


PR Newswire ·  05/09 21:00

Gatorade continues to fuel young adults to keep active to unlock the life-changing power of sport on a global scale.


LONDON, May 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To cement Gatorade's commitment to transforming participation in sport across the world, the iconic PepsiCo drinks brand is launching its global programme, Fuel Tomorrow, by committing to help 2,500,000 teens across the world access the life changing power of sport by 2030.

倫敦,2024年5月9日 /PRNewswire/ — 爲了鞏固佳得樂對改變全球體育參與度的承諾,這家標誌性的百事可樂飲料品牌正在啓動其全球計劃 “Fuel Tomorrow”,承諾到2030年幫助全球250萬名青少年獲得改變生活的體育運動的力量。

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Gatorade launches Fuel Tomorrow a new global platform that addresses equity in sport
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佳得樂推出Fuel Tomorrow,這是一個解決體育公平問題的新全球平台

The programme, originally Gatorade's U.S equity in sport platform, is being expanded globally following research conducted by Gatorade. It surveyed 2,500 parents of teens aged 13-17 from numerous markets and identified the biggest barriers preventing teens from playing or staying in sport. These include:


  • The cost of the activity or equipment - 55% of respondents highlighted the cost of the activity or the equipment as a barrier to sports participation. This is noted as the top barrier to access in sports for lower income households across surveyed markets.
  • The lack of confidence - 41% of those surveyed share a concern that a lack of confidence or self-esteem stops their teens from taking part in sport.
  • The safety of sport spaces - 54% of parents point to the safety of sports spaces as a barrier and interestingly, is felt only marginally more strongly amongst girls (56%) than boys (52%)
  • Visible role models – Across all markets 44% of parents point to a lack of visible and relatable role models as a key barrier to their children taking part in a sport, most notably, in team sports.
  • The lack of sporting facilities or inability to physically reach them - 52% reported there was a lack of sport facilities or an inability to physically reach a sports facility.
  • 活動或設備的成本 - 55% 的受訪者強調活動或設備的成本是參與體育運動的障礙。在接受調查的市場中,這被認爲是低收入家庭進入體育運動的最大障礙。
  • 缺乏信心 - 41% 的受訪者同樣擔心缺乏信心或自尊心會阻礙他們的青少年參加體育運動。
  • 運動空間的安全 - 54% 的家長將運動空間的安全視爲障礙,有趣的是,女孩(56%)的感受僅略高於男孩(52%)
  • 可見的榜樣 — 涵蓋所有市場 44% 的家長指出,缺乏可見和相關的榜樣是子女參加體育運動,尤其是團隊運動的主要障礙。
  • 缺乏體育設施或無法親自到達 - 52% 報告說缺乏體育設施或無法實際到達體育設施。

As a result of the survey, the Fuel Tomorrow global platform will roll out three international programmes to address the barriers and gaps found within the research. Kicking off in May, the brand's renowned grassroots football tournament for teens aged 14-16, 5v5, will take place in Bilbao with an all-female tournament and in London with both male and female tournaments. Designed to promote and showcase equal opportunities for young talent, the tournament – now in its seventh year – has been delivering positive formative sporting experiences to thousands of young amateur athletes from all over the world, providing over 151,000 young adults from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to excel to date. This year sees 25,000 teens participating alone!

調查的結果是,Fuel Tomorrow全球平台將推出三項國際計劃,以解決研究中發現的障礙和差距。該品牌著名的面向14-16歲青少年的5v5草根足球錦標賽將於5月拉開序幕,將在畢爾巴鄂舉行,全女子錦標賽將在倫敦舉行,男女均有錦標賽。該錦標賽旨在促進和展示年輕人才的平等機會,現已進入第七個年頭,爲來自世界各地的數千名年輕業餘運動員提供了積極的培養性體育體驗,爲來自不同背景的超過15.1萬名年輕人提供了迄今爲止脫穎而出的機會。僅今年就有25,000名青少年參加!

May will also see an extension of the brand's 'Confidence Coach' initiative following the successful launch with Rachel Yankey and Andriy Shevchenko in 2023. Fuelled by the finding that a lack of confidence within teens has a huge impact on the drop-out rate of sport, this innovative programme aims to inspire future generations by partnering with some of the world's most iconic football players as Confidence Coaches to share their experience first-hand and motivate aspiring players.

繼2023年與瑞秋·揚基和安德里·舍甫琴科成功推出之後,該品牌的 “信心教練” 計劃也將在5月延期。這項創新計劃旨在通過與世界上一些最具代表性的足球運動員合作擔任信心教練,親身分享他們的經歷並激勵有抱負的球員,從而激勵子孫後代,即青少年缺乏信心會對體育運動的退學率產生巨大影響。

The final programme coming later this year will be the 'Fuel Tomorrow Fund'. Created to encourage community integration to cover the cost of equipment and spaces to play sport in low-income areas in key markets.

今年晚些時候推出的最終計劃將是 “燃料明日基金”。旨在鼓勵社區融合,以支付關鍵市場低收入地區體育運動的設備和空間的費用。

Speaking about the Fuel Tomorrow programme, VP of Marketing at Gatorade, Bart LaCount says, "Gatorade's Fuel Tomorrow platform embodies our core mission – that is to ignite the potential that is inside each one of us, that can be unleashed through sport and being active. Unfortunately, not everyone has equal access to those opportunities – but at Gatorade, we believe everyone should be able to access sports and we firmly believe that barriers to participation should not exist. Gatorade looks forward to a future in which everyone, everywhere, can unlock the life-changing power of sport."

佳得樂營銷副總裁巴特·拉康特在談到 “未來燃料” 計劃時說:“佳得樂的 Fuel Tomorrow 平台體現了我們的核心使命——即點燃我們每個人內在的潛力,這些潛力可以通過運動和活躍來釋放。不幸的是,並非每個人都有平等的機會獲得這些機會——但在佳得樂,我們認爲每個人都應該能夠參與體育運動,我們堅信不應存在參與障礙。佳得樂展望未來,讓世界各地的每個人都能釋放體育改變生活的力量。”

Gatorade continues its mission to increase participation and to inspire future generations to get active. A brand created, and continuously fuelled, by some of the best scientists in the world - there are many more programmes coming this year to help young people discover the joy of sport and where it can take them.


About PepsiCo


PepsiCo products are enjoyed by consumers more than one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world. PepsiCo generated more than $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, driven by a complementary beverage and convenient foods portfolio that includes Lay's, Doritos, Cheetos, Gatorade, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Quaker, and SodaStream. PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages, including many iconic brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail sales.

全球 200 多個國家和地區的消費者每天享受百事可樂產品的次數超過 10 億次。百事可樂在2023年創造了超過910億美元的淨收入,這得益於包括Lay's、Doritos、Cheetos、佳得樂、百事可樂、Mountain Dew、Quaker和SodaStream在內的補充飲料和方便食品產品組合。百事可樂的產品組合包括各種令人愉悅的食品和飲料,包括許多標誌性品牌,每個品牌的年零售額估計超過10億美元。

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Beverages and Convenient Foods by Winning with pep+ (PepsiCo Positive). pep+ is our strategic end-to-end transformation that puts sustainability and human capital at the center of how we will create value and growth by operating within planetary boundaries and inspiring positive change for planet and people. For more information, visit , and follow on X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn @PepsiCo.

指導百事可樂是我們的願景,即憑藉 pep+(PepsiCo Positive)獲勝,成爲飲料和方便食品領域的全球領導者。pep+ 是我們的端到端戰略轉型,它將可持續發展和人力資本置於我們如何通過在地球邊界內開展業務以及激發地球和人類積極變革來創造價值和增長的核心。欲了解更多信息,請訪問並關注 X(推特)、Instagram、Facebook 和 LinkedIn @PepsiCo。



SOURCE Gatorade

來源 Gatorade

