
Jack Dorsey Says He Left Twitter Alternative He Helped Create Because It Was 'Literally Repeating All The Mistakes'

Jack Dorsey Says He Left Twitter Alternative He Helped Create Because It Was 'Literally Repeating All The Mistakes'

傑克·多爾西說他離開了自己幫助創建的 Twitter 替代方案,因爲它 “實際上是在重複所有錯誤”
Benzinga ·  05/10 09:38

In a recent interview, Jack Dorsey disclosed his reasons for leaving Bluesky, the decentralized social media platform he co-founded as an alternative to Twitter, now known as X.


What Happened: In a recent interview with journalist Mike Solana on his Pirate Wires site, Dorsey explained that Bluesky was "literally repeating all the mistakes [Twitter] made as a company."

發生了什麼:在最近在《海盜電訊報》網站上接受記者邁克·索拉納采訪時,多爾西解釋說,Bluesky “實際上是在重複 [Twitter] 作爲一家公司所犯的所有錯誤。”

He further elaborated that Bluesky was not following his original vision of an open-source protocol that wasn't controlled by anyone. Instead, it was adopting similar practices to those of Twitter, such as raising money, moderating content, and having a board, on which Dorsey sat.


Dorsey then decided to shift his focus to Nostr, another Twitter alternative that promises to be a genuine open-source protocol.


He also discussed the issues with Twitter, attributing them to the company's shift from an open-source protocol to a venture-backed, for-profit company that went public with an advertising-based business model, positioning itself as a competitor to Facebook.


Why It Matters: This interview provides a rare insight into Dorsey's perspective on the challenges faced by social media platforms. It also sheds light on his vision for a decentralized social media future and the difficulties he encountered in realizing this vision with Bluesky. This departure from Bluesky comes after a controversial period at the company, which saw Dorsey stepping down from the board amid criticism of the platform's direction.


Despite this, Dorsey's vision for a decentralized social media future has found support from Elon Musk, who praised Dorsey's endorsement of his X platform as "freedom technology." This further underscores the potential for a shift in the social media landscape.

儘管如此,多爾西對去中心化社交媒體未來的願景得到了埃隆·馬斯克的支持,他稱讚多爾西認可他的X平台是 “自由技術”。這進一步凸顯了社交媒體格局發生變化的可能性。

Meanwhile, Dorsey has also been addressing compliance issues at his other company, Block, indicating a broader trend of accountability and transparency in the tech industry.


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