
M2i Global, Inc. Partners With Australian Research Organization to Revolutionize Critical Mineral Supply Chains

M2i Global, Inc. Partners With Australian Research Organization to Revolutionize Critical Mineral Supply Chains

M2i Global, Inc. 與澳大利亞研究組織合作,徹底改變關鍵礦產供應鏈
Accesswire ·  05/09 20:30

RENO, NV / ACCESSWIRE / May 9, 2024 / M2i Global Inc. ("M2i," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (OTCQB:MTWO), a Company specializing in the development and execution of a complete global value supply chain for critical minerals for the U.S. government and U.S. free trade partners, proudly announces a strategic partnership with Nova Terra, an esteemed research organization at the forefront of innovation in critical mineral processing technologies.

內華達州里諾/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月9日/專門爲美國政府和美國自由貿易伙伴開發和執行關鍵礦產的完整全球價值供應鏈的M2i Global Inc.(“M2i”、“公司”、“我們” 或 “我們”)(OTCQB: MTWO)自豪地宣佈與備受推崇的研究機構Nova Terra建立戰略合作伙伴關係該組織處於關鍵礦物加工技術創新的最前沿。

As the global demand for critical minerals continues to surge, driven by their indispensable role in various industries including technology, renewable energy, and defense, M2i recognizes the urgency in securing a sustainable supply chain. In pursuit of this goal, M2i has joined forces with Nova Terra, leveraging their complementary strengths and expertise to pioneer groundbreaking solutions.

由於關鍵礦物在技術、可再生能源和國防等各個行業中不可或缺的作用,全球對關鍵礦產的需求持續激增,M2i意識到了確保可持續供應鏈的緊迫性。爲了實現這一目標,M2i與Nova Terra聯手,利用他們的互補優勢和專業知識開創了開創性的解決方案。

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the journey towards enhancing critical mineral supply. By combining M2i's extensive experience in battery metals, corporate finance, logistics and policy with Nova Terra's cutting-edge research in water treatment, copper processing, mine waste valorisation, and critical mineral technologies, the partnership aims to revolutionize the extraction, processing, and utilization of critical minerals.

此次合作標誌着加強關鍵礦產供應過程中的一個重要里程碑。通過將M2i在電池金屬、企業融資、物流和政策方面的豐富經驗與Nova Terra在水處理、銅加工、礦山廢物估值和關鍵礦物技術方面的前沿研究相結合,該夥伴關係旨在徹底改變關鍵礦物的開採、加工和利用。

"We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with Nova Terra," said Lieutenant General (Ret) Jeffrey W. Talley, President and Chief Executive Officer of M2i. "Together, we have the opportunity to redefine the landscape of critical mineral production, driving innovation, sustainability, and economic growth."

M2i總裁兼首席執行官傑弗裏·塔利中將(退役)表示:“我們很高興能與Nova Terra一起踏上這段變革之旅。”“齊心協力,我們有機會重新定義關鍵礦產生產的格局,推動創新、可持續發展和經濟增長。”

The partnership is already working towards securing copper and graphite supply chains, as well as developing regional transition models to secure jobs for mining areas as they transition into critical mineral activities. A flagship program of the partnership is securing water supply for arid regional towns reliant on mining, minimizing environmental impacts while maximizing efficiency of operations and livability of communities.


"M2i are ideal partners to progress the essential journey into secure critical mineral supply chains," said Dr. Tom Payten, Managing Director at Nova Terra. "This exciting opportunity will allow us to work collaboratively to bring about swift innovation in the United States and Australia."

Nova Terra董事總經理湯姆·佩滕博士表示:“M2i是推進關鍵礦產供應鏈安全之旅的理想合作伙伴。”“這個激動人心的機會將使我們能夠共同努力,在美國和澳大利亞實現快速創新。”

Through collaborative research, development, and deployment initiatives, M2i and Nova Terra are committed to advancing the global critical mineral industry, fostering economic resilience, and promoting sustainable practices.

通過合作研究、開發和部署計劃,M2i和Nova Terra致力於推進全球關鍵礦產業,增強經濟彈性並促進可持續實踐。

About Nova Terra:

關於 Nova Terra:

Nova Terra is a leading research institution specializing in connecting industry, academia and entrepreneurs and provide the services necessary to ensure that innovation efforts lead to the best outcomes. Committed to excellence in innovation and discovery, we aim to accelerate the pace of innovation by supporting key gaps in technology translation, bringing the lab to life.

Nova Terra是一家領先的研究機構,專門連接行業、學術界和企業家,並提供必要的服務,以確保創新工作取得最佳成果。我們致力於追求卓越的創新和發現,旨在通過支持技術翻譯中的關鍵差距來加快創新步伐,使實驗室煥發活力。

About M2i Global, Inc. (OTCQB:MTWO)

關於 M2i Global, Inc. (OTCQB: MTWO)

M2i Global, Inc., through its subsidiary U.S. Minerals and Metals Corp., is an engineering, research, and services firm that brings together people, technology, and solutions from across government, business, not-for-profits, and academia to provide access and availability to critical minerals and metals for the purpose of defense and economic security. We aim to address this compelling need dictated by the evolving global environment predicated in terms of technology, energy, defense, and climate. The Company's vision and purpose is to develop and execute a complete global value supply chain for critical minerals for the U.S. and its free trade partners and create a strategic mineral reserve in partnership with the U.S. Federal Government. The reality is that the world outside of China faces a significant dearth of critical minerals necessary to fuel its reemergent manufacturing base. This supply problem leads to a very clear economic opportunity for the Company and others to develop these resources and supply this exploding demand over the next decade and beyond.

M2i Global, Inc. 通過其子公司美國礦業和金屬公司,是一家工程、研究和服務公司,彙集了來自政府、企業、非營利組織和學術界的人員、技術和解決方案,爲國防和經濟安全提供關鍵礦物和金屬的准入和可用性。我們的目標是滿足這一迫切需求,該需求是由技術、能源、國防和氣候等不斷變化的全球環境所決定的。該公司的願景和宗旨是爲美國及其自由貿易伙伴開發和執行完整的關鍵礦產全球價值供應鏈,並與美國聯邦政府合作創建戰略礦產儲備。現實情況是,中國以外的世界面臨着爲其新興製造基礎提供燃料所必需的關鍵礦物嚴重短缺。這種供應問題爲公司和其他公司提供了一個非常明顯的經濟機會,可以在未來十年及以後開發這些資源並滿足這種爆炸式的需求。

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This press release contains "forward-looking statements." Such statements may be preceded by the words "intends," "may," "will," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "projects," "predicts," "estimates," "aims," "believes," "hopes," "potential," or similar words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at

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All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement was made, except to the extent required by applicable securities laws.


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SOURCE: M2i Global Inc

資料來源:M2i Global Inc

