

Changes in Hong Kong stocks 丨 Domestic insurance stocks strengthened collectively, and Ping An of China rose more than 7% to a seven-month high

Gelonghui Finance ·  May 16 15:02
Glonghui, May 16 | Insurance stocks in the Hong Kong stock market have strengthened collectively. Among them, China Ping An rose more than 6%, leading the sector, and its stock price hit a new high since October 18, 2023. The stock increased by more than 20% during the year; China Taibao and China Life Insurance rose more than 6%, and China Taiping rose nearly 5%. Ping An of China announced last night that the total premium income from the original insurance contracts of the four subsidiaries from January to April 2024 was 33.377 billion yuan, an increase of 2.4% over the previous year. In addition, J.P. Morgan Chase recently released a report stating that since the new business value recovery in the first quarter of 2024 was faster than expected, it reflects that the new business value (NBV) will be stronger this year, and is driving the new business value and reserve revisions anticipated by the market. Reorder insurance stocks and recommend joining mainland life insurance companies. According to the report, life insurance stocks listed in Hong Kong are cheap, with dividend rates of 6% to 8%. New focus on profitability and solvency capital management should also drive better stock performance. The bank chose Ping An of China because it is the only insurance company that proposes to pay an interim interest rate. The bank listed its order for mainland insurance stocks, with China Ping An as the first choice, followed by China Life Insurance, China Taibao, Xinhua Insurance, China People's Insurance Group, and finally China Financial Insurance.

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