
Bitcoin Spot ETFs Collect $11.29M Net Inflows On Thursday

Bitcoin Spot ETFs Collect $11.29M Net Inflows On Thursday

Benzinga ·  05/10 19:02

Bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) saw net outflows of $11.29 million on May 9.


What Happened: The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (OTC:GBTC) registered a substantial net outflow of $43.3522 million, while the BlackRock Bitcoin Trust (NASADAQ: IBIT) experienced a net inflow of $14.1946 million. Other ETFs also saw modest inflows:


  • Fidelity (BATS:FBTC): $3 million
  • Ark (BATS:ARKB): $4 million
  • Bitwise (BATS:BITB): $7 million
  • Invesco (BATS:BTCO): $2 million
  • 富達(BATS: FBTC):300 萬美元
  • 方舟(BATS: ARKB):400 萬美元
  • Bitwise(BATS: BITB):700 萬美元
  • 景順(BATS: BTCO):200 萬美元

Analysts from QCP Capital indicated that the market is adjusting to the anticipations of two Federal Reserve rate cuts later this year, with the first cut expected no earlier than September.

QCP Capital的分析師表示,市場正在適應聯儲局今年晚些時候兩次降息的預期,首次降息預計不早於9月。

Benzinga future of digital assets conference

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另請閱讀:唐納德·特朗普說,如果你支持加密貨幣,“你最好爲他投票”:但是他一直 “沒問題” 嗎?

Why It Matters: Despite the outflows, there isn't a sense of bearish panic among traders.


Instead, the market is adapting to a scenario of lower volatility, with a structurally positive outlook on Bitcoin towards the year-end.


Additionally, the U.S. Dollar has been on the rise, driven by expectations that other central banks may delay their rate cuts until after the Federal Reserve acts.


This cautious yet optimistic market sentiment aligns with the themes poised to be discussed at the upcoming Benzinga Future of Digital Assets event on Nov. 19.


The conference aims to delve into the dynamics of cryptocurrency investments and the broader economic factors influencing these digital assets.


Image: Shutterstock


