
港股异动 | 威胜控股(03393)涨超8% 电力设备高景气催化持续 年内中标国家电网超4亿元合约

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Weisheng Holdings (03393) rose more than 8%, catalyzing a boom in power equipment and continued to win more than 400 million yuan of contracts for the State Grid during the year

Zhitong Finance ·  May 13 11:12

Weisheng Holdings (03393) rose more than 8%. As of press release, it rose 7.96% to HK$7.32, with a turnover of HK$25.7293 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Weisheng Holdings (03393) rose more than 8%. As of press release, it had risen 7.96% to HK$7.32, with a turnover of HK$25.7293 million.

According to the news, power equipment leaders such as Eaton, Hitachi, and Siemens Energy recently disclosed quarterly earnings reports, orders/performance related to the power grid sector have increased, and Eaton and Siemens Energy have revised their 24-year full-year guidelines. Dongwu Securities pointed out that orders from leading power equipment companies generally increased in 23. Investment in power grids increased by 8% this year, UHV plans to start “five straight and three interchanges”, domestic UHV + new energy infrastructure, overseas power grid upgrades, new energy + manufacturing backflow, and domestic and foreign demand for power equipment resonated over a large cycle.

According to reports, the company won contracts with a cumulative value of about 412 million yuan in centralized tenders from the State Grid during the year. Guoyuan International previously stated that by the end of 2023, the company's current orders will be about RMB 7.9 billion, +30% compared to the end of '22, and 80% will be delivered within one year. The company's overseas market share remains stable. Of the 7.9 billion on-hand orders, 2.5 billion are overseas businesses (including 1.2 billion for electricity, 1.2 billion for telecommunications and 100 million for ADO), and overseas revenue is expected to grow by 30% or more in 24 years.

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