
SGNL Joins Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program

SGNL Joins Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program

SGNL 加入微软创业公司 Pegasus 计划
PR Newswire ·  05/16 20:00

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SGNL, the modern solution to privileged identity management, has joined Microsoft for Startups Pegasus Program. The two-year program helps drive sales and accelerate growth for SGNL.

加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托,2024年5月16日 /PRNewswire/ — 特权身份管理的现代解决方案SGNL已加入微软创业飞马计划。这项为期两年的计划有助于推动销售并加速SGNL的增长。

As part of the program, Microsoft channels and customers now have access to SGNL's industry-leading platform. SGNL's unique authorization technology eliminates standing access to critical systems, drastically reducing the blast radius of a possible identity breach. Regardless of how an attacker infiltrates your workforce, SGNL stops them from freely navigating your environment and exploiting mission critical systems such as Azure, AWS, GitHub, Salesforce, and more.

作为该计划的一部分,微软的渠道和客户现在可以访问SGNL行业领先的平台。SGNL 独特的授权技术消除了对关键系统的长期访问权限,从而大大缩小了可能的身份泄露的爆炸半径。无论攻击者如何渗透到你的员工队伍中,SGNL都会阻止他们自由地浏览你的环境和利用Azure、AWS、GitHub、Salesforce等关键任务系统。

"Microsoft has been a tremendous supporter of our vision since our early days," said Scott Kriz, CEO and Co-Founder of SGNL. "By joining the Pegasus Program, we will be able to accelerate our go-to-market strategy exponentially and can't wait to see how this positively impacts our trajectory."


The Pegasus Program is an ecosystem of startups with unique solutions to critical market needs and offers a range of resources and support. As a member of the program, SGNL will receive access to Microsoft's vast resources, including co-selling and co-marketing opportunities, channel enablement, technology resources, and more.

Pegasus 计划是一个由初创企业组成的生态系统,为关键市场需求提供独特的解决方案,并提供一系列资源和支持。作为该计划的成员,SGNL将获得微软庞大的资源,包括联合销售和联合营销机会、渠道支持、技术资源等。

Hans Yang, General Manager of Microsoft for Startups said, "SGNL's participation in the Pegasus Program is a testament to their unique approach to identity security. We look forward to continuing our work together to drive growth for them, and increased security for our joint customers."


The SGNL system integrates with Microsoft's ecosystem including Entra ID, Microsoft Copilot for Security, Sentinel, Intune and GitHub, allowing enterprises to create context-based policies that grant dynamic access to production environments and sensitive data only when required, and rescinds that access when the work is complete.

SGNL系统集成了微软的生态系统,包括Entra ID、微软安全Copilot、Sentinel、Intune和GitHub,允许企业创建基于情境的策略,仅在需要时授予对生产环境和敏感数据的动态访问权限,并在工作完成后取消该访问权限。

For more information about SGNL visit

有关 SGNL 的更多信息,请访问

About, Inc.
SGNL's dynamic approach to privileged identity management achieves Zero Standing Privilege across cloud applications like Azure, AWS, GitHub, and Salesforce, as well as on-prem systems. Our unique authorization technology eliminates standing access to critical systems, drastically reducing the blast radius of a possible breach. Regardless of how a malicious insider or external threat actor infiltrates your company, SGNL stops them from freely navigating your environment.

关于, Inc.
SGNL的动态特权身份管理方法在Azure、AWS、GitHub和Salesforce等云应用程序以及本地系统中实现了零常设权限。我们独特的授权技术消除了对关键系统的长期访问,从而大大缩小了可能的漏洞的爆炸半径。无论恶意内部人员或外部威胁行为者如何渗透到您的公司,SGNL 都会阻止他们自由浏览您的环境。

It's why global enterprises and fast-growing mid-market companies alike are turning to SGNL to reduce their identity attack surfaces. SGNL was founded in 2021 and is backed by top security technology investors, including Cisco Ventures, Costanoa Ventures, Fika Ventures, M12, Moonshots Capital, and Resolute Ventures. For more information about SGNL, visit

这就是为什么全球企业和快速增长的中端市场公司都转向SGNL来减少其身份攻击面的原因。SGNL成立于2021年,由顶级安全技术投资者支持,包括思科风险投资公司、Costanoa Ventures、Fika Ventures、M12、Moonshots Capital和Resolute Ventures。有关 SGNL 的更多信息,请访问


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