

5/10 [strong and weak materials]

Fisco Japan ·  May 10 07:39

[Strong and weak materials]

Bullish material

・The NY Dow rose (39387.76, +331.37)

・The Nasdaq Composite Index rose (16346.27, +43.51)

・Chicago Nikkei futures rose (38435, +395 compared to Osaka)

・The VIX Index declined (12.69, -0.31)

・US crude oil futures rose (79.26, +0.27)

・Long-term US interest rates have declined

・Expectations that US inflation will calm down

・Request for improvement of corporate value by the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Bearish material

・The Nikkei Average declined (38073.98, -128.39)

・1 dollar = 155.30-40 yen

・The SOX index declined (4759.77, -30.61)

・Concerns about the Bank of Japan's early additional interest rate hike

・Prolonged fighting in Ukraine and Israel

・Cabinet approval ratings are sluggish

Things to keep in mind

・Household Budget Survey (March)

・Current account balance (March)

・Bank Lending Trends (April)

・External and internal securities investments (last week, last week)

・Business Watcher Survey (April)

・Financial results announcements for East Elec <8035>, NTT <9432>, SBI <8473>, Mitsui Fumu <8801>, Mitsubishi Estate <8802>, KDDI <9433>, etc.

・China Current Account Balance Report (January-March)

・India's foreign exchange reserves (last week)

・Indian Industrial Production (March)

・European Central Bank (ECB) Meeting Summary (April Meeting)

・UK GDP preliminary figures (January-March)

・British Industrial Production Index (March)

・UK Merchandise Trade Balance (March)

・Brazil FIPE Consumer Price Index (last week)

・Brazil IBGE Inflation Rate IPCA (April)

・Canada Unemployment Rate (April)

・University of Michigan Consumer Confidence Index Bulletin (May)

・US fiscal balance (April)

・The president of the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank of the United States participated in the question and answer session

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