
Ericsson Spotlights Mission-critical Solutions at CCW 2024 Event in Dubai

Ericsson Spotlights Mission-critical Solutions at CCW 2024 Event in Dubai

愛立信在迪拜 CCW 2024 活動上聚焦關鍵任務解決方案
愛立信 ·  05/08 12:00

This year, Ericsson will put on display on the exhibition floor at the Dubai World Trade Centre its latest mission-critical network solutions that will not only modernize communication in power grid networks and increase cyber-security but also speed up deployable 5G networks for use during natural disasters. Solutions from Cradlepoint, part of Ericsson, demonstrate how cellular routers and edge devices, managed through NetCloud Manager, enable fast and always-on access to critical applications and data to critical responders whether in a vehicle, station or the field.

今年,愛立信將在迪拜世界貿易中心的展廳展出其最新的關鍵任務網絡解決方案,這些解決方案不僅將實現電網網絡通信的現代化並提高網絡安全,還可以加快在自然災害期間使用的可部署的5G網絡。愛立信旗下的Cradlepoint的解決方案演示瞭如何通過NetCloud Manager管理的蜂窩路由器和邊緣設備使關鍵響應者無論身在車輛、站點還是現場,都能快速、始終在線地訪問關鍵應用程序和數據。

Critical Communications World (CCW) is the leading global event for the mission-critical communications industry, representing sectors such as public safety, utilities, rail, and defense.


"As our world grapples with unprecedented challenges on various fronts, both natural and man-made, mission-critical communications become paramount," says Magnus Packendorff, Head of Mission Critical at Ericsson. "Adoption of 3GPP 4G/5G standards are creating new opportunities to bring powerful modern technologies to mission-critical users, such as fire and police departments, emergency medical services, or essential utility companies. A connection has become the lifeline for securing society, and Ericsson has over decades been at the forefront of developing these lifelines."

愛立信關鍵任務負責人馬格努斯·帕肯多夫說:“當我們的世界在自然和人爲的各個方面努力應對前所未有的挑戰時,關鍵任務通信變得至關重要。”“3GPP 4G/5G標準的採用爲關鍵任務用戶(例如消防和警察部門、緊急醫療服務或基本公用事業公司)帶來了新的機會。連接已成爲確保社會安全的生命線,幾十年來,愛立信一直站在發展這些生命線的最前沿。”

Packendorff adds: "As a trusted partner and technology leader, Ericsson will share the vision, insights, and experiences from collaborations with customers worldwide to support the evolution towards next-generation mission-critical networks that deliver connectivity when and where it's most needed."


Some of the featured solutions at the Ericsson booth illustrate next-generation mission-critical services such as Smart Grid Monitoring, which shows how low-latency 5G can reduce the threat of wildfires caused by downed power lines. Another demo is Digital Airspace for mission-critical purposes, showcasing Ericsson's capabilities to ensure optimal air-ground-air connectivity for public safety rescue operations or critical infrastructure inspections.

愛立信展位上的一些特色解決方案說明了下一代任務關鍵型服務,例如智能電網監控,它展示了低延遲 5G 如何減少電力線中斷造成的野火威脅。另一個演示是用於關鍵任務目的的數字空域,展示了愛立信確保公共安全救援行動或關鍵基礎設施檢查的最佳空中空中連接的能力。

Managing the transition to critical broadband and next-generation 4G and 5G is demonstrated by the smart ambulance use case in which 5G standalone and network slicing are used for better emergency medical service. Ericsson Security Manager, an automated solution for security management, shows the full potential of Ericsson's cybersecurity solutions.

管理向關鍵寬帶和下一代4G和5G的過渡體現在以下方面 智能救護車用例 其中使用 5G 獨立模式和網絡切片來提供更好的緊急醫療服務。愛立信安全管理器是一種用於安全管理的自動化解決方案,它展示了愛立信網絡安全解決方案的全部潛力。

Ericsson experts Pedro Tercero Lozano, Sanne Stijve, Patricia Campos Millos, Ghada El Nikheli, Zeineb Makni and others will deliver presentations and participate in panel discussions, covering topics such as reliability and security in mission-critical networks and 5G non-terrestrial networks (NTN).


Visit the Ericsson booth B20 at Critical Communications World 2024, in the Sheikh Rashid Hall, to see how Ericsson solutions offer reliable, high-speed connectivity where it is needed most.


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