
Many Canadians' Financial Strategies Overlook Investing

Many Canadians' Financial Strategies Overlook Investing

加拿大帝國商業銀行 ·  05/15 12:00

Knowledge and/or fear of losing money are leading hold-backs for less confident investors


TORONTO, May 15, 2024 /CNW/ - Only about half of Canadians (48 per cent) say they're investing money each year according to a new poll from Investor's Edge, the direct investing division of CIBC. A small majority (56 per cent) say they are comfortable investing their own money, a figure which rises to three-quarters (75 per cent) among investors, but only half (51 per cent) consider themselves knowledgeable about investing (68 per cent, among investors).

多倫多,2024年5月15日 /CNW/——加拿大帝國商業銀行直接投資部門Investor's Edge的一項新民意調查顯示,只有大約一半的加拿大人(48%)表示他們每年都在投資。極少數人(56%)表示他們願意投資自己的錢,這一數字在投資者中上升到四分之三(75%),但只有一半(51%)的人認爲自己對投資瞭如指掌(68%的投資者)。

Only about half of Canadians say they're investing money each year according to a new poll from Investor's Edge:Sondage de Pro-Investisseurs
《投資者邊緣:Sondage de Pro-Investisseurs》的一項新民意調查顯示,只有大約一半的加拿大人表示他們每年都在投資

Investors who don't feel comfortable investing their own money most frequently point to a lack of knowledge (65 per cent) and/or fear of losing money (57 per cent) as reasons for this sentiment. But knowledge gaps aren't just limited to non-investors—four in ten current investors aren't sure what ETF stands for (38 per cent) or don't know what dollar cost averaging is (42 per cent).


"Knowledge is power in investing, but the good news is that you don't need to know everything to get started. In most cases, investing prudently and early is more important than having a perfect plan," said Luka Marjanovic, Managing Director and Head, CIBC Investor's Edge. "Having the right tools can be the nudge prospective investors need to start making their money work for them."

“知識就是投資的力量,但好消息是,您無需了解所有知識即可開始。在大多數情況下,謹慎和儘早的投資比制定完美的計劃更重要。” 加拿大帝國商業銀行投資者邊緣董事總經理兼主管盧卡·馬爾亞諾維奇說。“擁有正確的工具可以推動潛在投資者開始讓自己的錢爲他們服務。”

And for most Canadians, the importance of knowledge is clear—four in five said knowing how to invest is important (79 per cent) and believe having more information or advice regarding current investment trends would help them build confidence (79 per cent). Nearly three quarters of Canadians (73 per cent) admit they'd like to learn more.


"With living costs rising sharply in recent years, it's more important than ever that we bridge those educational gaps for Canadians," said Marjanovic. "The pressures on budgets are real for many Canadians, but there's also a long term cost associated with not investing and then trying to make up that gap later in life."


For those looking to learn more, a few considerations from Investor's Edge include:

對於那些想了解更多信息的人,Investor's Edge的一些注意事項包括:

  • Starting early – Compound interest benefits those who invest early, and a small amount invested when you're young may earn much more in interest than many times that amount invested when you're older.
  • Using the right tools – Quality research can make a big impact. CIBC Investor's Edge provides proprietary research and Morningstar Equity Research Reports to help clients make informed trades.
  • Building in diversity – A diversified portfolio is one that has a mix of assets and exposes you to minimal risk while still earning a return—exchange traded funds (ETFs) may be an effective and fee-conscious way to invest in a broad range of equities without having to manage a full portfolio.
  • Growing your knowledge – Books, websites, and online communities can all be great sources of investing info, plus CIBC Investor's Edge has an investing 101 page and a theme-based strategy builder to help clients get started.
  • 提早開始——複利使那些提早投資的人受益,而年輕時投資的少量利息可能比你年紀大時投資金額的許多倍還要多。
  • 使用正確的工具——質量研究可以產生重大影響。加拿大帝國商業銀行投資者邊緣提供專有研究和 晨星股票研究報告 幫助客戶進行明智的交易。
  • 建立多元化——多元化投資組合是指一種具有多種資產的投資組合,將風險降至最低,同時仍能獲得回報——交易所交易基金(ETF)可能是無需管理完整投資組合即可投資各種股票的有效且注重費用的方式。
  • 增長知識——書籍、網站和在線社區都可以成爲投資信息的絕佳來源,而且 CIBC Investor's Edge 有一個 投資 101 頁 以及基於主題的策略生成器,可幫助客戶入門。

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About CIBC Investor's Edge
CIBC Investor's Edge is a leader in self-directed investing. Investor's Edge provides an intuitive mobile trading platform, easy to use tools, extensive research, and a growing library of educational materials to help investors chart their own course. Backed by one of Canada's largest banks and the forerunner in Canadian equity trading with CIBC Capital Markets, Investor's Edge helps clients bring their ambitions to life.

關於 CIBC 投資者優勢
CIBC Investor's Edge是自管投資領域的領導者。Investor's Edge提供了直觀的移動交易平台、易於使用的工具、廣泛的研究以及不斷增長的教育材料庫,可幫助投資者規劃自己的路線。Investor's Edge由加拿大最大的銀行之一以及加拿大帝國商業銀行資本市場股票交易的先行者提供支持,幫助客戶實現他們的抱負。

About the study
These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted between February 2 to 7, 2024 on behalf of CIBC. For this survey, a sample of 1,500 Canadians aged 18+ were interviewed online, of which 813 qualify as investors. Weighting was employed to balance demographics to ensure that the sample's composition reflects that of the adult population according to Census data and to provide results intended to approximate the sample universe. The precision of Ipsos online polls is measured using a credibility interval. In this case, the poll is accurate to within ±4.2percentage points, 19 times out of 20, had all Canadian investors been polled. The credibility interval will be wider among subsets of the population (in this case, investors). A second online poll fielded between March 21 and 22, 2024 and asked a representative sample of 1,001 Canadians aged 18+ general questions about investing. Weighting was employed to balance demographics to ensure that the sample's composition reflects that of the adult population according to Census data and to provide results intended to approximate the sample universe. The credibility interval for this second poll was ±3.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, had all Canadians aged 18+ been polled. All sample surveys and polls may be subject to other sources of error, including, but not limited to coverage error, and measurement error.




