued to grow compared with last year. In Mexico, as already mentioned, there was a slight decline in traffic compared with 2023, which is attributable to certain occasional operational difficulties experienced by some airlines.
Overall, passenger numbers in April 2024 remain at a high level, close to that before the health crisis, with very different situations between airports.


III- Change in VINCI Airports commercial movements (ATM)3


April YTD at the end of April
(4 months)
% change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2019 % change 2024/2023 % change 2024/2019
VINCI Airports +5.0% -5.7% +6.7% -5.6%
Portugal (ANA) +2.2% +6.1% +1.7% +7.8%
United Kingdom +5.8% -6.0% +7.8% -11%
France +2.5% -29% +6.1% -25%
Serbia +6.3% +18% +13% +29%
Mexico (OMA) +3.0% -11% -2.5% -13%
United States of America4 +0.6% -2.9% +1.8% +0.7%
Dominican Republic (Aerodom) -7.5% +5.3% -3.7% +6.4%
Costa Rica +14% +48% +27% +54%
Chile (Nuevo Pudahuel) +12% -1.0% +19% -1.9%
Brazil +4.0% +1.0% +1.7% -7.8%
Japan (Kansai Airports) +11% -6.1% +15% -4.6%
Cambodia (Cambodia Airports) +6.4% -38% +14% -40%
Cape Verde +18% -8.8% +26% -2.2%
四月 四月底的年初至今
(4 個月)
2024/2023 年變化百分比 2024/2019 年變化百分比 2024/2023 年變化百分比 2024/2019 年變化百分比
芬奇機場 +5.0% -5.7% +6.7% -5.6%
葡萄牙 (ANA) +2.2% +6.1% +1.7% +7.8%
英國 +5.8% -6.0% +7.8% -11%
法國 +2.5% -29% +6.1% -25%
塞爾維亞 +6.3% +18% +13% +29%
墨西哥 (OMA) +3.0% -11% -2.5% -13%
美利堅合衆國4 +0.6% -2.9% +1.8% +0.7%
多米尼加共和國(Aerodom) -7.5% +5.3% -3.7% +6.4%
哥斯達黎加 +14% +48% +27% +54%
智利(新普達韋爾) +12% -1.0% +19% -1.9%
巴西 +4.0% +1.0% +1.7% -7.8%
日本(關西機場) +11% -6.1% +15% -4.6%
柬埔寨(柬埔寨機場) +6.4% -38% +14% -40%
佛得角 +18% -8.8% +26% -2.2%

3 Data at 100%, irrespective of percentage held, including commercial movements over the full period.
4 Commercial movements data (including historical data) excluding Orlando Sanford Airport which has been removed from the VINCI Airports network from 29 February 2024.

3 無論持有百分比如何,數據均爲100%,包括整個時期的商業走勢。
4 商業運輸數據(包括歷史數據)不包括奧蘭多桑福德機場,該機場自2024年2月29日起已從VINCI機場網絡中移除。

VINCI is a global player in concessions, energy and construction, employing 280,000 people in more than 120 countries. We design, finance, build and operate infrastructure and facilities that help improve daily life and mobility for all. Because we believe in all-round performance, we are committed to operating in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. And because our projects are in the public interest, we consider that reaching out to all our stakeholders and engaging in dialogue with them is essential in the conduct of our business activities. VINCI's ambition is to create long-term value for its customers, shareholders, employees, partners and society in general.

VINCI是特許權、能源和建築領域的全球參與者,在120多個國家擁有28萬名員工。我們設計、融資、建造和運營基礎設施和設施,幫助改善所有人的日常生活和出行狀況。因爲我們相信全方位的績效,所以我們致力於以對環境和社會負責的方式運營。而且,由於我們的項目符合公共利益,我們認爲接觸所有利益相關者並與他們進行對話對於我們開展業務活動至關重要。VINCI 的目標是爲客戶、股東、員工、合作伙伴和整個社會創造長期價值。

This press release is an official information document of the VINCI Group.


VINCI Press Department
Tel: +33 (0)1 57 98 62 88

電話:+33 (0) 1 57 98 62 88



  • CP VINCI_traffic April 2024_20240516_VA
  • CP vinci_Traffic 2024 年 4 月_20240516_VA

