
港股异动 | 南方锰业(01091)再涨超30% 近半个月股价实现翻倍 South32事件持续发酵

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Southern Manganese (01091) rose more than 30%, and the stock price doubled in nearly half a month, and the South32 incident continued to ferment

Zhitong Finance ·  May 8 11:12

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Southern Manganese (01091) has increased by more than 30%, doubling its stock price in nearly half a month. As of press release, it rose 28.09% to HK$0.57, with a turnover of HK$13.245,500.

According to the news, Australia's South32 revealed in its newly released first-quarter report that due to infrastructure damage, it is expected that its terminal operations and export sales will be suspended until the first quarter of 2025. This event is expected to have a significant impact on global manganese ore supply, reducing supply by about 2,415,000 tons, accounting for 11.3% of global manganese ore production. As a result of this news, domestic manganese silicon futures rose sharply, and the main manganese silicon contract hit a new high since June 20, 2022.

According to reports, Nanfang Manganese is a large-scale enterprise group for the production and development of manganese products integrating mining, selection, and metallurgy. It is headquartered in Nanning, Guangxi. It is an important global supplier of manganese products, and is the main unit for drafting and approving quality standards for eight countries and industries of manganese products, including the electrolytic metal manganese. Main products include electrolytic manganese, electrolytic manganese dioxide, manganese sulfate, and nickel cobalt lithium manganate ternary materials.

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