
港股异动 | 协鑫科技(03800)再涨超5% 颗粒硅市占率提升趋势明显 25年有望实现30%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | GCL Technology (03800) has risen more than 5%, and the market share of granular silicon is clearly increasing, and it is expected to reach 30% in 25

Zhitong Finance ·  May 9 10:31

GCL Technology (03800) rose more than 5%. As of press release, it had risen 3.2% to HK$1.29, with a turnover of HK$81.2768 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that GCL Technology (03800) rose by more than 5%. As of press release, it had risen 3.2% to HK$1.29, with a turnover of HK$81.2768 million.

Tianfeng Securities released a research report saying that in '23, the company completely withdrew from the rod-shaped silicon field, focusing on granular silicon; granular silicon with excess silicon is based on a clear trend of increasing market share at low cost and high quality, and is expected to reach 30% in '25; the company recently signed a three-year procurement contract of 425,000 tons with silicon chip leader Longji, which is conducive to a rapid increase in market share and superposition CCZ to improve crystal pulling efficiency. Furthermore, the company acquired 45% of GCL Optoelectronics's shares by Xiamen Weihua, and the efficiency of perovskite modules has continued to improve since 23 years.

HSBC Research recently said that the recent sharp drop in polysilicon prices has exceeded this forecast, and with the exception of GCL Technology, all first-tier producers are in a state of loss. Meanwhile, second-tier manufacturers have begun factory overhauls, and the current low prices may continue until supply is cut even more drastically. Guoxin Securities Hong Kong previously stated that it is expected that the cost advantages brought by granular silicon in terms of electricity consumption etc. will enable the company to show good profitability during the low period of the industry.

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