
Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s (SHSE:603567) Stock Is Soaring But Financials Seem Inconsistent: Will The Uptrend Continue?

Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s (SHSE:603567) Stock Is Soaring But Financials Seem Inconsistent: Will The Uptrend Continue?

黑龍江正必達藥業有限公司's(SHSE: 603567)股票飆升但財務狀況似乎前後矛盾:上漲趨勢會持續嗎?
Simply Wall St ·  05/10 08:02

Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's (SHSE:603567) stock is up by a considerable 15% over the past three months. However, we decided to pay attention to the company's fundamentals which don't appear to give a clear sign about the company's financial health. In this article, we decided to focus on Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's ROE.


ROE or return on equity is a useful tool to assess how effectively a company can generate returns on the investment it received from its shareholders. Simply put, it is used to assess the profitability of a company in relation to its equity capital.


How To Calculate Return On Equity?


ROE can be calculated by using the formula:

ROE 可以通過以下公式計算:

Return on Equity = Net Profit (from continuing operations) ÷ Shareholders' Equity

股本回報率 = 淨利潤(來自持續經營業務)÷ 股東權益

So, based on the above formula, the ROE for Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical is:


6.1% = CN¥506m ÷ CN¥8.3b (Based on the trailing twelve months to March 2024).

6.1% = 5.06億元人民幣 ÷ 83億元人民幣(基於截至2024年3月的過去十二個月)。

The 'return' is the amount earned after tax over the last twelve months. So, this means that for every CN¥1 of its shareholder's investments, the company generates a profit of CN¥0.06.

“回報” 是過去十二個月的稅後收入。因此,這意味着公司每投資1元人民幣,公司就會產生0.06元人民幣的利潤。

Why Is ROE Important For Earnings Growth?


Thus far, we have learned that ROE measures how efficiently a company is generating its profits. Depending on how much of these profits the company reinvests or "retains", and how effectively it does so, we are then able to assess a company's earnings growth potential. Generally speaking, other things being equal, firms with a high return on equity and profit retention, have a higher growth rate than firms that don't share these attributes.

到目前爲止,我們已經了解到,投資回報率衡量的是公司創造利潤的效率。然後,我們能夠評估公司的收益增長潛力,具體取決於公司對這些利潤進行再投資或 “保留” 了多少及其有效性。一般而言,在其他條件相同的情況下,股本回報率和利潤留存率高的公司的增長率要高於不具有這些屬性的公司。

Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's Earnings Growth And 6.1% ROE


On the face of it, Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's ROE is not much to talk about. A quick further study shows that the company's ROE doesn't compare favorably to the industry average of 7.7% either. Given the circumstances, the significant decline in net income by 2.9% seen by Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical over the last five years is not surprising. We believe that there also might be other aspects that are negatively influencing the company's earnings prospects. Such as - low earnings retention or poor allocation of capital.


That being said, we compared Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's performance with the industry and were concerned when we found that while the company has shrunk its earnings, the industry has grown its earnings at a rate of 9.2% in the same 5-year period.


SHSE:603567 Past Earnings Growth May 10th 2024
SHSE: 603567 過去的收益增長 2024 年 5 月 10 日

The basis for attaching value to a company is, to a great extent, tied to its earnings growth. The investor should try to establish if the expected growth or decline in earnings, whichever the case may be, is priced in. This then helps them determine if the stock is placed for a bright or bleak future. Is Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical fairly valued compared to other companies? These 3 valuation measures might help you decide.


Is Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical Using Its Retained Earnings Effectively?


When we piece together Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical's low three-year median payout ratio of 21% (where it is retaining 79% of its profits), calculated for the last three-year period, we are puzzled by the lack of growth. This typically shouldn't be the case when a company is retaining most of its earnings. So there might be other factors at play here which could potentially be hampering growth. For instance, the business has faced some headwinds.

當我們計算出黑龍江ZBD Pharmical過去三年來最低的三年派息率中位數21%(保留了79%的利潤)時,我們對缺乏增長感到困惑。當公司保留大部分收益時,通常不應出現這種情況。因此,這裏可能還有其他因素在起作用,這些因素可能會阻礙增長。例如,該業務面臨一些阻力。

Moreover, Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical has been paying dividends for eight years, which is a considerable amount of time, suggesting that management must have perceived that the shareholders prefer consistent dividends even though earnings have been shrinking.

此外,黑龍江ZBD Pharmaceutical已經派發股息八年了,這是相當長的時間,這表明管理層一定已經意識到,儘管收益一直在萎縮,但股東更喜歡持續的分紅。



On the whole, we feel that the performance shown by Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical can be open to many interpretations. Even though it appears to be retaining most of its profits, given the low ROE, investors may not be benefitting from all that reinvestment after all. The low earnings growth suggests our theory correct. Wrapping up, we would proceed with caution with this company and one way of doing that would be to look at the risk profile of the business. To know the 1 risk we have identified for Heilongjiang ZBD Pharmaceutical visit our risks dashboard for free.


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