
Monster Energy Employees Volunteer at Orange County Rescue Mission's Double R Ranch

Monster Energy Employees Volunteer at Orange County Rescue Mission's Double R Ranch

Monster Energy 員工在橙縣救援團的 Double R 牧場做志願者
Accesswire ·  05/15 21:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 15, 2024 / Orange County Rescue Mission's Double R Ranch in San Diego needed a little bit of rescuing itself... enter the Beast Mode Team!

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 15 日/奧蘭治縣救援團位於聖地亞哥的 Double R Ranch 需要一點自救... 進入野獸模式小組!

Image courtesy Monster Energy

The 142-acre property is a working horse ranch that provides a safe place for people to heal, learn and start a new life, through equestrian therapy, allowing them to experience the healing effects of hard work in the outdoors with animals. It welcomes men, women and children, focusing on veterans and their families.


During the spring, some 35 members of our Beasts, hungry to do some good, descended on the ranch for four straight hours of hard cleaning, painting, renovating, demolishing and rebuilding!


And the result? In the words of OCRM's Michaela Dolium in her thank you note:

結果呢?用 OCRM 的 Michaela Dolium 在感謝信中的話來說:

"I just have to share how incredible it has been to work Eddie Vargas, his Taskforce team, and the entire Beast Mode team. They put in WORK at our Double R Ranch property volunteering yesterday. I cannot express how much of a joy it has been to work with them. The work they did demoing and cleaning our future Men's, Women's, and Children's buildings will be a part of countless stories of hope and restoration for those experiencing homelessness in our community. Thank you to everyone at Monster Energy Cares!"

“我只需要分享一下埃迪·巴爾加斯、他的特遣部隊團隊和整個野獸模式團隊的工作是多麼不可思議。他們昨天在我們的 Double R Ranch 房產志願者活動中投入了工作。我無法表達與他們共事是多麼的快樂。他們爲演示和清理我們未來的男士、女士和兒童建築所做的工作將成爲我們社區無家可歸者無數充滿希望和恢復的故事的一部分。感謝 Monster Energy Cares 的所有人!”

Visit Orange County Rescue Mission's Double R Ranch site to learn more.

參觀 奧蘭治縣救援任務要了解更多信息,請訪問 Double R Ranch 網站。

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在 上查看 Monster Energy 提供的更多多媒體和更多ESG故事。

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Spokesperson: Monster Energy


SOURCE: Monster Energy


