
Spotify Vs. Apple Heads Back To EU Regulator's Court After iPhone Maker Keeps Blocking In-App Pricing Information Updates

Spotify Vs. Apple Heads Back To EU Regulator's Court After iPhone Maker Keeps Blocking In-App Pricing Information Updates

Spotify vs.iPhone製造商繼續封鎖應用內定價信息更新後,蘋果重返歐盟監管機構法庭
Benzinga ·  05/09 20:49

Spotify Technology SA (NYSE:SPOT) is intensifying its legal battle with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) in the European Union, with the European Commission now considering a second investigation into Apple's new music streaming app policy.

Spotify Technology SA(紐約證券交易所代碼:SPOT)正在歐盟加強與蘋果公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)的法律鬥爭,歐盟委員會正在考慮對蘋果的新音樂流媒體應用程序政策進行第二次調查。

What Happened: Spotify has been making changes to its app, such as displaying pricing information in-app for EU users, to comply with the European Commission's antitrust ruling against Apple, reported The Verge.

發生了什麼:據The Verge報道,Spotify一直在對其應用程序進行更改,例如在應用程序內向歐盟用戶顯示定價信息,以遵守歐盟委員會對蘋果的反壟斷裁決。

The Commission fined Apple $1.95 billion in March for anti-steering rules that hindered competition and consumer choice.


Apple responded by introducing a new entitlement program, which would allow music streaming apps to include external links to purchases but with a 27% commission.


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When Spotify tried to update its app to bypass this fee, Apple rejected the update, leading to the dispute being referred back to the European Commission.


Spotify's associate general counsel, Harry Clarke, stated that the company's primary goal is to improve user experience and communication about prices and plans.


Apple's changes have led to an investigation by the Commission, and if any wrongdoing is found, it could face two enforcement actions in the EU. Spotify is confident that the EU will act in its favor.


Why It Matters: The ongoing legal battle between Spotify and Apple in the EU has been a long-standing issue. It began with Spotify's accusations against Apple for subverting the goals of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) through its proposed "Alternative App Store" changes.

爲何重要:Spotify和蘋果在歐盟持續的法律鬥爭一直是一個長期存在的問題。首先,Spotify指控蘋果通過其提議的 “替代應用商店” 變更來顛覆了《數字市場法》(DMA)的目標。

This led to a backlash from other tech giants like Meta Platforms Inc. and Microsoft Corp.

這引起了其他科技巨頭的強烈反對,例如Meta Platforms Inc.和微軟公司。

Apple's "Alternative App Store" model for its EU users could cost companies like Meta Platforms millions of dollars in yearly payments, according to a Benzinga analysis.

根據Benzinga的一項分析,蘋果針對其歐盟用戶的 “替代應用商店” 模式可能會使像Meta Platforms這樣的公司每年損失數百萬美元的付款。

Price Action: Spotify's stock was up 1.12% in premarket trading on Thursday, while Apple's stock was down 0.1%, according to Benzinga Pro.

價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,Spotify的股票在週四盤前交易中上漲了1.12%,而蘋果的股票下跌了0.1%。

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Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of Benzinga Neuro and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

免責聲明: 該內容部分是在 Benzinga Neuro 的幫助下製作的,並由 Benzinga 編輯審查和出版。

Photo by David Švihovec on Unsplash

照片由 David Svihovec 在 Unsplash 上拍攝

