
NioBay Confirms Phosphate in Historic Vior Drill Holes on Foothills Property

NioBay Confirms Phosphate in Historic Vior Drill Holes on Foothills Property

NioBay 證實 Foothills 地產歷史上的 Vior 鑽孔中有磷酸鹽
GlobeNewswire ·  05/07 19:00

MONTREAL, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NioBay Metals Inc. ("NioBay" or the "Company") (TSX-V: NBY) (OTCQB: NBYCF) is proud to announce that, following re-sampling of historic Vior drill holes from the Foothills Project, assay results confirm the presence of phosphate in addition to the titanium already demonstrated in previous campaigns. The Foothills Project is located north of St. Urbain, 100 km north of Québec City and 90 km south of Saguenay (La Baie area), Québec. This Project covers an area of approximately 285 km2 and is comprised of 5 separate claims blocks. It covers most of the contact of the intrusive zone known as the St. Urbain anorthosite.

蒙特利爾,2024年5月7日(環球新聞專線)——NioBay Metals Inc.(“NioBay” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NBYCF)(OTCQB:NBYCF)自豪地宣佈,在對山麓項目歷史性的Vior鑽孔進行重新採樣後,化驗結果證實,除了先前活動中已經證明的鈦外,還存在磷酸鹽。山麓項目位於聖厄爾班以北,魁北克市以北 100 千米,魁北克薩格奈(拉拜地區)以南 90 公里處。該項目佔地面積約285公里2 並由5個獨立的索賠區塊組成。它涵蓋了被稱爲聖烏爾班正射巖的侵入區的大部分接觸。

Vior historical results (press release of May 20, 2020)

Vior 歷史業績(2020 年 5 月 20 日新聞稿)

Table 1: Composites of intercepted mineralization

表 1:截留礦化的複合材料

Hole From (m) To (m) Length (m) TiO2 (%)
FH-20-01 4 m. 21.35 m. 17.85 m. 39.47%
FH-20-01 56.2 m. 61 m. 4.80 m. 39.47%
FH-20-02 3 m. 30.8 m. 27.80 m. 38.82%
FH-20-04 40.9 m. 56.55 m. 15.65 m. 40.92%
FH-20-05 115 m. 127.85 m. 10.85 m. 40.65%
FH-20-07 34.65 m. 84.15 m. 49.50 m. 30.98%
FH-20-08 32.9 m. 49.60 m. 16.70 m. 31.46%
FH-20-08 64.75 m. 69.05 m. 4.30 m. 35.80%
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) TiO2 (%)
FH-20-01 4 米 21.35 米 17.85 米 39.47%
FH-20-01 56.2 米 61 米。 4.80 米 39.47%
FH-20-02 3 米 30.8 米 27.80 米 38.82%
FH-20-04 40.9 米 56.55 米 15.65 米 40.92%
FH-20-05 115 毫米 127.85 毫米 10.85 米 40.65%
FH-20-07 34.65 毫米 84.15 毫米 49.50 米 30.98%
FH-20-08 32.9 米 49.60 米。 16.70 米 31.46%
FH-20-08 64.75 米 69.05 米 4.30 米 35.80%

Table 2: Resampling results for holes 07 and 08 by NioBay

表 2:NioBay 對 07 號和 08 號洞的重採樣結果

Hole From(m) To (m) Length (m) Lithology P205 % TiO2 (%)
FH-20-07 84,15 98,00 13,85 Nelsonite 5,27
FH-20-08 79,25 80,30 1,05 Gabro 6,21
FH-20-08 83,90 86,10 2,20 Gabro 5,40
FH-20-08 86,10 87,80 1,70 Massive Ilmenite 38,4
FH-20-08 87,80 88,50 0,70 Gabro 4,86
FH-20-08 91,90 92,40 0,50 Massive ilmenite 8,11
FH-20-08 93,85 94,60 0,75 Gabro 6,47
FH-20-08 94,60 95,40 0,80 Semi-massive ilmenite 7,24
FH-20-08 96,95 98,05 1,10 Gabro 5,72
FH-20-08 99,75 101,05 1,30 Gabro 5,16
從 (m) 到 (m) 長度 (m) 巖性學 P205 % TiO2 (%)
FH-20-07 84,15 98,00 13,85 Nelsonite 5,27
FH-20-08 79,25 80,30 1,05 加布羅 6,21
FH-20-08 83,90 86,10 2,20 加布羅 5,40
FH-20-08 86,10 87,80 1,70 巨型鈦鐵礦 38,4
FH-20-08 87,80 88,50 0,70 加布羅 4,86
FH-20-08 91,90 92,40 0,50 巨型鈦鐵礦 8,11
FH-20-08 93,85 94,60 0,75 加布羅 6,47
FH-20-08 94,60 95,40 0,80 半塊狀鈦鐵礦 7,24
FH-20-08 96,95 98,05 1,10 加布羅 5,72
FH-20-08 99,75 101,05 1,30 加布羅 5,16

A word from the CEO, Jean-Sebastien David

"We are pleased to announce that the Foothills Project not only returned excellent TiO2 results, but also confirmed the presence of phosphate in secondary minerals. This bodes well for the field campaign that commenced on May 6, 2024. We have also recently learned that Ottawa has authorized the Canadian aerospace industry to purchase Russian titanium. Specifically, Bombardier and Airbus have been granted an exemption from Canada's ban on Russian titanium. This situation only encourages our efforts to find new local sources of supply," concluded Mr. David.

“我們很高興地宣佈,Foothills項目不僅回報了出色的TiO2 結果,但也證實了次生礦物中存在磷酸鹽。這對於2024年5月6日開始的實地考察來說是個好兆頭。我們最近還獲悉,渥太華已授權加拿大航空航天業購買俄羅斯鈦。具體而言,龐巴迪和空中客車公司已獲准豁免加拿大對俄羅斯鈦的禁令。這種情況只會鼓勵我們努力尋找新的當地供應來源,” 戴維先生總結道。

Qualified Person
This press release has been reviewed and approved by Jean-Sébastien David, P.Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101. Mr. David is President and CEO of NioBay.


About NioBay Metals Inc.
NioBay aims to become a leader in the development of mine(s) with low carbon consumption and responsible water and wildlife management practices while prioritizing the environment, social responsibility, good governance, and the inclusion of all stakeholders. Our top priority, which is critical to our success, is the consent and full participation of the Indigenous communities in whose territories and/or on ancestral lands we operate.

關於NioBay Metals Inc.

In addition to others properties, NioBay holds a 100% interest in the James Bay Niobium Project located 45 km south of Moosonee, in the Moose Cree Traditional Territory of the James Bay Lowlands in Ontario. NioBay also holds a 72.5% interest in the Crevier Niobium and Tantalum project located in Québec and on the Nitassinan territory of the Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation and signed an option agreement to acquire 80% of the Foothills titanium project.


About Niobium
Niobium is a naturally occurring element. It is a metal that is ductile, malleable and highly resistant to corrosion. Because it enhances properties and functionalities, niobium is used in a wide range of materials and applications in the Mobility, Structural and Energy sectors. Niobium transforms materials. When added to materials like steel, glass and aluminum castings, niobium makes them more efficient and lowers environmental impacts, while also delivering other benefits such as better performance, improved safety and increased value.


About Titanium
Titanium (Ti) is as strong as steel, but much less dense. It is therefore important as an alloying agent with many metals, including aluminum, molybdenum and iron. These alloys are mainly used in aircraft and spacecraft because of their low density and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. They are also used in sports equipment, laptops, bicycles and medical prostheses. Recently, this metal has been used in some battery components.


Cautionary Statement
Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under the provisions of Canadian securities laws including statements about the Company's plans. Such statements are necessarily based upon a number of beliefs, assumptions, and opinions of management on the date the statements are made and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change, except as required by law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




NioBay Metals Inc.
Jean-Sebastien David, geo.
President & Chief Executive Officer

NioBay Metals Inc.

Kimberly Darlington
Investor Relations


